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L����.�� I� <br />� '� 6 Q 3 � <br /> �1 � �C� G� [�L�Q�I 0 � � � �C� O�D � � � . ' <br /> __ __ -- _. -- <br /> _ _:_ -- -- --- _- <br /> . .._ �/+Q SLOPPI[BARTIETTqO.�PR�NTINGa�ITHQGRAPHINGiSTATIQNEAY:OMqHA . _ . . .._ <br /> �, Notr�.ry Public,duiy commissioned �.nd qualifi�d for und residin� in ��.id county.persono.11y c�me <br /> W.I.•�4eed �.nd his wife Floy I�.y Reed to me knov�n to be the identical persons �vhosP na.mes dre <br /> �.ffi�cad to tne foxe�oin� inatrurr,ent as gr4nto ,and �,eknowled�ed the sume to be their voluntary <br /> rr.e t and deed. - <br /> Witness my hand and Not�rial Seal the duy nd ye�r last a.bove written. <br /> (51;AL} Peter Jensen <br /> Not�ry� Publia. . <br /> My commission �xpiree the 8" d�y of 2�.rch 192 <br /> Filed fox record this 11 drzy of 3d�.rch 1920.dt 10 o'clock A.�. <br /> � �y� ��/-��' <br /> � <br /> � � <br /> � Ra�ister of Deeda <br /> -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-4-0-U-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-G-O-0-O-U-0-fl-0-0-fl-0-0-0-0-G-0-0-U-0-0-0-0-0-0-� <br /> j�lr"InAV �.�F;1T ,��%��Ul� � <br /> St�.te of 21ebr�ska. ) <br /> ( ss. <br /> iiall:County. ) R�lph R.H�.n�a,bezng f rst duly sworn on his oath �eposes and s�ys that ha; <br /> is d resident of Grdnd Is1�.nd.Ha11 County,Neb ask�.; ; th�;.t 31e is well and personally �.�cquainted with <br /> 3���ie I�ong,�vho rv�.s one of the heirs �.t ldw o�' �anda �i�,nn�. in the Final Deeree recorded in Book <br /> 1 �t Page 513,�.nd with Coru. I�d�,y �ianna who �,1� �,vas one of the heirs at 1«.w of Amanda Hanna in the <br /> �inal Decxee recor�a�d in Book 1 r�t Page 513.d so �vith �g�;ie I,.Lon� who x�s one of the gr�.ntors <br /> in the 1�arrdnty Deed recorded in Book 49 at � e 74 of the Deed Records of Ha.11 County,Nebruska, <br /> wnd �vith Cor� ��.Hdnna, one of the �;r�.ntors in he �wrrdnty Deed recorded in �3ook 49 at P�ige 74 of <br /> �he Deed �ecord$ of �iall County,Nebrwska,and �tha.t the said Mag�ie L.I,on� is the same identical <br /> persnn designdted in sdid Z'in�l Decree record d in �ook 1 dt Page 523 as "��ie Zon�"; that the <br /> � sa,id Cora ��i.l�anna is the s�.rr�e idpntic�,l perso design�,ted in the said Final Decree recorded in <br /> Book l �t �a,ge 513 of �9i11s wnd Decrees as " ora R�y Hanna. " <br /> i <br /> �nd further affiant suith not. . ' <br /> Ralph R.Hann� ,,," <br /> Subscribed in my presence and sworn t� be ore me this 13th d�.y of 1V�.rch,1920• <br /> (�kL) �..G.Kro�er <br /> T�ot�ry Public. <br /> F uu 1925 ! <br /> �� c�xnmission ex iree ebr 26 <br /> Y <br /> I� rY . <br /> riled for record thie �,3 day of �T�.rc�z 1920,�+. 11: 3G o'clock 1�.M. <br /> ������ ��� <br /> Register of Deec���! <br /> -0-0-0-G-U-4-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 U-U-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-G-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- <br /> p0�!'ER OF ATTOR?�Y.. � <br /> ._...� _ _.�._.,_ _.__ _.__. <br /> � Kl'dQm AZI, r. �N �3Y Ti r,SE PRF�`N?S: <br /> Th�t I,�uur�are t-A.Sldter,formerly of Hall ounty ,Plebraska,no�v of 2�.rin County�C�.lifarnia�do make, <br /> constitute and a�Foint I�u.ry 1�.S1atAr, �f H�.11 ounty,Nebruskr�,mny true and lw�ful attorney,for me ar�d <br /> in my name,place �.r�d stead, to lease, �r �r�nt, bargain�sell �.nd convey,for such rent, ox Frices,and <br /> on such terms as she sh�;.11 deem ��roper,wnd in my n�ne to m�dke,execute �.nd deliver such Zeases and <br /> Deeds of conveya.nce �s may be necessary in th premises,fcr �11 �.nd any real est�,te ownsd by me, ; <br /> or �rhich x rr�.y ov�n durin� the terrn of this in trument,in the State of Nebr�.ska, which term sh�ll ' <br /> end when this instruir:ent sh�tll be revoked. <br /> And �.lso, to sell,a.ssign and release wny mo tg�es th�t I may own, or here�fter acquire during <br /> said term,covering re�.l es�a.te �r pers�nul �;r perty� in the State of Nebrdsk�,,with full power, in <br /> my n�.me to make,�xecute and deliver sucii �.ssi nments �.nd rele�.ses. . <br /> Givin�; �nd gr�,ntin� unto my s�,id Attarney ull wuthority in the premises to do and execute ail <br /> thin�s in �.s �.m�le a manner �.� I might or cou 'd do if pereon�lly present. <br /> HerQby r�a.tifying �.r�d confirn�ing �.11 th�.t m s�.id �ttorney shu.11 ��,wfully do, or c�use to be don� <br /> :n and about the ��res�;ises b� virtue hereof.. <br /> Dr�.ted dt S�.n Fru�ncisco,Ca.liforni�, this 28 h day of �rc�� A.11. 1918. <br />