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���� <br /> � 55� <br /> [� D �C� G� ��Q �1 �0 � � � �C� O� D � � � <br /> _� _ _ _ : :_ _ - - - - _-----� <br /> _--_ . .-_ __ _ - _ __ <br /> „_ _ __�'�j���CLQPP6BARTLETTCO.,PfiINTING,LITH06NAPHING,5T11T10NEHY�OMAHIs <br /> A�FFI?�AVI T.. <br /> State of P3ebrwska, <br /> ) ss. <br />' Hall County. <br /> Chas. M.Redman, being first duly sworn on his oath says tY�t he is � rPsident <br />' �f DonipYksn, H�.li County, 2�ebraska, �.nd thwt he has been..a resident of such town for ------ysars <br /> lu.s t pas t. <br /> Tnat ne �rws �.cquainted with '�Villi�.m �i�,rrod durin�, his life time, being the same t�4illir�,m Hr�rrod <br /> ; who died possessed of the South-�:�st Qudrter of Sectian 12 and t�e North-east quarter of the <br /> Zdorth-e�.st quarter af Section 13 �11 in Township 9 l�orth of R�.rige 9 in Fiall County, Nebraska, <br /> und that he w�.s also 4equainted svith �ldora 1,�.H�,rrod, widow of the �.bove r�entioned rlilliam �ia.rY•- <br /> , od, during her life time, bein� the Eldora i�.Hwrrod, who �y the l�st will �nd testu,ment of <br /> the sdid 1Yilli�m ��arrod took a l�i�e estdte in the �bove mentioned �.nd deecribed re�.l estdte. . <br /> i�ffi�.nt furtner s�ates th�.t �f his own personal knoavledge the said Eldor� ".�Z.Hurrod �isd on the <br /> 5 th d�.y of Septe�ber, 1919 dnd th�.t s�.id life est�te term.inated wt s�.id time. . <br /> Wi tnes� my h�nd cn thp 29 dwy of Plovem�er,1919. <br /> Chas. ?d.Redman <br /> Subscribed and sworn to �before me this 29 dwy of 2lovember, 1919. <br /> (."��) H.A. Re dman <br /> NOt�,ry �ub11C. <br /> My commissian expires 2d���- 18, 1923 <br /> Filed for xecord this 3 d�.y of December 1919, at 11 0' clock A.i�A. � <br /> ' �,.,«y- <br /> � <br /> Register of Deeds <br /> -0-0-G-U-G-0-0-0-0-G-G-0-U-0-0-0-0-4-0-C-0-v-'v-U-U-C-C-0-0-0-0-G-0-0-0-0-0-G-G-G-G-0-0-0-0-0-0-8- <br /> AFFIDAVIT. <br /> In the m�tter of the title to the South half of Block Two (2) in the Fo�arth Addition �SO the <br /> Town af Cairo, in Hall County, 23ebr�.skd. <br /> Stdte of Nebr�.sk�., �; <br /> � � ss. <br /> , Ha.11 C o un ty. . } , � <br /> �rwnk Burry, bein� first duly �svrorn, deposes �.nd s�,ys, thut, a.s �xecutor of <br /> � the lust i�ill and Test�r�ent of Reuben I.Bruriduge (�Fnerally kno�rn us R.I. Brunda�e) who died, �Tune <br /> 23� �.915 � sei�ed of the above descxibed ha.lf block, and other real est�.te, he, affiant, made �.n - <br /> Inven.tory, in writing, of the Re�,l �nd Personal estutp �f s«.id dece�sed (now on file in the offi.ce <br /> � <br /> , <br /> of the Cou.nty �7udge of s�.id H�.11 County) in �vhich he failPd to show tr.e abcve described haZf bloel�, • <br /> believing �.t the time that it � of record in the nUme of .Fva �T.Brundu,�e, wi dow of said de- : <br /> ce�sed; hence, , no mention w�.s m�de of it in the final decree er.ter�d in sr�id Court, �nd �sffiant <br /> Yu�s recently learned • tha.t �he �.cquired title to it by the third item in said Y�'ill� ��hich is in <br /> words ws follows: {n��;IRD, I �ive, devise and bequeath to my beloved wife, �v�. J. Brundage, all the <br /> , rest and residue of m;� �:rogerty of ever37 kind, both real and person�l, of PJY1jCr1 I m�y be possessed <br /> at the of my death. " <br /> Affiunt further states that he knows that, afterwurds, said Ev� �T. �Srundage interm�rried wj th <br /> ' one, . Albert D. Trumbull, and thr�t she is the same person who� as �va Trumbull_,, her hu$band, <br /> ' Albert D. Trumbull, conveyed to The Grand Islund College, "The South One Hundred ('100) feet of <br /> I I Elock Two (2) Fourth Addition to C�iro� Iv�ebrwska,, " by w�.rr�nty deed dated Feb. �.�191°, wnd record- <br /> ed in Book 55 �t �a�e 517 of the deed records of s�,id Hall County.. <br /> � Fr�.nk Burr�r <br /> . . - .�., �...�-,.>,a. . . ..-�����r.......�� «.� <br /> �uoscribed in my presence wnd sworn to before me this 6th day of Decerr.ber, 1919.. <br /> (SF.�iL) G. H.V�,n t ___- - - _- __......_.. <br /> .._.._.y...�...,_ _....�.. <br /> Not�ry Pu3�lic <br /> My commi3sion expires� Sept. 6p 1924. <br /> Filed for record this 8 d�y of December 1919, at 11:45 0' clock A.}�. � _ � <br /> ����� ����y <br /> ------__.._._-----�-------_ _.__�..._,_.;,. <br /> � '� Register of Deeds <br /> � ,;�.._� <br />