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� � F� �a <br /> � � �C� C� [��Q �J �O � � � �C� O� D � o <br /> 3721S-CLOPP6BARTLETTCO.�PFlINTING.LITHOOHAPHING.STATiONERYiQM11�FiR . .. � . ... . . . . . �� . � . . .. ..... .::�. '�-� �.� _��_ ....��. -:.. A� - ..--. <br /> .. . . � . .. : . ' . ... - ::_ ':-._ .�.. .. __ _ -;.._.� -_ <br /> iI.I1'fi• <br /> L��.ted at Gr�nd Isl�.nd Nebr�.sk�, this 2� th d�.y of M�,rch,1920. <br /> �rs Vial�. Detamore <br /> a n 3 <br /> - By H.M. �i nc l�,i r & <br /> � � O.A.Abbott � <br /> her attorney <br /> Fileci for record this 22 ddy of �.rch 1920,at 11 o�cloek �.�d. <br /> -�=�;� U� <br /> Register af Deeds <br /> -o-e-e-e-e-�-c-o-e-o�-e�o-e-e-Q-�-e-e-�-o-a�o-e-e-c-e-e-e-e-o-e-�-o-o-e-e-e-c-o-e-e-c-o-o-e-e-�-e- <br /> EX PART� AFFI�AVI�. <br /> _...�......�,�: - — �- -�� <br /> State of Nebruska, } <br /> ) ss. <br /> Hall County. } plbert L.Beegle,being first duly sworn, on his oath s�.ys th�.t he w�s �ell <br /> and intimately �cqu�.inted with one How�.rd C.�illex,now dece�.sed, l�te of Grdnd Island,Nebr�.ska,for <br /> many years prior to his death,�s.nd with the f�.mily of suid deceased; th�,t s�.id Howwrd C.�iller v��,s, <br /> at the time of his death, the awner of I,ot seven (7� in Block one hundred seventeen (117},Railroad <br /> Addition to Gr�nd Islwnd,Nebraska,,anci affi�nt knows he �r�s the same persc�n whose last will �.nd <br /> testar�ent� signed "H.C.�iller" wus duly pxobated in the County Court of Hall County,I�ebr�.ska,a <br /> certified copy of s�id wil.l and findl decree of settl�ment of his e�tat� being recorded in Book <br /> 1 of Nills dnd D�crees at page 696 of the records of Fiall County �?Tebraska,and affiant knows that <br /> the Flora MillPr n�:►aned in ��id �vill as the wife of s�.id Ho�r�rd C.Miller is the s�,me person named <br /> �s pFlor�nce E.�iller" in the decree of fan�l settlement of s�.id est�te, that she w�,s the �vife of <br /> deceused,�nd thwt she is the s��e person who, in the n�.rrie of "Florence E.�iller" is gr�ntee from <br /> the other heirs �.nd devisees of s�.id dece4sed in a certuin deed conveyin� their interests in suid <br /> above described pre��i aes�which deed is recorded in Book 54 of Deeds ut page 207 of the records of <br /> H�,11 C ounty��Jeb rwska;�.nd that the Ralph I.I�i l le r r.�,med �s one of the dev isees in sai d wi 11 �.nd <br /> decree is the same �ers�n n�.med as "Ralph Isauc �Iiller".who conveyed his interest in s�.id gremi�es <br /> to said Florence E.�Giller by said deed recorded in Book 54 at page 207 of suid records, the s�.id <br /> deed being si�ned "Ralph: .i.�iller" �.nd erroneously recorded ws "R�lph T.�diller";�.nd that �.ffiant <br /> knows that the Cu,rl Miller n�raed as one of the devisees in the will and decree of s�.id dece�sed <br /> is the s�.me person who, ir. the n�.me of "How�.rd C.�iller� conveyed his interest in s�.id prernises <br /> to the s�.id Florer.ce i. �iller in the �bove described deed;und th�.t the gr�.ntors in said �.bove <br />� described deed were the only children,heirs �.t law,�.nd the devisees �.nd legatees described ir.+ s�.id <br /> wiil of s�id dece�.sed,�.nd in the decree of settlement cf his estate,notwithst�ndin� the d�fference <br /> in the n�.mes �s wppewrir.g in sdid will und in s�id deed wbove de�cribed �.nd set foxth. <br /> Albert L.Fee�le <br /> �_..,.� <br />� Subscribed �.nd sworn to b�fore me on this 22nd d�y of �Iarch�A. D. 1920• <br /> (��;L� Arthur L.�'oseph � <br /> I3ot�.ry Public. <br /> B�y commis�ion expires Sept 17� 1921 <br /> Filed for record this 22 d�.y of 2darch 1920� dt i: 3.5 o�cicek P.Id. . <br /> ...._������ � � <br /> Register of Deeds� <br /> -�-o-e-�-o-�o-e-o-o-a-�-o-o-�-o-o-�-•-e-o-o-o-a-Q-e-�-e�-o-o-o-a-a-o-o-e-a-o-o-o-�-a-e-e-a-o-o-o-e�o- <br /> t <br />