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�, 60�� <br /> � � �C� C� �f�G,l �] �0 � � [� �C� O� D �J � <br /> _ _ .__ _ _ -_ <br /> _ _ =_. _-: - ._ ____` <br /> .3�Z7S—CLOAP 6 BAFTLETT CO..PRI NTI N6.lITH06 R11PH 7NG,8TAT10 N ERY;OMpHd � <br /> AFFTP.kVI'r. <br /> State of Nebra.s�u <br /> 9N. <br /> �:cu,?� �'0��ri't3/ <br /> `>:�r�iu�l C.i�ust�n bP-; n�� , du�y s���rorn dPl?oses & s�ys, Th�.t the President rf <br /> the Gr�nd Islund �3�,nkin�, Co ;v4s �. nonre�ident of Hall Count;� Nebr:�sk�.,and w�.� �nly hPre at st�.ted <br /> geriods to uttend ��,eciw:l :r.e�tin�„& w�s ��sen* �t the time one ce_rtain deed w�,s executed b;.T the <br /> Gr�.nd Isl�nd 13wnking Co ta Ch4rlPs H.Wood, d�.ted �?une 17 1£��7 & re�cr�ed ir. book �2,1,,�e ° of the <br /> in block 12 <br /> H�.11 Ccunt;.� �`�ebr�.��w,:�.?��i reccx3s, c�;�vz�;�ir_g ?ots 6, 7��, �.3 �C lO�Packer �C I�arr's a.ddition to Gr�.nd <br /> Island 3�ebr�.s�a, <br /> S�e1,C.Huston <br /> Subscribed & sv�orn to bef�.re rue tr.�s 17t1z dwy vf ?dwrch 1U20.. <br /> (�'EAL) _ J•E.Di 11 <br /> Notary Publio. � - <br /> rJ:S� cornrnissior_ e���ires 3?u�i�.� �.3" 1`3?5 <br /> File:i for rec�r�3 this 18 d�y of i.2�,xch i920� at 11:45 o' clock A.�,�. _ /� <br /> � ��.�� <br /> Re�;ister of �eeds <br /> -0-0-�J-0-0_�-n�n_p_r_0-0-0-0-J-�J-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-G_r_�_�-r�_0-r�-�_0-0-0-U-0-0-0-G-0-0-0-0-0-G-G-0-fl-0- <br /> P0�'FR 0:� ATTOR����;Y � <br /> KNO� tiLZ T�zF1d BY THF'�F ?��'iiE NT i�: <br /> Th�.t I �.Lucile Ele�,ncr u�:�nt`Sin�le, of the Town �f Scottsoluff, in t'r,e Ccunty ef Scottsbluff,�.nd <br /> at�,te of Nebrusk�, her�b5-� r.2�.ye, c�onatituta �.nd uY�.�oint ��. H.Grunt� of the Tcvrn of Scottsbluff� in the <br />� County of Sco�ts'r�luff,�.nd St�.te of Nebr�,sk�,, true� s�afficient dr.d lawful �,ttorney fcr me un�l in my <br /> z�.rne,�l�.ce and �te�.d+ to �;r��nt, �d.��,in,sell �rd �or�Te� tnA fol�o�vin� i iPcQ or ;�arcPl of i�,nd sit- <br /> u�.tAd in Gr�.nd I�l:�nd in H�,11 Cou.nty,St�,te of T�e'or�.�ka, totivit:Lot nurr,bPred three (3) in blcck <br />'G <br />' nu.m�ered ei�;ht C� ) �f C�ilbert' s �daition to the City of Gr�.nd Isl�.nd,Nebr�.�k�.,as sur�eyed,plattad <br /> o,nd recorded. �r uny �,�.xt the�€�of,for �uch price and c�n such terms �.s to him sha11 seem meet dn�i for <br /> , <br />�� me �.nd in m r.urne to rr,wke Pxecute acknowled �e wnd deliver <br /> y , , _ , � �;ood �,nd su2ficient dePds and convAyances <br /> for �h? s�.me,ei�her -�>ith or taitholrt cover��nts �.nd w�rr�.nty,�iving �.nd �r�.r?tin� t�nto H. H.Gr�.nt said <br /> ��� �t <br /> dttoxne}� full powerntc d�� �:Bnd ge_rfortu u1.1 �tir� A�rery�� uc� �:.r.� thing wh�.tsoever re�uisite and ne,�es�ary <br /> �o be done in �.nd wbr�ut the 7�rernises,�.s fully to �11 the intents �,nd pus�oses �,s I rr,ight or cozald <br /> do if pArson�.11y ,�resent, :vith ftzll 1�ov�er of st�bstitution �nd revocation,her�b� r�tif��in�; �nd con- <br /> � <br />� firrr�ir�g �.11 t:n�:t my s�.id �.ttorx�ey �x 'riis substitute shwll :iav:�fu�ly do or c�.u:�e t.o ne done py virtue <br /> i <br />' thereof. . <br /> IN �'�ITiv�'.fi�" �K'I�R�'0�, I nwve :~r�reunto set my nund �,nd sewi thP 17t1: du,y of Murch 1920. <br /> i <br /> Seuleci �znd De�1�T°1't'd in Pre�ence of <br /> A. �T. Shumw� --------------�-�--- Lucil� Ele�inor Grunt <br /> __.�af,�,._.�.._.__�,.�. (;�. wb I. ?�. S t�;.r�2p s } <br /> (Cwnce 11eciT_.__�__� <br /> St�te of 33ebr�sk�. ) <br /> ) �:�. <br /> cccttsbluff Gounty } Jn this 17th d�.�r of M�rch A.A. 19?U before me, the un�ersigned.,,� tTotwry <br /> ?ublie dul;� co�°!mis;�ror�ed �nc� c�u�li.fiQd for wnd rPSid�r,� in s�,id cour.*,� �pers�3n�l1y �,N�3e�,red Lucjie <br /> �,leu.nox Grunt,sin�le, to zr,e �vell known to be the ider.ti�µl pers�n �rho suoscribed swid r�ower of <br /> �ttorney �s j�rinci�.��lj�.nd wcknovrled�ed t'�e s�,id instrurr.ent to bA her fre� :zn.d voluntdzy act. <br /> In Ts�timontir �"6'hereof, I hwve her�unto set my hu.n� �,nd Notwri�i.l sewl �.t Scot±sbluff in s�.id County, <br /> �he d�,�� wnd yeur last d�ozTA -.�ri+±pn. <br /> (nE�'iL) A.J. �hus:�wa._y <br /> �ot�;.r�T �ublic. <br /> �viy ccr�rrission e:�;;ires Sept. 2,�.921. <br /> r'iled for r?card t:�is �8 dwy of ryl�.rci1 i9��0, wt � o' clock P.�d. <br /> ������ ����� <br /> Re�ister of Deed� <br /> -0-0-0-0-0-0-U-C-C�-O-C-J-G-G-0-G-0-G-G-G-O-ti-G-O_r_r-O-Ci-0-G-0-U-C--0-0-G-Q�G-U-G-G-G-0-0-0-0-G-C-t7 <br />