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' ���� <br /> 60�,� ; <br /> �ID �C� �[��Q�] �OC� � G3 �C� O � D �J � . . � <br />__- - --- _ _ __ = - __- --- -_ _ -_ - -- <br />_ - -- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ <br /> G,_T ._ . _��}�_CLOAP38ARTLETTGO..PHINTING,LITH06HAPHINfy.STNTIONERYjOM11HA . . . .. . . . � _.-, _ .__-_ _____.__�__ , <br /> AFFIDA�TIT OF II�FIG7IFICATION � <br /> St�tP' of Nebraska. � <br /> ��s• <br /> Hall County� j k�a�gie Henningsmeyer,bein� first duly sworn,upon deposes and says <br /> she is �ell wnd persor.�clly �.equainted with Car_rie Cole to whom Clarence W. Cole conveyed the foll� <br /> owing described l�.nds in Hall County��ebraskd, to-�rit- �ot 8 block 10 Gilbertt s adciition to Grand <br /> Isla.nd Nebr�sk�., by Quit Claim Deed�dated Au�u�t 17,1916,wnd recorded in book 49 of deeds on page <br /> the Recorders off'ice of Hdll County�and with C�.rrie �. Cole Who's estwte ��.a administered <br /> in Ha.11 County Nebrr�sk�. in Probate records 26 �.t pwge 2�32 settleing the est�.te as to lot 8 block <br /> 10 Gilberts ' �ddition �.$ . above st�ted. by Probate _proceedin�s dated gug 18 1917,�nd affi�nt posit- <br /> ively knows tha,t the s�.id Cdrxie Cole �.nd Carrie �.Cole �.re one �nd the saxne Ferson,notwithstr�nd- <br /> in� the discrep�.ncy in n�es. , <br /> M��ie H�nn ;_„ sm.e e r� <br /> SubscPi�ed and s�orn to before me this 20 day of �.rch, ].920 <br /> (SEAy) S.C.Hus t on <br /> _.._____ <br /> Notdry Public.� <br /> �y ccm.missfon expires July 25 1924. : <br /> Filed for record this 20 day of �ta.rch 192�,at 4 0�clock P.�'I. ��-����� . <br /> Register of Deeds <br /> -o-Q-�-e-o-o-a-c�-o-e-o-e-e-�-�-o-o-o-o-�c-e-e-a-o-e-e-o-�-e-e-o-o-o-o-�-e-C-o-�-e-�-c-o-o-e-e-e-c�c <br /> AFFIDA�:rIT OF IDFNTIFICATION <br /> 5tdte of Nebraska, � <br /> ) ss. ; <br /> Hall County, } �g�;ie Henningsmeyer,bein� first duly sworn,upon odth depose� and says <br /> she is the p�,rty to v�hom Cl�rence i�.Cole � �. wicio�rer} conveyed the following described l�.nds in <br /> Hc.11 Cvunty�,�7ebrask�., to-wit: Lot 8 ti.�lock 10 Gilberts additi on to Grand Isiand, Nebraska. by Quit <br /> Cl�iYn Deed,ci�.ted July 26 1917 and recorded in book 54 of deeds on page 209, in the Register of <br /> deeds office of H�11 County,�,nd with I�ag�;ie Hennin�smyre who received fins�l c�ecree Recorded in <br /> Prob�te records 26 at page 282,Conveying lot 8 block 10 of Gilberts addition .to Gr�.nd Island <br /> Nebrwaka,by Fin�.l Decree deed, dated Au� 18 1917,und uffi�.nt gositively knows tha,t the said <br /> �,.ggie Hennin�smeyer �.rd �liag�ie Henningsmyre are one wnd the s�e person,notc�ithetu�rdir� the dis+ <br /> crep�ncy in nwmes. <br /> Mt��.ie Henn�n�,smeyer <br /> Subscribed and sworn to before �e this 2G d�.y of �rcYi, 1920 <br /> (�;�) S.C.Hus ton <br /> , o t�r pu� c�`��°' <br /> &�y commission ex�ires July 25 1924. <br /> Filed for record this 20�� day of BJ�,.rch 1920,tct 4 o'clock P.�. <br /> C�"-�,� � <br /> Re�ister of DeeBs���. <br /> -o-o-�--�-Q-e-o-e-e-�-�-e-�-e--o-e-e-e-�-e-o-e-o-c-�-o-c-c-o-�-e-�-e-e-e-e-o�e-o-e-o-�-a-o-Q-o-�-o� <br /> T <br /> I,TS P�+'Pv�F,'R1S• <br /> IN THF DISTRICT C01?RT OF BUF�'ALO COL?NTY,NEBRASKA. <br /> V1olu Det�rnore,Plaintiff� � <br /> } <br /> vs. . ) C�.se 2dv. <br /> ) 2�otice �f I,is Pen�ens. <br /> F Ar_drew Deta�more.Defend�nt. } <br /> TO VnHOM IT �fI�Y CONC�RN; <br /> Notice is hereby given that on the 20th day of �,rch,].920,an aetion wds commenced in the Dis- <br /> trict Court of Buffwlo County,Nebr4ska wherein Viala Detu.more is pl�intiff �.nd Andrew Det�ore is <br /> defenda.nt �.1legin� th�.t defend�nt �ndrew Det�,more is the equitable owner of I,ot 10 in Block 22 <br /> in Russell t�heelEr's Addition to Grand Islund in H�11 County,Nebr�ska known as 6�4 VPsst IOth st <br /> Gr�nd Is1�nd,Nebruska, by virtu� : of �,n unrecorded contract for the purchase of s�;»me; that �laintiff <br /> �is �nd claims �. homestead interest therein and in s�.id suit she prays th�t hen c�meetead and dow- <br /> er interest in said lot be confi_rrried �;.nd tha,t she mdy hix,ve �. lien on s�.id lot to secure �.ny ali- <br /> r�or_y maintPn�snce ��r�.rded to her in her s�,id suit for divorce from bed �nd board from suid defend- ' <br /> ;� <br />