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� 5�=� <br /> �l � �C� C��a�1 �0 � � � �� O� D �lo <br />- <br />�. i;7Z19-L40PP&BA9TLETTCO..PRINTING,LITH06RNPHING.STATIONEHY;OMAMA � � . . . . . . .. .. . .. ..,. ..,__ -.-- „r,-.- � <br /> to assume the�nee due the �iujlding �.nd I.oan A��oci�.tion� dnai ta give � �econd mortg�ge on <br />'� t�.x free fqrm to party of the fir�t p�rt for the b�lance due first pa.rty, after deduetin� the <br /> amount due Building and Zoan Association �.t that time; said �econd mortgage Lo dra� interest <br /> at six per cent �er �.nnum, pay€�ble anr�ua,lly. r�nd said second mortg�.ge to be p�yable in monthly <br /> payments of Ten and 60f100 Dollars per month� pay�.ble upon the fi rs t day of each month, and i t _ <br /> being understood and �reed that at �ny time tha�t the tOtal indebtednese a.g�.inst the prop�rty herein <br /> described h�s been reduced to such a swn �s ca.n. be secured by m�king a new first mort�age on the <br /> premise$, , the party of the second part sh�ll procure a loan �nd with the �roceeds of said loan <br /> pay b�l�nce due first pdrty in full. <br /> Thi�a contr�.ct shall not e� assi�nable without the written aonsent of the p�rty of th� i�irst <br /> part. . <br /> Seeond party shs�ll pay all taxes, a.ssessments. or impositions that may be �egally levied or im- <br /> posed on said nropezty, and any improvemc�nt.-t�a.xes thc�.t mz�y c�me due subsequent to the ye�r 191�. <br /> SeCOrid �a.2'tJ a,gr2es to kee� the property� her�in describsd ineured for�it� reasonable insureable� <br /> v�.2ue, with loss �;�.yr�bl� to ;a,rt�r �f the fi_r`st p�ir'C. sub3ec� to conditions of mo�tgr�ge to Buildi�g <br /> and I,oan Ag g oc iati on . <br /> Second party �gress thdt he will make regular p�y�n�nta of �14:c�0 per nonth fln the mortgr�,ge due <br /> Building and loan assn. . from and �.fter the date same _ia to be assumed by him. • <br /> Possession of premis�s descr�be� to be hr�d Jarau�ry 14th 1920. <br /> Interest to be figured in �.11 cases dt 6� per tinnvm, but defaulted payments or interest to <br /> �r�.w interest a.t 1� per �.nnum� p�yable �nnually. . <br /> It is mutually �reed taat time is �n essenti�l elemen�C in this contract, �nd in cdse oP failure <br /> of the sdid part3� of the second ��rt to make either of the payments or to perform any of the cove- <br /> n�.nts on his part hereby m�.de and entered into, thi� contract sh�ll wt the option of the pdrty pf <br /> the first part. be forfeited �,nd determined and the party of the second p�.rt sha13 for�eit all <br /> p�yments by him on this contr�.ct, �snd such paym�nts shu,ll be retained by the saici pr�rty of the <br /> first �,r�rt in f,ull sdtisfaction of �.11 the d�,mages by thsr� susta�.n�d, and they sha.11 hsve the <br /> right Lo re-enter dnd possession of s�.id �remises r�foresaid. <br /> Zt is mutually agreed that r�ll the covenants and €�reements herein contained ehall ex'Cend to and <br />� b� obligatory upon tne :zeirs, executor�, �.dministr�tors �.nd a��igns of the r�spective p�.rtie�. <br /> II�T atITNESS �'THEREOF, the p�,rtiea to these presents have hereunto set their hands dnd sedls the <br /> dz�y �cn� ye�.r fi rs t aaove wri tten. <br /> Signed, se�.led �nd delivered in pr���nce of <br /> Peter C.Kansen (L.S. a <br /> � Robert �P.Muir Sophie F3,�.nsen f�•8. ) <br /> Howard Kyl� (�.5..) <br /> Filed for record this 27 d�.y of Dec. 1919, �.t 10 otcloek A.�. <br /> � ��� � <br /> Regieter of Deed� ' <br /> -0-0-0-�-U-O-G-G-4-0-�-0-0-0-fl-0-0-0-t3-0-0-0-0-0-fl-0-�-0-fl-f?-0-0-fl-4-a-0-0�0-0-0-4-fl-0-0-0-0-0-0�* <br /> i <br />