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! _ - � <br /> � 55c� � � D �C� C��L�Q�J �O � � � �C� O� D � � � <br /> . . . _ _ _ -_ — __ ___ ._ –____ __ <br /> ,a�SIZ19—�LOPPI.BRHTLETYCO.�PRINTING,LITH06RNPFi1NG,5TRTIONERY;OMNHA . . . _... �� . . .. - „ <br /> _... . -_-. .--.-. _.__ . .—..— . .:_s:.::._=.—�---:=.._.._�_�:.—. <br /> St�cte of Nebraska, � <br /> )ss. <br /> Hall County. ) On this 20th day of September, 1919, before me the undersigned, a Nota.ry <br /> Public , in �nd for swid County, pe csonwlly wppeared Fr�.nk F.Goodwin �.nd Louis Bloom, to me known <br /> to be tne identical persons whose n�; are �ffixed to and 14Y10 executed the faregoing instrument, <br /> and �.cknowled�e� tne executi�n of the sar�e to 'oe their volunt�.ry �.ct and deed. <br /> 'JVitness �ny hand u.nd seal, the day wnd ye�r first above �rritten. <br /> � <br /> My commission exp-i.res ��axch 15 , 1921• <br /> _ (SE�y VC.B.:ii lbe rt <br /> Notdry Public <br /> Fileci for record on the 16 d�.3� of C�ctober 1919 at 10:45 o' cloek A.�i. <br /> ��G-�-�-� �-W� <br /> .__.. <br /> Register of Dee� <br /> -o-o-o-�--o-�-o-a-a-�-o-o-o-a-o-o-a-a-o-�-o-o-o-c-o-�-o-o-o-�-o-�-�-�-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- <br /> AFFIDAVIT• <br /> fitwte of Nebrask�. ) <br /> }ss. , <br /> Lancsster Cotzzity ) Sdmuel F.Bamford� being first duly �worn, upon o�.th deposes �.nd says he <br /> is v��ell and per�on�.11;� �.cquainted with Anna M.B�.mford, wife of �.ffiant to whom Charles Judd wnd <br /> Grayee F.Judd, his wife conveyed the followin$ described la.nds in H�.11 County, Nebrwsk�, to-wit: <br /> �dartin Lot Five (5 ) Sec tion Ei�ht (8) Touvn Tyine (�9) R�.n�e Elever. (11} by Warr�nty Dead, d�.ted <br /> ------, und ree�orded in book 55 of Deed Ftecords on p�e 1�9, in the Re�ister cf Deeds office of <br /> H�,11 Courity� �nd witn Ann�. �,Rar.aford ivho conveyed s�.id prernises to I,ur�. E.George by Warranty deed, <br /> d�,teci and recorded in book 55 page 468 of �eed l�ecords and wffi�nt positively knows that the s�.id <br /> Ann�. I�.��.mford wn� Anna A.�-wr�ford, �rife of �xffiwnt �re on� �nd t��e s�.me person� notwithsta.nding . <br /> the discrep�ricy in •r����es. � <br /> S4.raue 1 E.Bur,if o rd <br /> �tzbscribed �.nd sworn to before rae this 3rd d�y of October�l°19 <br /> (�EAI,) Ralpr. �.�.�o�eley <br /> a?iy commission expires �ert.6, ].921 Not�.ry Public <br /> Filed for record en tr.� 16 d��;� of Gctober i919 �t 4:4� o'clock :�.M. <br /> ��"�� ���.�.z- <br /> Re�is ter of Dee� . <br /> rO-O-G-O-J -C�••O- C-0•-C�^G�C�G°G-C-C-C-G-C-�CwC�O�G-O-E'i-O-O-O-O�O�C�-G-t�-U�-G-0�0-O�O�C�0�0�0-O�0�0-0�0-ID <br /> = EX FARTi!, A�FIDAVIT: <br /> State cf Iiebrdsk4, ) <br /> jss. <br /> Hdll County�. ) C.W.Mercer, being f�rst duly sworn, _ says th�t he now Ys and for the <br /> past 34 ye�.rs h�.s been � resicient of �l�od River, Hall County� , 31ebr�.skw, �.nd urws well acqua.inted <br /> �vith one 1F'.l�.Brcti•rn, forrr:erly � resident of alood River, Nebras�C�., who secured tn� title to �. p�rt <br /> of the southeast quarter of tr,e northwest quarter of tr,e southwest �uaxter of Fection 19� in <br /> Township 1G, SzortYi, ltwr�r�;e 11 �"iest, in Ha.11 County , �'�ebraska., by deed from the Union P�.cific R�.il- <br />� <br /> way Comp�.ny� d�.ted �i�.y 28, 1883, and recorded in Sook 9 of Deeds �t �uge 6 of the records of saici <br /> county, and knows him to h�.ve beer. the saane person whose estate was afterw�rds probdted in the Cour.ty <br /> Ccurt �f Hall Gcunty, Nebr�sk�., in. the n�.me of 'Blilli�m A.Brown� wnd who at t�e time of his death <br /> w�.s fou.nd b�� fin�l decree of the Caunty Court of s�id county to be the o�aner of sdi.d last �bove <br /> described proFerty , �.nd tr��.t tr.e said K'.A.�rown, �rantee under sdid deed� w�s the VUilliam A.Br.own ' <br /> whosP Pst�,te °yv�:,.s udn:inistered in said Ccunty Court, as dbove st�,ted. <br /> C.�l.Nercer <br /> Subscribed and sworn �o uefore n.e, on this 17 d•ay of October, l�19. <br /> (SEAL) H.P.Hurrrxood <br /> Commission expires Apl. 5-19�1 Notary Public <br /> �iled for record cn the 1B d�.y af October 191� at 4:5U o' clock P.I:�. _ <br /> ��� <br /> Re�ister of Deed <br /> -O-O-C�C-�C-G�C�-C-G-��i-C-t�-G-G�C-�G-G�G-O-O�G�-U-C-O-O-O-�O-U-�O-O^0-0-O�C-C-Q-O-O�-O�^0-0-0-0-0-0^O-O--O� <br />