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� <br /> ��� <br />�. <br />� � D �C� ���a� �0 � �� �L�C� O� D �J � � ���� <br /> ...�J7Z19�CLUPPM6ARTLETYCO.�PRINtING�LITHOOpAPF-0INS'i.STAtIONiqYiOMN!!A . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . ... ..... -.... . . .... .�� <br /> AFFInAVIT OF IDETSTIFICATIO;� <br /> St�.te of Nebrwsk�s ); <br /> ) �s. <br /> Hall County ) <br /> W.L.Sprague beir�g :�irst duly sworn, upon o�th depo�es and s�.ys that he �rell <br /> and �erson�lly acqu�inted �ith Tohn H.Diefenderfer to_�rhom Joseph A.Rounds conveyed the followi�g � <br /> described landa in H�11 County, �Tebr4�ka, to-r►it: The �►est half of lot thre�, xith other Iands, ir� <br /> block twenty-one in the ori�inal town of Wood River. gebruska by wr�rrpn'ty de�d, dated May 18,1945;; <br /> and recorded in nook 31 of Deeds on page 117 in t�e Recorder' s officc� of HFill County �nd with J.:i. <br /> Diefenderfer who conveyed premises to Jerry Bowen dnd Co. by wdrranty de�cl, da.ted Oct. 11,1946 <br /> r�nd �ffiant positively knows that the �did John H.Diefenderfer .and� �'•H..Dis�'�nderfer are �ne a�.d the <br /> ��me person not�ithat�.nding the discrepdncy in n�mes. <br /> 1►,I,.sp ra�ue <br /> Subscribed t�nd swarn to before me this 15th day of Dec 1919 <br /> �SEAL� D.D.OKane <br /> �totary Public. <br /> �dy commission expires Jany 19 1924 � <br /> Fi1ed for record thia 17 d�y of December 1919, �.t lo o�elock A.M. ��'����u�`�C��J-� <br /> R ` i o Deads�� <br /> �g ��.r �' <br /> -�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-t3-0-4-4-0-0-0-fl-0-fl-0-0-0-0-�-fl-fl-0-0-fl-fl-0-0-0-4-0-fl�-0-4-0-Q•�-0-� <br /> ATFIDA��I T <br /> !1�'�ECTING THE TITLE T� THF NORTH WEST QLTARTER {NW�} OF SECTION (12) � IN TOV�NSHIP NINE (9) NORTH� <br /> RANGE NINE (9� t4�ST OF TH� 6TH P.�. I13 HAI,Z COU�!1TY, NEBRASKA, <br /> STATE OF 23FBRASKA. } ' <br /> } Fred A.Lyon bein� first duly s�rorn upon oath deposes and says that he #� one <br /> KAMILTON COLfi1TY } <br /> of the heirs �t ldw of �os A.I,yon, d�ceased, whose estate �ras probdtEd in the County Gourt of Hall <br /> County, Nebr�sk�z. <br /> Thdt he is �vell �.nd personally acqu�.inted with Adeloert G. I,yon, hi� brother, �nd r�lso one of <br /> th� neirs �.t l�iw of swid Amos A.Lyon, deceased. That the nr�me of the s�id Adelbert G. Zyon wr�.s <br /> given in cert�in filir�s in said estdte �s Georg� A. Lyon dnd others a.s Adelbert G.Z�yon but that <br /> the correct nr�,m� of hfs said br�'t�er is George Adelbert I.yon. <br /> That his said brother Adelbert G.Lyon. by th� atyle of George Ad�lbert I.yofl, togethe� with his� <br /> brother �irthur G.Lyon �.nd their tivives, executed a cert�in Warr�nty Deed to 3�mily Lyon, whieh is <br /> d�.ted I�a;� 24�1904 and was recorded in Book 37 �.t P�ge 135 , of the deed records of Hr�.11 County, <br /> Nebraska, December 5 , 1904, ,which said deed conveyed ull the right, title wnd intere$t of suid <br /> �r�.ntors in �.nd ta tne �bove descrieed ret�l estate. <br /> That he positively know.s that the s�id Adelbert George Lyon ttnd Adelbert G.I,yon Geor�e Adeibert <br /> Lyon and George �.�yon dre one �nd the same person, notwithst�.nding the discrepancy in na,m�s. <br /> And further �.ffidnt sayeth not. <br /> Fred A�,.�y,on <br /> Subscrioed in my presence �nd s��vorn to before rne this 19 da�y of December�1919. <br /> (SEAL) Geor�e 1�a.nek <br /> Notary Public. <br /> l�yy c ommi,�si on �xpi res Juna 25-�923 <br /> Filed for record thia 20 d�.y of Dec�mber 1919, at 11:20 0' cloek A•�. v(���� �-��, <br /> Registe�r of Deeds <br /> -U-Q-0-0-0-0-0-fl-0-0-0-0-Q �-4-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-t)-Q-O-�-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-U-0-0-C3-0-0-0-{�-0-0-0-0 <br /> . r <br />