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4 <br /> � <br /> ,, 5�� ' <br /> �l � �C� � � �a� �C� � � � �C� O � D � �� <br /> _ _ _. -�__ __ - = - <br /> . _ _ _. ._ _�_ __ �_�_��-_� <br /> 3I219-ClOPP6BARTLETTCO..PRINTING,LITHOORAPHING,STNTIONEHY;OMAHA .. . . . . . .. � � �� � - <br /> . . . . . . . .. .. . -....�� �-.- _..-�-_� _ -�:.._ �_"'_'"_ ..,.-. :__::._� .:-�-�_...._.-._ �-��.-a <br /> CY�s. ;�.Re3man <br /> Notary �ubiic. <br /> My eommis$ion expire� December 18th,1923• , <br /> In cansideration of Twenty Five Hundred Doll�rs for the $ale of my Pool hall intere$t and the assign- <br /> ing of this lease, I here by �ssign my intere$ts in and to this lease aovering the East Forty Six <br /> . <br /> (46 ) of the West Seventy One �'eet of Lot Four (4 ) , Block One (1) ori�in�l Tawn of Donipha,n, Nebra�ka, <br /> unto Charl�s H.Denrr,an� of Doniphr3.n, Nebraska <br /> '�ritten notice of a�ssignment made to Ii.A.7ohnson by Ch�cs. . 1�.�edman his r�gent. . <br /> Signed thi$ th� 19th dF3y of J�,nu�ry 1920. <br /> A.A.OIi�hant <br /> Witnese Zessee <br /> C.M.Re dm�n <br /> NOTAFtY ACKNOWI�EDGMFNT <br /> Str�t� of Nebr�iska ) <br /> ) .58. <br /> Ha11 County ) , <br /> On this 19 day of January, , A.D. , 1920, before me, the undersigned Cna.s. �d. <br /> Redr��n �. D?otary �ublic, dul�= commissioned �.nd qualified for �nd residing in said county, personally <br /> edme A.A.Oliphu.nt to me knewn to be the identic�,l person whose is affixed to the foregoing in- <br /> s'trument as gr�.ntor and acknov�ledged the same to be his voluntdry act and deed. . <br /> Witness my hand �.nd Not�.rial Se�l the d�.y �.nd ye�,r l�st a.bove veritten. . ' <br /> (:.��AL) _ Cht�.s. �.Redm�n. „_ <br /> DTotary Public. <br /> �iy c�mrnission ex�ires tY�e 18 d�y of December 1923 <br /> Filed for record this 20 day of �Tanuary 1920, at 10 0' clock A.�. ���;��'-� �-�-P <br /> Register of Deeds r� <br /> -0-0-4-0-0-0-0-a-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-d-4-0�4-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-{�-G-0-0-4-0-0-0-PJ � <br /> I I,EASE: I. E A S E <br /> THIS EIRTICLE OF AGREED�EI�T, rn�de and entexed into this 17th day of J�nuary A.D. 1920 by and <br />� <br /> Ibetween Louise Hedde of the County of H$�11 �nd St�,te of Nebr4ska, of the first part and Jaseph <br /> Ve�iling of the sec ond part. <br /> 11�IT1�ESSIyTH, that the said party of the first part has this d�y leased unto the party :of <br /> the second part the fvll�wing described premiees, to wit; � The �round floor and basement vf <br /> the three story .brick building on Southerly forty-four f44} feet of Lot one (1� in Block sixty- <br /> five (65 ) of the ori�;inal to�n, now City o8 Grand Isl�.nd <br /> Together with all t�e builciings �.nd improvernents on the $ame for the term of two years from the <br /> first day of January 1920, to the 31st day oP December 1921, for the sum of One Hundred S�venty- <br /> f' Dollars (�175 j per month. pay�ble on th� first day of et�ch month in �dvr�nce at the o�fice of, <br /> first p�.rty. <br /> AITD IT IS FURTI�R AGREED thr�t if any rent �hall be due and unpaid, or if default be made in r�ny <br />, of the covendnts herein contained, it sh�ll then be l�.wful for any of the st�id p�rty of the first <br /> part to re-enter the $�id premises, dnd the pa.rty oP the eecor�d p�.rt a.�rees to nacate st�id premises <br /> without notice, dnd if it become nece$sary to bring action dt l�w to recover possession� to pay <br /> a reason�.ble attorney's fee therefor. party of thP second part further �grees to pay the party <br /> of �he first part the rent as �.bove apecified except when said pxemises are �inten�.nt�ble by re�.son <br /> of fire. froAi any other c�.uee tha�n cr�relessness of tl�e p�arty of the second p�.rt, or persons of <br /> his family or in his employ: or by superior force or inevit�.ble nece�sity. <br /> First pu.rty reserves the right. of in�ress and egree$ into the b�.sement of sdid psemises for the <br /> purpose of inspecting. altering or repairing the pi�es a.nd piping therefn for herself �.nd �er <br /> employees. And the s�id party of the se�ond p�.rt covendnt th�t he will use sa�id premi$es a,a a <br /> food shop dnd eatin�; pldce� dnd electric oven may be oper�ted in the b�.sement, �.nd for no other _ <br /> pur�o$e whdtever, �n and that he especia.11y will not let s�.id premises, or permit the sa,me to be <br /> used for any unlawful business or purpose v►ht�.tsoev�r: that he will not sell� assign, underlet or <br /> � - � <br />