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� 6 C�� <br /> � � �� � [��C,1 �1 �0 � � �� �' O� D � o - <br /> _ _ ._ __ -- _ ____ ---— --_-- -__ _-------_____� <br /> _ __ --- - -___ __ _ _ <br /> _3�Z19-CtOPP6BAHTLET4CO..PRINTING,L�THOOFAPHING.STATIONESiV;OMpHR ._ � <br /> AFF�.T.m.:.-,-- <br /> State of Nebr�.ska, } - <br /> } ss. <br /> Hall County. ) �'.A.Ferguson�bein�, first duly sworn on his oath deposes dnd says tha�t he is <br /> the A�sistant-Secret4ry of The E�uit�,ble Buildir� dnd Loan Association of Gr�nd Isl�nd,T�ebr�.ska, <br /> und as such has charge of its records and files• <br /> Affiant further states that he ha.s inspected the abstr�.et of title to I,ot 'Three (3} in Block <br /> Une (1} in Rusael �'heeler' a Addition to Grand Isl�nd, in F�11 County��Tebrwska,and has noted that in <br /> the warrant deed conveyin� said prerraises,which is recorded in Book 47 at page 175 , of the deed re- <br /> cords of Hull Count�=,Nebrwsk�., i.t is recited th�t s�id premises were free from incumbrance save �.nd <br /> exeept d mortgwge of �1250, in favor of The Equit�.ble Building �.nd Loan Associ�,tion of Gr�nd Isl�.nd, <br /> Nebraskr�,dnd that the sume recitation is m�de in the warrant deed conveying sdid premises �hich i� <br /> recorded in Book 47 �.t �age 552 of the deed records of Hall County�,Nebr�ska.Affiant further st�.tes <br /> tY�,t said reeitition in said deed w�.s �.n e�ror of the person ,preparing the s�me; th�.t The �quitable <br /> Buildin� u.nd Lo�.n Asgociation of Gr�nd Island,Nebr�i.ska,never he2d a �1250 mortg�ge against s�zid <br /> premises,�ut dic� �iols� a .��'12�0 mort��ge against s�id �remises,whi.�h �rws recorcied �n Book 36 of <br /> �dort�;ages at pa�e 11 of the �dortg�.ge Rec ords of Hall County�ldebr�ska. <br /> �T.A.FP r�us oM <br /> Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before rne tnis 16 th d�.y g#' Rd�a.rch� 1920. <br /> (��,y� 8. :�.Horth <br /> Not�.ry Public. <br /> B�y cnmmission expires fb�.rch 29, 1923• • <br /> �iled for record t:�ia 20 ddy of Pd�,.rch 1920,dt 9;45 o�clock A.Bd. <br /> ������ � <br /> Re�ister of Deed$ <br /> -O-�J-J-0-0-J-�J-0-0-4-�J-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-J-J-0-0-�J-�J-J-fl-O-fl-J-fl-O-�J-(7-0-fl-0-0-0-0-{?-0-0-fl-0-0-fl-0-fl-fl <br /> AFFIDAVIT. <br /> State of Nebr�::sk�:� <br /> }�s. <br /> Cour�ty of H�11 � B. J. Cunningha.m being first �iuly sworn upon his oath deposes a.nd s�.y�s that he <br /> is Fer�c�nall� �.cq��;.inted tivith �iugh �.W�.tson,gr�ntee in a certain Warrwnty Deed, recorded in Book 53 , <br /> dt p�.�e ,3�5 .c�nveyin� �. part of the Southe�.st Quarter of Section 22 in Tov�nship 12,North,Range ll, <br /> WPst in H�11 County,Ngbr�sk�.,which deed is da.ted FeUru4ry 29th, 1916. <br /> TYui.t affi�.nt is wlso person�lly acquainted v�ith Hugh �atson,leg4tee in the �Pill of Levi 0.'��.tson, <br /> deceased.A copy of wnich �Uill and the decree rendered in the County Court of Hall County,Nebrwska, <br /> is recorded in Book 2 of i�lill �.nd Decrees at pa,ge 293 at the office of the Register of Deeds in Hall <br /> C ounty,Neb ras k�.. <br /> Affiant further st�.tes th�t the Said Hu�;h liP.�Patson �.nd the said �iugh Watson are one wnd the same <br /> peraon not withst�.nding the discrepancy in the initi�.ls in s�.id names.An� further �,ffiant sa.y�th not. <br /> B. J. Cunnin�ham <br /> Subscribed in my �resence und �worn t�� bef�rP me this 18th d�.y ?�dreh�A.D. .1920. <br /> (^�liL) F.E. Slusser <br /> Not�.ry Public. <br /> �y commission ex�ires July 18-1�323 <br /> Filed f or rec oxd tnis 20 dwy of R�.rch 1920,dt 10 0'c lock A.�. <br /> ����� � <br /> Re�ister �ot Deeds <br /> -0-0-0-�J-J-J-J-�-0-0-J-0-0-0-0-0-0-fl-fl-J-J-�J-�-O-J-fl-0-t�-0-(7-�J-0-fl-0-fl-0-t3-fl-0-U-0-fl-fl-0-�J-O-0-0-�J- <br />