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QbD� _ <br />�r 5�3 <br />' � �l � �C� � �dQ� �O � � � �C� O� D � o . <br /> _— _ : _ -- -- -- <br /> _ _ _ : - = __ _ _ <br /> _ _ _ - — - - -- -- <br /> � 7Z19 CLOPP66ARTLETTCO.�PRINTINO,LITM06RI1PHING�BTATIONERY.OMAHA <br /> � <br /> , i _ . . ___ ._:-_ _ ...."�"-..- .. .._-. -..-_. ._. .___ --__�- <br /> EXC'rI1�IG� CONTR�`iCT <br /> THIS CON7R�CT, rn�de �.nd entered into thia 10" d�,y of Sept, 1919, b�r �nd between Tenn�.nt �.. Rickard <br /> wnd C�tharine �.�ickurd his wife of the County of Hull� �ind State of Nebr�.ska� party of the first <br /> part, and Id� C.Eaton of the County of Ha.11, and State of Nebr�.ska, p�,rty of the secor_d part, , <br /> �VITNF^�TH, That the said party of the first part �,grees to sell and convey to the party of the <br /> second part, tne followin� described property, to-wit: the 2dorthwest quarter of �o�thwest quarter <br /> I� of sec ti on 27 Town 11 R�n�e 11 F.ull County Nebrask�. <br /> The s�.id �bqve describe3 property to be v�.lued �.t ��7Q00. UG �.nd to be free �.nd clear of all in- <br /> cumbr�nces, except as hereinafter sta.ted <br /> The s�id �,�rty of the second part hereb;� �rees to give in p�.3�ment for the above described pro- <br /> perty �500. a0 in �nd tY:e propPrty hereinafter described as follows, to-wit: : the Ida C. F;a.ton <br /> property con�isting of �rellin�; and three lots. except Electric Li�ht l�ps connecting to v�irir� <br /> which �,re reserned by Mrs Euton,��.so on 23ov 15/19 F1trs Ea.ton to pay �[r Rick�,xd further sum of <br /> �35 00.00 . " <br /> The said 4bove described property to be v�lued �.t �3000• 00 and to be free and clear of all inct:ur> <br />� brances except �� hereinafter set forth: : �.nd is located in Alcia lJebr�ska. dnd now occupied by her: <br /> Eeing Zots 6, 7 wnd 8 in Block �.l Clarkson' s Addition to Alda Nebr�ska all buildings <br /> It is hereby further �.greed by und between the pdrties hereto, that dny balance due either of <br /> the parties shwll be paid in c�.sh <br /> � Any insur�.nce ir.. force on the pronerty herein described shwll be assigned to the party receiQing <br /> s�id property, and puy the other pro-ratu c�,sh for s�me. �ossession of pluces by Nov 15th 1919 when <br />� deeds dre excha,n�Pd ure to be given <br />�IEacY�. p:�rty a.grees te fuxnish to the other p�rty on the execution wnd delivery of the warr�.nty <br /> deeds herein provided, in c�.se s�.id property i.i� re�l est�.te� �.n abstr�et to the property conveyed <br />� by them sho�vin� a gOOC� �nd suffjcient title to the swid real estate to the dwte of this contract� <br /> �?itness our h�.nds this tenth day of September� 1919 <br /> 1Vi tness Tenna.nt L. Ri ck�,rd ' <br /> .7��.Pill Catherine A.°ickc,rd <br /> St�.te of �ebr�.ska ) Id�. C.Eaton <br /> � ; ss. , <br /> � � � Hall County ) On this 10" d�y of September�A.D. , 1919, before rce the undsrsigr_ed a Notary <br /> � � <br />' '�� Public dul � commissioned �nd <br /> , y qu�.lified for �,n� xesiding in said County, persona,lly c�me Tenna.nt I.. <br /> Rickd,rd �.nd CutY�arine Rick�rd his wife to me known to be the identical persons whose names �,re affi�- <br /> ed to the ioregcirlg instrurr:ent �.s �rwntors and �.ckn.owled�A� the s�me to be their voluntary act and .�•� <br /> deed. <br /> Tlitnesa my hand �.nd Notarial Seal the d4y u.nd yedr lwst above written. <br /> {SEA.Z) J___�__.E.�D.ill ��Notury Public. <br /> �y c ommi�s i on exp i re s the 23" d.�y of Ju13 1925 <br /> Filed fox record this 3 d�y of �`:ovember 1919, at 9 o' clock A.Pd. <br /> �������Y <br /> �..�._�__,_.�_�-.�.�..:��.�...... <br /> Register of Dees�s <br /> -Q-Q-Q-�-Q-G-Q-0-0-Q-�-0-�-0-Q-�0-0--C-C-O-Q-C--C-C-Q-C-C-G-C-�-C;-C�-C-0-0-C-0-G-0-G-C-C-Q-0-Q-0-�-0-�- <br /> , <br />� � <br /> � � <br />