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Q�DF � . <br /> 5�� � <br /> [� D �C� C� � �Q � �O � � a �C� O� D �Jo <br /> ; _ _ : = -__ _ _ _ <br /> .- --__ <br /> -- --=_ -._ :- _- - --- - <br /> _ __ _- ____--_ <br /> .,�7 /.q �LOPR6BARTLETTCO..PRINTIIVG LITHOGRAPHING,STATIONEHYiOMAHA . . �' <br /> ' A�znAVZT <br /> 8�wte of Ne nrw$ka, <br /> )es. . <br /> H�.11 C oun ty. <br />� W.J.Bur�er, being firgt duly sv�orn °on his oath s�ys tht�.t he is �. resident <br /> of Hall County , Nebr�.ska., �.nd that he t�.s been u resident of such county for 35 yedrs. <br /> Affiant s�ys thdt he �v�s acyuainted with Claxisa�. Borir�, �iuring her life tir��, eaid Clarissa <br /> Borin�; being the wic3o� of Da�*id J.i3orin� who died on the 9" dwy of July�1901 r�nd who w�s ,poes�ssed <br /> of the Soutn-werat qu�.rter of the idorth-�vesi yuarter �.nd the East iu�lf of the South-west quarter <br /> of Seetion One in Township Nine North of R�.nge Vi:�e YVest cf the 6" P.M. in Hr�ll County, Nebra.ska, <br /> durin� �iis life time. • <br /> Th�t the said Clari�ss� Boring, who cr t.�e death cf her swid husba.nd, took � �ridow' s interest <br /> for life in s�.i.d real est�.te diecl on the 15 da,y of Uctober, 1908 rnd that gaid life est�.te hd.s <br /> been teru:ir�a,ted. 1P. J.I3ur��r <br /> ;, Subacribed and sworn to before me this 2 day of Jdnuary� 1920 <br />' � (S �'AL) �has. . ��. ge ciman ________, ' <br /> Notary Public. ; <br /> �dy commi�sion expires December 18th1923 1 <br /> " Fileci fcr record thi� 6 ddy off Jdnua.ry 1�20, at 10 otclock A.�. ����� � <br /> y ���r <br /> ' Register of Deeds <br /> I <br /> -0-t�-4-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-C-0-0-C-0-0-�p0-U-0-0-U-0-G-0-0-0-0-C-0-0-G-0-0-G-0-0-�-0-G-0-0-fl ! <br /> �� I,IS PE�TIlENS � <br /> NOTIGE REI,ATING TO SFCTION 19„ T09�tNSHIP 12,:�A?1GE 10, HAI,L COUNTY, ATE�3RR�KA. . i <br /> Notice is li�reby �ieen that in �. suit �ending in the �istrict Court of Douglr�s County, Neb- � <br /> � <br /> raska, , where�n M�.ry Iiergelt is plaintiff, �,nd Geor�e, C�roline F.Krittenbrink, C. !i <br /> ; W. Flescher, : first �nd re�,l name unknown, Ray S. Cl�.yton, Ddniel Lobdell and Sta,te B�.r�k of Cldrks ' <br /> �re �sfendants, d restr�inln�; or3er was issued on. October 2�nd, 1919, re�tr�.�nin� the defondant�-, ' <br /> , � , <br /> � i <br /> and edch of them from disp�gin� of uny of the property ar �.sset� of George F.Krittenbrink in `� ', <br /> � �, <br /> their possessior. or under their control� �nd tnat s�.id or�er is yet in full f�rca �.nd effect. \\� I <br /> � <br /> Marv Ber�elt <br /> , _ By J.�.. V�nDo rn ' <br /> Fi1ed far record this 8 d�y of Janudry �920, at 10 u' clock A.2�. Her Att'y <br /> � , ������ ��u� �J��- <br /> -G--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-C-4-U-0-0-0-4-0-0-0-�-Q�-b-0-0�d-Q-Q-0-�0-G-G, <br /> '� AFFIDA�rIT <br /> � Stata of Nebrwska, ) , <br /> ) ss. <br /> ;; Ha11 County. ) <br /> ' R.R.iiorth, �aein� firat duly sworn, . �n his oath deposes and s�ys that he is <br /> �. resident Of �iall County,Nebr�.sk�., and has been such for more th�.n forty-seven ye�.rs ld�at past. <br /> Affia.nt further st�tee that he was person�.11y �c�ua.inted �nrith Iienry Fdy u�nd �ouisa Fay , w�ho re- <br /> - ceived the title to I,ot 4, in Block 8, of t�e Urigin�l `Town, now City of Gr�nd Island, in Hall <br /> , County, Nebra�skr�, by wwrr�nty �eed recorded in Boc�k b of Deeds �t p�e 174 of the Dead Records of <br /> � Hall Couiity� Dlebr�.sk�; that the s�id I,ot�is�. Fay wus a dwughter of the swid Henry r�y, und �iis wif;�e, <br /> il �,.ry� Fa.y ; th�it thP Louisd 'r�;;J died a sin�lE woznan, tsstwt�, a.nd her estate w�a duly adminis-� <br /> �'; <br /> �' terPd in the County Gourt of Hall County, N�br�..skd, �.nd her last will wnd tQst�.xnent therein admitt- <br /> ed to �,ro�ate; thrxt I�ary Fay, the sole leg�.tee and devi see under the will of the said I,ouisa Fay,' <br /> ' an� the wife of the "rien Fay, and that :. - f <br /> �,' d o isa <br /> F�, �J' <br /> h mo th r of the � i L u <br /> decedse <br /> d wds t e e Y , <br /> . , <br /> affiant knows of his own personal knowledge th�t b�ry Fa.y, �ne of the granteps in the deed to ��ii�d <br /> prerr,.ises recorded in Look 21 vf Deeds at p�ge 62 of the �ed Records of i�r�ll County, Nebrrzska, ' <br /> referred to as th� wifs of Henry Fay, �rld I�.ry Fay, ruentioned in said deed as heir a.t l�,g�r �nd de- <br /> isee of Louiee ��.y, deceaesd, was one and the s�ne person, an� t11at Louise Fay there mentioned a.r�d <br /> ouisa. Fay� ,wds one and the same person. And further affiant sdith not. <br /> R.R.H orth <br /> Subecribed and a�vorn to pefor� me cn this 7th day of Janu�.xy ,1J20. ; <br /> Chas. G.Ryan <br /> - ��. <br /> commis3ion �xpir�s Feb. i,1925. �'SEAL) Not�.ry �'ublic. ; <br /> iled for record this 8 day of �?�.ry 1920, at 2 0' �lock P.�d. ������C ��-U-'��Y�, �`�y�-"��'�-��'' <br /> , , <br /> �; -- �.: -..._.. ; _ <br />