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�' ,���2 <br /> �i � �� � � �Q � �O �J � � �� O � D � � <br />� _ _ _ ____ __,�__ <br /> I ..���a�7Z1.9—CLOPP6B11RTLETTGO..PRINTING,lITH06HAPH:NG.STRT10NEpY:OMAMA . . .. .� :�...�.� . . ._ �:��:: �"""— � --_ �—�--_�'.�... <br /> AGRFFt��. '�TdT FO�t �f�RRAS7T`?� nFrD <br /> ARTIC:t,�'S 0'� AGRr'�A�,9FP1T���de this 2nd ddy of :�,,xch, in tne �e�r of our I.ord,�ne Thausand Nine Hundred <br /> wnd Tvicenty,between ti9.I,.Rped �.nd his �vifa,Floy A&,.e Reed,party of the first ��rt,�ind L�.vrrence Z�,rsen <br /> party of the seco�r3 p�.rt� <br /> �►IT +c�r�+,�j'�j� �hat the s�.id pa,rty of the first part herebyJ coven�.nt$ and �;rees thr�t if the p�.rty <br /> of �rla second �art sh�il ru�.ke the ��,y*_nent �nd �erform the covenants hereinafter mentioned on his <br /> p�,rt to be made and perfoxr�ed,the said �4rty of the first pa,rt mrill convey �.nd �ssur+� to the party <br /> of the second p�.rt, in fee simple clear of all encur.ibr�.ncea whatsoev+�.r, by good �.nd sufficient <br /> Warr�.nty Deed, the f�1lowing lot,�iece �nd parcel of �round,viz: �he South-:rest Quarter of Section <br /> , <br /> 4,�ownship 12 North,R�,nge 12 Y�est of the 6 th P.M. , in Iiall County,Nebruska. to secure �he p�.yment <br /> of the w3500• 00 dboti-s ref�rred to tvithin five y��.rs from the da,te of this cont�aet v�ith interest <br /> �t 6j�which mert�;a�e si�.11 cont�.in the o,�tion to �?dy �.11 -or dny p�rt of the �3500. 00 �.t any time. <br /> It is a�reed �.nd understood thw� the l�.nd herein described is to be rele�ised from the s�.id mortga�e <br /> of �7735, 00 ��:fare the ex�ir�.tion of five yeurs fro�r. this date. <br />�r <br /> The p�s�ession of said l�nc� is to be �iven to �:arty of second part dt once,�.nd s�id party of <br /> secand part c�rees to ray t�xes on s�.id la,nd for years subsequent to 1919.�.nd to keep 'QUildings <br /> insured fox �. reasanable Ux�ount,�.nd to kee� bui.ldings in 4 rPdsandble st�.te of rsp�ir• <br /> An� th� $ �drty of :t�ie second p4rt hereby� coven�nts �nd agrees to �dy to said party of the - <br /> first part, the sum of FIV,E Ti�OLS�T?D � ���100 Doll�.r�,in the ,�r�nner followin.� ,�500. 00 has �.lre�.dy <br /> been p�id��1000.00 Dollars cash in h�.nd p�.id, the reeeipt whexeof is hereby a.cknowledged,�.nd the <br /> br�l�.nce of �p3�C0. 00 in five years �.t 6jG per unnum from this date until paid,int�rest pa.y�ble <br /> annuwlly,und wn optzon i� given to p�.y a.11 or any part of the said �3500. 00 at �.ny time. <br /> There is �. mortgage for �7735. �0 covexin� or, the above described l�.nd and �ther lands of party <br /> of first part,parties of fir�t part agree to pay off �,nd h�2ci 7�.rmless the party of saennd part <br /> from pa.yment af �.ny part �f s�.id mortg�ge, And it is a,greed th�.t t�hen the s�.id mortgage has been <br /> fully paid off 'ny purties of first pdrt� then tney will at cnce execute wnd deliver to p�.rty of <br /> secand p�rt a �;ood and sufficient w�rr�nty depd,rin� a ��erfect title to the land her�in <br /> described to pu.rty of second part or heirs or �.ssi�n$,�.nd thdt then party of second part sh�,.11 <br /> give r� mortgage buck on swid land to �narties of first part (for continut�ti on of this para�r�.ph see <br /> p�.r�r�.ph follouaing description of 3and.F�ith interest �,t the rate of ---per cent per �nnum p�.y�:ble <br /> wnnually on the :vhale su� re�ainin�; from tirna to time unpa,id,wnd to �ay all taxes,assessments or <br /> imposi�ians th�t m�y be ls�dlly levied or imposed upon s�.id l�nd,subsequent to the year 1919. <br /> And in casa of f�.ilure of the said purty oftl�e secc;nd part to m�ke either of the payments or to <br /> perform �.ny of the coven�.nts on his �art hereby made �.nd entPred into,this contr�.ct ah�►11 dt <br /> the option of the p�.rt� of the first purt,be forfeited wr.d determined �nd the purty W#' the second <br /> p�rt sh�ll forfeit �11 ��.ymente b;.• nim on tnis�.ci �.nd such p�,yments sY�.11 be retained by <br /> the s�.id party of the first part in full s�.tisfaction of ��1 the d�mages by him sust�.ined�ar.d he r <br /> . sha.11 h�ve the right to re-enter und tdke possession of s�id �remises �.foresa�;d. <br /> I� is mutually �reed that ull the covenants �.nd agrpprnents her�in contai.ned sh�.11 extend <br /> to �nd be oblig�.tory upon the heirs�executors,�dministr�.tors �.nd assigns of the respective �drties. <br /> r <br /> IN �tJITNES`' Z"'I�TtF'OF,The p�.r�ies �o these presents h�ve hQreunto set their ha.nds and sedls the <br /> duy �,nd year first dbove written. <br />�° �i�nsd, ;�ealed �,nd �ielivered in presence of <br /> _ _ _ _ VV.�.Reed • L.S. <br /> Fl oy �day Re ed L.S. . <br /> L:�wrence I�xsen I,. S. <br /> �tdtP of Nebrµska j <br /> � ss. <br /> Ho�v�rd County } <br /> On this 2 day of �s.reh A.D. 1�32G before me the undersigned �eter Jensen <br />�_ ._ <br />