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Qb�� - . <br /> 5�� � <br /> �l � �� C�. [� �a � �0 � � � �� O � D � � . <br /> -- -- -_ _ _ <br /> __ _ _ _ __ -_ _ - - --- - - <br /> . .._ 9 CLQ�P6BNFiTIETTCO.�PRINTlNG.LITHOO,FAPHlNq8TATIONEflY�OMAHA :.. . . � . . . ... .... . . . . - �..-"- ..�. _.- �..-.- .. .. .-' _ - <br /> ' IN WITNESS �REOF, we hereunto set our hrinds in duplicate the day and ye�r first €�bove <br /> ' wri tten. <br /> ' Witnesa: : Charles .E.Towne <br /> , ____�.._j�.S,�rr��e ' ,� Hannah J.Bri ttin <br /> State of Nebraska, } <br /> ) $s. <br /> Hall County.. ) ; <br /> O� this 13th day_ of J�.r�ry,�.920, before the . undersigned, a Notary Public <br /> r+rithin and for said county and state, .personally appeared Charles E.Towne, to me pereonally known <br /> to be the identiQal person who si�ned the foregoir� instrument and he knowledged the execution <br /> of the sFxme ta be hia voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein expressed. <br /> WITNESS my M�+.nd and Not�riG1 Se�l the d�y and year l�.st �.bove written. . <br /> t s��) �.z_„sp� _ <br /> , Notary Public. <br /> 1Sy commission expires M�rch 27,].924 <br /> Filed� for �ecord this 14 d�y of January 1920, �at 9:�:5 0'clock A.3�. �����-L��- <br /> Regi�ter of Deeda <br /> -o-o-o-o-o-o-o�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-Q-o-o-c�o-o <br /> AFFI�AVIT. <br /> $tate of Nebr�.ska, <br /> ss. <br /> Hall County <br /> James H.�ooley, a resident of Gr4nd Island,�Tebr�.ska, being first sworn, <br /> � �ceording to l�w, deposes and says, that he is we21 acquainted with one William H.Platt, grantee � <br /> � in one csrta3n deed recorded in Book D. Page 3fi7, �nd with one W.H.Platt, grantor in one certain <br /> deed recordad in Book F. . page 17, both of the Reaords of Hall County� Nebraska, and he knows they <br /> r�re one and the same person; ; And that he was well acqu�inted with E.W.Arnold grantee in � cert�in <br /> deed, recorded in Book F. page 1'7, and with one Edvrard W.1�rnold grwntor in ane certain deed re� <br /> '' corded in Book K. page 60; both of Hall County�Records, Nebraska, and that they are one and the <br /> ; s�me pereon. Alao that he is w�ll acqu�,fnted with the Firm of Koenig & Wiebe, , Grantees in a <br /> certa3.n deed recorded in Book D. .pa�e 273, �nd grantees in a certain deed recorded in Book D. <br /> p�ge 274, both of the Hall County Records, of Nebr�sk�,, and he knows �hat the ri�ht and correct <br /> . <br /> name of the said Koenig wr�� Henry A. and that the correct n�ne of the sz�id �fiebe was Fred A. , <br /> _ �nd th�t theyT were the only members of the firm o#' Soenig & Wiebe; And that he was �ell acquainteGl <br /> ' with one Frederick H.�ichelson grantee in a certain deed recorded in Book 24. . of page 184, and <br /> ' ' with F.I�.M,ichelso� gr�.ntor in r� Qertain. deed recorded in }3ook 24, of pt�ge 570, both of the reaord� <br /> of Hall County, Nebr�ska, and that he knons they refer to and one and the sa,me person. And <br /> : further, affiant saith not• � <br /> ' JEUne$ H.Woollev <br /> � � � <br /> ` ��� - Sworn to �nd a�cknowle <br /> - dged to before me this 15 th day of Janu�ry, 1920 . <br /> - �SEAI�) J.E.Dill <br /> • Notary Public. <br />' l�y c ommissi on expi res the 23" d�y of July 1925 <br /> , Filed for record this 17 day of January 1920, at i1:30 o'cloak A.�d. <br /> � . 0��2�C� <br /> Register of Peeds <br />� - 'i -0 0 0-�a�0-0�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 0 0-0-0-0-0 0 0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0-0-0-0-4-0 0-0-0-0-0-0 0 0-p-0-0 0 0-0-� <br /> � � .� � .� w � � � � � � � <br /> , I� <br /> '! <br /> . q ' <br />