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,� ��� <br /> � D �� �L��a� �0 � � ��� O� D � � � <br />_ __�_ __ _ -__ ---_-_--_ <br /> _---- ---_ --=__ --_. <br /> .a�]Z19—CLOPP6 BARTLETTCO�.�'RINTING,LITHOOFAPHING,SYATIONERY;OMAHA - .. . <br /> A�iiY��i i�r�+»• � . <br /> St�te of Nebr�.ska } <br />: ) ss. <br /> County of FiGill � <br /> Err.tria C.�IcKee and J�.mes hdcKee each bein� first duly sworn upon their o�.th, <br /> depose �nd say, th�t they are the owners of the South�vest Quurter of Section Thirty-Three (33} � <br /> Tov�nship Eleven (11),�?an�e Elever� ( 11} ��est of the 6th P.�I. in I�.all County ,2lebr�ska. <br /> Tr.�.t on or about the 27th d�.y of N[�,y, 19G1 they executed � :roxtga.�e to J�rnes T.Lrett on suid <br /> pre��isea, • TY�.at said mortguge inclu�ed the cl�.use "Sub�ect to �, prior morta�.�e fer Fifteer Htzndred <br /> (�1,5�G. GOa ` Dollars to Security Tr�vestment Company I,ircoln Nebr. " � <br /> Affi�.nts further st�.te th�.t said cla,use w�.s inserted by rnistwke, thut the s�.id mort�t�e referred <br /> t� w�.s in f�ct,pay�.ble to the Aetri�. Life Ir�surance Com�;wny��.nd th;�t the s�.id mortgage ha.s been <br /> fully r��.id �.nd swtisfied. <br /> �ff'i�.nts further st�te thut i,he Security investment Co��:�n�� Zincoln,held �. �ortga,ge on the . <br /> above described groperty,out the �sr.ount of the s�e w�.s Ivinety (�90. 00) Doll�.rs,�.nd tha�t said <br /> Investr�er,t Comp�ny never held a nn s4id �ren�ises fcr the sum of Fifteer. Hundred (�1,5QC�) <br /> Dflll�.r�,�nd further �ff'i.�nt suyeth not. <br /> Fammd C.�IcKe e <br /> J�xxne s �dc Ke e <br /> Subscribed in r�y pre�ence �.nd swoxn to before n�.e thig �7 d�y af Februe}ry� A.D.1920. ����� <br /> (��;y} John Thomssen <br /> Nota.ry Public. <br /> �dy Commiss3or expires Sept 27, 1921 <br /> Filed for record this 5 day of 2ul�rch 1920,�.t 11:4Q o' clock A.Tif. ��i��/�j <br /> �.lJ <br /> �.�y.._,_.�_.�_r.��..� <br /> Re�ister �f:��eds � . <br /> -0-0-�-0-C�-�-0-0-�-C--C-G�-O-G-�C-G'-O-Q-Q-�-O--Q-�-0-0-0-Q-C-0-0-0-C�-Q-Q-4-0-�-�-G-0-0-Q-Q-Q-C?-0-Q-0-0 <br /> EX PARTE A�'FS�AVIT. <br /> �.��_�.......-��. .w. <br /> State af Nebrusk�, } � <br /> j ss. <br /> Hall CountS�. ) John Ruhsen,bein� first duly svaorn, on hi� oath swys tnwt he h�.s lived ne�,r <br /> Caixo, in Hdll County,Nebr�.sk�.,for 30 yewrs last past,�.nd for �r��.ny yewrs prior ta his e3e�.th was <br /> well �.nd person�.11y wc�u�.inted with August I�ieth,who took title to the scuth haif nf the scuthe�.�t <br /> c�uartP r dnd the s ou the�.s t quarte r �f the s outhwes t quarte r of Sec ti on 35 ,Township 12,�Torth,R�rige <br /> 12 t�'lest,H�ll County �Nebrw�k�.,by deed frorr� the Unic�n P�cifie Railw�.y Company,dated July 27� 1887, <br /> rec exded in Book 9 of 73eeds at F�e 205 of the rec ords of suid c c�ur.ty,�.nd knows th�t he w�.s the <br /> same person whosP u.��;e�.r� . in th� ch�iin of title to s�id �renlises �.nd in the proceedin�s to <br /> �rob�te hia estwte in the County Court of Hall County ,Nebr�.�ka,a.s kugust Mi6th, 5r. �a,nd �enior. <br /> That affi�.nt mar.ried one of the duu�hters of s�ici Au��ast Mieth�That s�,id Au�;ust �ieth died �.t his <br /> ho�e in Ha11 County �NEbr�.S�Caa, intest�.��� on A�y 21,18�O,u�hile sti11 the ov�ner of �rer�ises. �.nd <br /> left stzrvivin�, him ws his anl�� heirs at l�.w his children �,s follows:Au�ust L.Mieth,Jr. ,Fmma Ru�sen <br /> '�forrnerly �ieth, v�ife of �.ffi�.nt) ,Frederick E.�+fieth,Bertha. �ieth (now fierthr� Veederj and Ida �liieth. <br /> That swid A�a�;ust L.�ieth,.Tx. , is the sarne �erson who, i.n the n�,me of �iu�;ust I�ieth+a.nd the Bi�ICI �3P_rtY1c`1, <br /> Mieth is the s�e ��ers�n who� in the n�,rne of Bertha Veeder.�rere two of the gra.ntors in a ePrtain <br /> deed. dated Jaru�ry �., 1.£391, xecorded in �ook 14 ut 226 of the ree�rds of said county��rherei�n <br /> . s�.id above p rernises �ae re c onve5re� to said Emma Ruhs�n,wi fe of af fi�nt,�.nd th�s.t the g r�.nto rs �,n�I <br /> �rwntee in suid deed included all ef the heirs at lu�v of s�.id �i�a���st Mieth, dece�.sed,his wife . _ <br /> having Freceded hirn in de�th. Th4t a11 deb:ts of the est�te af Au�ust �:ietr�,deceased� were fully <br /> p�id �r settled ut the tin:e �f the settlerrent of his est�.te. <br /> � Ruh$en _ �....�_._._____._. <br /> Subscrir�ed ir :ny �:�resence dnd sworn to before me en this 5 dw3- of �;,rch,A.D,�920. <br /> (SFkL) G.Ii.V�.nt <br /> ot�.ry Pub ic. <br /> My comrr,ission exvires Sep t.6, 1924. <br /> Filed for record'�this 5 d�,y of P�;wrch 1920,�t 1:45 o'clock �.2�. � ��T� � <br /> Yl. <br /> Re��ster of Deeds a <br />