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QbD� � ' <br /> ��� <br /> � Q �C� C� � �Q � �O � � � �C� O� D � � . . <br /> _ _ _- _= _ - � �- _-- -. __ _ - _ __ --- - -- -- - - -- - <br /> _ _ __ _ - - =- . _-- __-_ ---- --- <br /> - - ---- __ <br /> - --- <br /> . 3�Z19 � CLOPPA9ARTLETYCO PR�NT�_NG LI7MOORNPHING,STA4IONERY OMAHA � <br /> � ExPAR7'E AF�IDAVIT. <br /> , State of Nebraskr�� ) <br /> ) , ss. <br /> County of Hall. . j <br /> IN TziF MATTER OF T�iE TITIaE TO LOTS EIGHT (8 j �NI� �9) , �ND "iTEN (10) .IN <br /> BLOCK SIX (6) , DODD & �dAR�H�;I,L'� ADDITION TO �I�OOD RIVFR��TEBR�SKA.. <br /> D.D. O�Kane. bein� first duly s�vorn upon his oath, deposes dnd says that he has resided in <br /> sv <br /> Wood Riv�r,Nebr�ska, for more than 25 years, last �ast; thai he was persondlly acquainted with <br /> � Emile M.F.I,ef"la�, the gr�.ntee in u certain �fi�arranty Deed, d�.ted Janudry 25 th,18n8, :vhich deed is <br /> : _ record.ed in �3ook 9, at P�e 242� , conveyin� p�.rt of the Southeaat Quarter of the Northwest Quarter <br /> � fS.E.� of N.1�.4) and part of the Southweat Quarter of the Northwest Qu�rter (S.W.�- of N.�A.4) , of <br /> Section Ninet�en (19), . Township Te� (10), R�.nge Eleven (I1)� in Hall County,Nebraska; that he <br /> was �.lso person�.11y �cquainted with I�.�.�.Lefl�.ng� one of the gr�ntors in w certu,in deed, dated <br /> Febru�ry 4th,18E38, recorded in Book 11, at P�ge 65 , . conveying the above de�cribed land; and aff- <br /> iant states tha.t the said Emile Ni.F.Leflang �.nd E.M.F.I�efl�.ng are one �.nd the person.-� <br /> , Affiant further st�tes that he is per�on�.11y wc�udinted with Asa C.Murphy, one of the gr�.ntees , <br /> in a certain deed, dated B�a.y 24th, 1888, recorded in Book 12, a.t ��ge 339� cor_veyin.� I.ot Ten (10�, <br /> in Block Six (6) , Dodd & �SB.�rsh�.11's l�ddition to Woo3 River, , in H�.11 County,ATebraska; that he was <br /> also dequainted with A.C.�urphy, gr�ntor in a certain deed. 3�ted February 11th, 1904, recorded <br /> in Book 30� dt �dge 3t�5, conveying Zot Ten (10). in Block Six (6), Dodd & Marshall's Addition <br /> to lpood River, Nebra:ska; �.nd �.ffiant st�.tes tYia,t the swid Asa C.�urphy and A.C.�urpY�y are one <br /> �; <br /> i� and the s�.me person. � <br /> Further affiar.t ��.ith not. . <br /> D.D.0 �fane <br /> ,i <br /> Subscrib6�i� in my presence �.nd sworn to before me this 21st d�,y� of Oetober,A.D. ,1919. . <br /> " ' (.��,y) W.L.Sa r�ue , <br /> � Notary Pub13C.. ' <br /> ; My commission expires Ddu,rch 27, 1924 ' <br /> Filed for record tnis 15 a�.y of November 1919, at 11 0' clock A.Bb. , <br /> . �.�2��-�/ �/d'-��-� ' <br /> Register of Deeds <br /> -0-0-0-0-G-C-G-O-G-G-0-0-0-0-U-0-0-0-0-0-G-0-0-Q-C-G-u-0-0-U-0-0-0-0-0-0-U-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-U-0-0-Oi <br /> AFFIDAVIT <br /> Stu�e of Nebr�.ska. <br /> ss. <br /> County of Hall wnr�a C. Cornelius, u resident of Gr�.nd Islund, �iall County, 27ebr�8ka, <br /> being first duly sworn dccoraing to l�w� deposes wnd says that she is the mother of �yrtle E. <br /> Cole. formerly I�yrtle E.Ada.m$ �nd the �,xand mother of Vera C.Rice, and thgt the Ver�. C.Rice, is <br /> a dau�;hter of �yrtle E. Col�, formerly Pdyrtle E.Ei3�1s, �.nd of her own knowled�e, Li1Eit she knows : <br /> � the Vera C.�ice and her husbund dre residents of C�lifornir� and `�t she w�is ��rried outai3e the <br /> State o-f Nebra.ska� �.nd that �ince her ma.rriuge hds ne�er been a re8ident of Nebraska at any time.. <br /> - And �.t present are residents of the State of Cdlifornia, dnd further affiant s�.ith not.. <br /> Anna C. Cornelius <br /> Subscribed to in my �resence, a,nd sworn to before me this lst 3ay of PiovembEr, 1919 <br /> (���-�,) J.E.Di ll <br /> . Not�ry Public \ <br /> My c ommi ss i on e:�pi res July 23-1925 <br /> �'iled for record this 22 d�.y of ZJovember,l919, at 3: 30 o' clock P.DS. <br /> . <br /> ����� <br /> Register of Deeds <br /> -0-0-0-0-0-0-G-0-fl-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-(�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-U-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-G-0�0 <br /> , ; <br /> i <br /> � <br /> ; <br /> ;� - <br />