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a 5�� e 0 ° Q ° � . <br /> �1 � �C� ���a � �0 � � � �' C� O� D � � <br /> . --:- _ _. :__ -- ___ _-==-� <br /> _. __. <br /> .3��19-«OPP 0.BIIRTLET4 CO.,PRINTING,LITHO6RAPNING,8TATIONEHY;OMAHR . . . . . � <br /> AGRI�FMENT : <br /> THI� INTZENTURE. �de thi� 26 th, day of. �TUne. A.D. 1919, be tween T.I�.�cY!'illia�m�� by his �gent C,�. <br /> , <br /> Burkerd, party of the first part, and �.O.Olson� party of the second p�rt, <br /> WITNE4�TH. Tha.t the p�rty of tl�e fir�t part hus this �ay sold to the par�y o�' th� second p�rt, _ <br /> the follo�ixig described property, to-wit: The East h�lf of the Northv�est Quar�er and the �►est 2�alf <br /> of the Northeast Quart�r, �.11 in section n�amber Ei�ht (6) , Township number Nine (9}, North Range , . <br /> Tv�elve (12}, �'est of the 6th.P.Bd. und containing 160 �cres more or less �ccording the Govexnment � ' <br /> survey, together ro�ith �11 appurtenancea thereto belongir�, forv�which the party of �Ghe second part �, <br /> �: <br /> agree� to p�y the sum of Seventeen thousand six hundred �.nd No 00 Dollarc� � <br /> /1 , $17600. 44, p�yable as. � <br /> followa: ��.sh in h�.nd Twenty five hundred and l�0/100 Doll�rs, receipt whereof is h�r�by acknow- <br /> ledged. Balance of Fift�en thous�,nd one hundred (�15144. 00� dollwrs �rch 1st,1820 � <br /> The party of the first part i� to furnish �. �arr�.nty deed, a good �nd s�fficient abstr�.ct �af y <br /> �. <br /> title, p�y a.13 tt+.xes assessed a,gainst said land, r�nd if there is a mortga�e on sr�id property� �rill <br /> pay interest thereon up to 3/1st, 1920 �nd will �ive possession by lidreh 1st, 1920. It is mutu&lly <br /> _ <br /> I <br /> ' agreed that tim� is �.n essential element in `��is contr�ct, and ix is further �reed that in e�.se <br /> either of the p�rties hereto sha.11 f�il to perform the stipu].dtions of thia con�r�,ct. or any paxt ._ <br /> of tt�e $a,me, sh�li pdy the other p�rt� of this contr�ct, the sum of One thousand �,nd No/100 Doll�:rs� <br /> �s damages for non-fulfillment of contract. � <br /> ,. <br /> IN TESTIB�ONY WIiFRFOF. the p�.rties �foresaid h�v� subscribed their n�mes the date above mentionsd. <br /> '�i tne$s: T.H.Ii�ci�i l lidm�a _ <br /> 73y his a.�en�3helton Real �st�,te <br /> G.y.Bas tian & Lo�.n Co C.S.Burke rd <br /> O.O.Olson <br /> �'iled for record this 11 d�y of 23ovember 1919. �.t 3:45 0'clock <br /> �j� , , <br /> � � ��1�-���n �. � <br /> .� �. �.....�.��... ....+w,.., . '•• <br /> Aegister of Deed� � <br /> -0-0-{�-�-0-0-0-(3-0-fl-J-0-fl-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�1*�9-0-4-0-0-0-4-fl-4-0 <br /> AFFIDAVIT � <br /> State of I�ebrwska� ) ; <br /> ) ;ss. <br />! H�.11 County. . } Co�es now V�illiam b.HilberL, of Gr�.nd Island, �ebr�ska, who first being <br />� <br />��� duly sworn, upon oath depoees and s�.ys that he is person�.11y v�ell acqu�inted �vith =�o�e Harry C. F <br /> Sw�.nson, who vrith one Arthur B.R. Ar��.nson was the gz�.ntee in a certain deed, dated August 29� 1914, <br /> ,$ <br /> r�corded in Book 31, at Pr�ge 580, , of Hall County recorde, executed by the affi�r�t, conveyin� the ��` <br /> 11�est 379 8j10 feet of I.ot Ri�ht (8} in Norwood Subdivision of part of the West � 21W� Section 10-1.�-g� � <br /> Affiant further st�,te�s that s�.id Iiarry C.Swr�nson and one Charles H.Swanson, who was the gra.ntee � <br /> in r� �uit el�.im, deed, dwted N�.rc�. 12.1915, recorded in Book 49, at Page 277; alsa the grantor in � <br />�'i �. quit claim deed� d�.ted I�rch 24,1916, recorded in Book 49, �.t Pag� 56b, also the gr�;.ntor in a <br />; <br />� _w�rr�.nty deed, dated �ay 1,1916� recorded in Book 53. �t Y�ge 34�; �,11 of the afores�id instru�c.ents .�� <br /> I , <br /> f pertaining to the above mentioned property, are one and the a�xne person notwithst�nding the dis- � <br /> �., <br /> e repancy in n�.mea. � '�;; <br /> , :t- <br /> Further �.ffi�.nt sa�yeth not. <br /> i�ill�,�, B.Hi�.bert <br /> 8ubscribed in my ��resence and sv�orn to before ma th�a �tr� a�y of November, 1419. �f: <br /> t`aEAL) C_. ��T•,�'1 o�rg r <br /> �y commission expires Au�ust 27,1925 Notury Public. , <br /> Filed for record this 15 day of November 1919, dt 11 o'clock A.ld. . ° <br /> �/1��-�� �J�-�� � <br /> Registe.r of Desds �`�� <br /> -Q-0-0-�-0-C-Q-C-O^C�-C-C-G-0-C-0-0-0-0-0,0-(3-Q-O�Q-C-L-f?-Q-Q-�-(?-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-�-0-0-0-fl-0-0-�-Q ' <br /> �: <br /> '::�:: <br />►� , <br />