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� 5��' <br /> �l � �C� C�L��a� �0 � � G� �� O� D �1 � <br /> 37ZIS-CLO?P69AflTLETYCO..PHINTING.LITNO6RAPHING,STATIONEAY;OMAHP . . . . � � .. . . . ... � .. � --:-:. "��= - <br /> Affidavit• <br /> Sta�e of Nebr�sk4, � <br /> � <br /> xt�,l]. Ci O UT:'ty'• � <br /> �Id3,ter Dennis Cole, being first duly s�eorn, or� his oa�h s�.ys he is Adminis- - � <br /> trdtor with t�e vnill �.nnexed, of tne e�t�.te of Lucinda V.Cole, deceased� now being prob�t�d in <br /> tne County Court of Ha.11 County, Nebraska, and is a son of s�cid deceased; th�t the said Lucinda <br /> V.Cole, whose l�.st wiZl and test�xnent �x:as duly probated in said County Court of H�11 County, Neb- <br /> raska, on �y i1,1918, wa� the s�,rne person who, in the n�me of Luc3nda Victoria Cole, taok title <br /> to Lot 3, i.n Blrrck 3. Gideon�s Additian to the Village of Doniphan, Nebrask�., by deed from Iren� <br /> Jane Be�le �nd husband, dated August 14, 1916, �.nd recordad in Book 52 at Page 36 of the Records <br /> of Hall County� �3ebrask�.. <br /> V�alter Dennis Cole <br /> Subscribed in my prese�ce �.nd sworn to before me on thi� 2f� day of Feb, 1919 <br /> (SEAL) C.M.Carlson <br /> Comuis�iun expires J�nua�ry 20,1923 Not�iry Public <br /> Filed for record on the 28 day of Janurz.ry 1920 �t 11:3G o'cloak A.A�. <br /> ���������� � <br /> Re�;ister of Dee.ds � ° <br /> -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-c-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- <br /> AGRi±:��;ENT FOR T��: SA7�E OF RF�i?, F�TATE. <br /> This a�ree�x�ent m�.c�e �.nd entered into this 28th d�iy of �TdnuEiry 1920. �ay �.nd between Ftilli utt Burnett <br /> �.nd Dell�. Eurnett nusb�.nd �.nd �rife, parties of the first p�rt dnd Frank E�ster p�.rt3- of the S�cond <br /> part; <br /> Witnesseth� thdt in Consider�.tion of the sum of w2p00 th� �i�.riies of the fir�t p�rt se11 �nd �ree <br /> , <br /> ta convey to the �4rty of the second pdrt �he fo�lov�ing describEd property; <br /> Lot six in 131ock Ten of the �3onnie Br�.e Addition to Grand Ialand, Nebr�.skd together with a.11 ` <br /> tne improvements ther�on �.nd thereto belon�ing for the s�.id sum of :„2000. OG to be p�id �.s foilovds; <br /> �605. �Q c�.sh in �iand rFceipt whereof is hereby �.cknowled�ed. ��`'1395.00 to be paid on or before ��rah <br /> lz�t, 1�20 .upon delivery of w�.rrunty� deed for the �.bove described premises. <br /> It is further ugreed th�.t the pa.rties o: the first part will furni$h pa.rty of the second part a <br /> wa,rranty deed �.nd an �.bstr�ct of title showi.n� �°ood wnd merch�.ntable title to stiid property. will . <br /> pdy all td,xes �.nd other lien$ if �ny against 3�.id property �nd sha,ll be coffiveyed free �nd cle�r <br /> of ull liens wnd encurnbr�nces, und �.ssign insurance on said buildings to p�rty of second p�.rt, <br /> The said deed and a.bstr�.ct sh�.11 be delivered on or before �dd.rch lst 1920 and tne 'o4lance of the <br /> purchase price pdid upon delivery of s�.id deed �.nd u�;�;rov�.l of s�.id abstrwct. <br /> It is further Ggreed tha.t tirne is the essence of this contr�.ct and for the f�ithful pexformance <br /> of �11 of the conditions 2�ereof. D�;.ted Janu�,�^y �8th,1920. <br /> Witnesa. Elliott Burnett <br /> — � � <br /> I3. T.Cunrainghaix Della Burnett <br /> P�rtiee of the first part <br /> Frank Pas te r <br /> Sta,te of Nebr:�sk� ; P�.rty r�f the Second �a,rt., <br /> s� <br /> County of H�11 ) <br /> On this 28th dwy of January,192fl personuily uppe�.xed before me E1liott Burnett <br /> and Daila Burnett, husband and �ife wnd Fr4nk Easter and e�ch �.ckr�otiviedged the Axecu�ion of the <br /> forP�;oir�� instruinent �.s tneir voluntary ac� and deed for the p�r.poses therein set forth. . <br /> (SFAL) Ben,�,J.Cunnin�h� <br /> Notary Public. <br /> My commission eApires Ku�. 5, 1923 <br /> Filed for record this 28 day of Janu�ry 1920, at 2 0' clock P.1�. <br /> �-����� �u_�.,� <br /> Re�istPr of DePds � <br /> -�-G-4-G-f�-0-0-0-0-0-0-G-0-0-G-0-0-t�-0-G-0-0-0-G-G-G-�-G-a--0-0-0-0-0-0-U-0-0-0-�J-C-fl-0-0-Q-0-0-4-0 <br /> { <br /> { <br />