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P <br /> 5��' <br /> � � �C� C��a�l �0 � � � �C� O� D � � <br /> � 37Z19�«OPPL�qftTLETTCO.�PRINTING,LITHOORPPHING,3TRT10NERY�OMIIHA � .. . . . . , . ... ... . .. . ,,.... ' � <br /> �A�TD CONTRACT <br /> _�. .._._.�. � <br /> THIS AGR�'Fl�'N'T� �de the 25 th duy of April A.D. �na thous�nd Mine hundred and Nine�teen �E7'WP,�N <br /> Idw �;.�sdell and Robert G. Isdell, , her husb�.nd of the one part; ;�nd Charles B.Farrieh dnd Ann� <br /> P�.rrish, husband �.nd wife, of the other p�.rt, ,�ITNESSETH; Th�t the s�id Id� M. �sdell �nd Robert <br /> G. Isdell agree to ee21 to the s�.id Charles B.P�.rrish �.nd Ann� Parris;$ and the said Ch�ries B. P�.rr- <br /> ish �.nd /�?nd �arrish agree to purch�ise of the .,s�.id Ida A�. Isdell �nd Robert G. Iadell on the te zzns <br /> hereinafter mentioned� the following described Real �sta.te, situate in the County of Hall and St�te <br /> aP Nebra$ka, , to-wit: Lot Seven (7) `in Block One Hundred and Twenty-six (126} of Koenig and �It�e,ebe's <br /> xddition to the city of Gxand Isl€�nd, �Iebr�sk�.,. as shc�n by the recorded plat ther�of, sub�jeet <br /> however to one certain mortgage ther�:on of T�o Thot�s�nd Dollars (�2U04. 00) running to the �omm- <br /> ercial Stu.te Bt�nk of the sr�id _city, dated January 15,�919. . �.nd filed Janu�,ry 22.1919, . due five <br /> ye�.rs after d�te„ which mortgage and the interest Lhereon the s�id CYi�crles B.Parrish and Anna Parri$h <br /> dssume 4nci ugree to pdy strictly in �ecorda.nce �ith the terms thereof when due t�nd pay�ble, which . <br /> �200Q �.nd interest to this d�te is to be �educted from the purchz�.se price.. Th� said Chu.rles B.Pr3rr- <br /> i�h and Ann� Parrish �ree to pay to s�.id Ida t�. Isdell �.nd Robert G� Isde21 for a�iid lot� the sum <br /> of Fortyr-two Hundred (�42�0. 00} DollaTS� in p�.yment �.s follovas: deduet�.r3g s�.id mortga,�e �2000. 00, <br /> interest to date �38.5Q� �500. 00 c�,sh on Lhe ex8cution of this instrument, b�lance to�it, �1�61._5� <br /> ta be paid in monthly payments of Forty Doll�rs (�40. OU) per month due �nd p�y�bl� on the 15th <br /> day of each �.nd every �onth until the entire amount of �1661.50 with interest thereon �.» herein- <br /> after pro�ided is fully paid. S�.id monthly payments not ta commence�"'"until possesaion of e�.id pra- <br /> perty i.s given to the e�id purcho.aer, all of s�.id pr�yments to ber�r interest from d�te until p�id� <br /> �.t the rate of 7 per cent� per annum interes'�p�yr�ble semi annut3.11y.proper deduction$ being given <br /> / <br /> for payments made in computing intere$t So soon as said purch�se �!�ney �.nd interest sh�ill be fully <br /> paid, . the s�.id ida M. Isdell and Robert G. Isdell �ree to make to s�►id Char'les B.Parrish, his heirs <br /> and assigns, �. va.13d title, , in fee simple, to said lot, and for tha.t purpo�e sh�ll execute and <br /> delivsr to him �. good and sufficiesnt iNarz�.nty Deed for the sz�e; sub�ject, hov�ever, to the taxes for <br /> A.D.191,� �.nd subsequent t�, which said Ch�.rles B.P�.rrish and Ann�i Parrish a�ree to pay whgn �he <br /> s�.me becom� due and pay�ble prompt payn�nt and strict �o�pliance with the terms of this contract <br /> i$ made the essence hereof <br /> In case said Ch�.rles B.Parriah and Anna Purrish snall refuse or ne�lec t to pay said purcha�e <br /> ��oney and intere��st, wnd taxes, , or sither� atrictly r�$ �reed herein they sha,ll forfeit �,ny rights <br /> �nd Rabert G.I�dell <br /> they rr�y hr�,ve to s�id l�nd� ar�1 �lso sha11 forfeit any ;�.mmra+ey pz�id kay them to said Ida I�. Isdell�n <br /> to purchase the sa�ne, unless the ��id Ida �. Isdell �nd Robert G. �sdell shwll elect otherwise. . <br /> The s�id parties respectively bind themselves, th�ir heirs, �sai�na, dnd le��.l representatives to <br /> th� faithful p�rformdnce of the texms of this �gresment. <br /> The st�id Charles B.Parrish dnd Anna Parrish sY�.11, be entitled to the posseseion of said lot so <br /> long as they sh�.11 comply v�ith the foregoing terms of �greement; but upon a f�ilure to comply with <br /> the $ame thei°�' right ta the po�session $h�+.11 termin�te �,nd they sh�.11 eurrender the poesession o� <br /> said lot and improvements thereon, of any, , to �aid Idr� �. Isdell and Robert G. Isdell �.nd any money <br /> paid �y the s�.id Ch�.rl�s B.P�rrish and Ann�. P�.rrish by virtue of this agreemtent, shall be ret�.ined <br /> and applied 'oy the said Idd �,7. Isdell and Ropert G. Isdell in p�.yrnent �nd satisfactf on of rent f�r <br /> the use r�nd occupwtion of s�id land a�hile in the posseesion of the e�id Charles B.P�.rri�h �nd <br /> Anna P�.rrish S�.id purchnsers �re hereby given the option to pay �100 or �y �1Liple thereof at the <br /> time of any �ayment herein. Isdel], is to furnish �.n abstr�c`t �hi�wing d�°cl�ar titlewin:,,�h.e�;;-�t�:.the <br /> d° s fr m t is d• te. � <br /> �aid lot withi.n 3t3 :��t is �iere�y nau�e a part of thia contr�ct on the part of the said Ida �d.I$- �� <br /> dell dnd Robert G. I�dell thrat �iey will at their own expense and within two months from this d�.te <br /> reshingle ths front p�.rt of f.�ie roof of the dwelling on the $�.id lot �.nd repl�ce with wood shin�Zes <br /> dll defecti�e shingles now in the other part on parts of the sz�id roof, and will also provide the <br />