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�,-, <br /> � 5���� <br /> �IQ �C� C[�f�a�1 �0 � � ��� O�D � d <br /> � 3�Z1a9—CLO?P�6ARTLETTCO..PRINTING�LITXO6RFPHING,SYATIONERY:OMAHF � . . . .. �� . . .. � .. . . . . .. .._ . . .�.�.. �—_ . �.�... ... <br /> AGR'�EDAENT _ - <br /> THIS AGREFMENT. made and entered into this 12th d�y of January,l920, by and between Charles E. <br /> T�wne, hereinafter party of the first part, and Hann$h J.Brittin. hereinafter party oP the Qecond <br /> part, � both of S�ood l�iver,Nebraska, <br /> �7TNESSETH: Tht�t in consideration of the sum of T�NTY-EIGHT HUNDRFD (�.2800) Dollars to him to <br /> be paid by the party of the second part, at the times and in the manner hereinaf'ter provided, the <br /> party of the first pr�rt a�rees to sell to dnd to conv�y to th� party of the second part� by good <br /> and market�,ble title, tne follo�ing described TE�1 68tat6 situ�ted in the county of Hall r�nd atr�te <br /> of Nebr�ska, to�ritz Lot Eight C8) in Block Tvro (2}, in Dodd & �c,rshall's Addition ta the Y321age <br /> of �4►ood River, Nebroska� �.s surveyed, platted �nd record.ed� to�e�her v�ith the tenements, hexedit��w <br /> ments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�;in�. <br /> S�id party _of the $econd part �rees to puxchase said premises from the party of the first part, <br /> �nd to pay him therefor the said sum of �2800, payable r�s follows: �200� on the signing of theae <br /> presents, , the receipt v�hereof is hereby acknowledged by the p�rty of the first part, .and �800 upon <br /> the execution and delivery to t21e party of the aeeond pa�rt of � warr�inty deed to $aid premises con- <br /> veying good and merehant�ble title to �r�id premises, and the furnishing of an abetract of title <br /> to $�.id premises, showing marketr�ble ti tle in the party of the first p�,rt. _ and that s�id premi�es <br /> is free from t�ces� liens� ,�.nd incumbrances, exc�p�ing the taxes for the year 192�� and subsequent <br /> , <br /> years, , and any incumbr�noes created thereon by the psrty of the second part, s�id deferred payment <br /> of �800 to bear interest dt the r�.te of six per cent. per annwn, pa��able annually. . <br /> It is further expressly understood and �greed th�t the party of the ascond part shall pay all <br /> t�xes and special us�essments leviad and assessed tig�inst said premises for the year 1920 and there- <br /> after before the become delinquent, zsnd will �teep the buildings on sr�id premises �t all times <br /> ineured for the use and benefit of the party _of the first parL in the sum af �1000. . <br /> S�id party af the first part coven�nts �ind �grees that in t�e event he is unable to furnish <br /> tne p�rty of the second part with �, goad and merchr�nt�ble title to s�id pTemises� �vithin three <br /> �:e�r� from Lhis d�te, t�,.t he will, upon demand, refund to the party of the second part the �2000, <br /> ��id by her �s of this dc�te. <br /> It is further under�tood and agreed tha�t in the event the party of the first part is unable tex ' <br /> furnish the party of the second part with a good and merchantdble title to said premises �vithin <br /> three ye�.rs from the date of these presents, and the party of the second pr�rt elects to cancel this <br /> contract �nd dernand the return of the �2000 pr�id to her, that r�ll other payments of interest� , t�ace.s� , - <br /> insurance, and repairs, made by the p�rty of the second p�rt shaZl be retr�ined by the party of the <br /> first part as reasonable �entrsl for the use a.nd oecupancy of s�.id premises by the party of' the <br /> $econd pr�rt. - - ��;�- <br /> �.. <br /> It is further understood and agreed that the party of the second part ehall keep aIl the bui.ldings_ . <br /> on said premises in u �ood state of rep�ir, and sh�ll hrive possession of said premises on or �bout � <br /> �'ebruary 1,1920. <br /> It is further understood �nd agreec�+ th�t in the event the party of the eecond part �'aila, neglecte, � <br /> or refuses, to pay the t�xes �nd special asses$ment� levied �nd a,sse�sed ag�.inst sz�id premi�ea as <br /> ,herAinbefore provided. or fail� to keep s�id premisee insured for the use �nd bsnefit of s�id party - <br /> of the first p$rt, r�s h�reinbefore stipula�ed, or fails to keep s�.id premises in �. good state af � <br /> repafr� then dnd in either of $uch events, the unp�.id bal�nce under Lhis contrr�ct shall immEdir�tely <br /> bec�me due and payable, �nd party of the first part shn.11 h�ve the right, �t his option, to immediately <br /> for�close on said contract. <br /> It� is further expresaly understood r�nd agreed thra.t the coven�,nts �►nd sgreembn�e herein contuined <br /> shall extend. to and be bindin� upon the respective heirs, executarss administrators and �e#igns oF <br /> the parties he re to. ' ', <br />