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a <br /> � 5��� � <br /> � � �C� ��[�Q � �O �J � � �� O� D G� � - <br /> , <br />_� _ _ - -- _ - -- <br /> _ _ --- _- - -- - <br /> 37�I./9—CLOAPiBAATLETTGO.�PR(NTING,LIiHOGHAPHiNG,BTATlON@RY;OMAHR . . �. ���� Y' <br />-.. .,..- _ ...�_ ... . -.�. �:: . . . . .. . . �:_--.. ��=_ ��-�r '__'.- _ �._.-.— .::a!-._ <br />, `+ ,.L'i���..� ... . . . . . <br /> �tz�t� of Illinois ) <br /> � s� <br /> Stephenson County. . ) <br /> I, Will L.Boeke, County Clerk wnd �lerk of the County Court in and for <br /> s€�id County� in the �tat� �.fores�.id, ur.d keepar of the Records dnd Ser�l thereof, , do hereby certify <br /> that O.B. Bidw�ll and Alice �.F�crshinger duly qualified �.s executors of the last w�ll and test�- <br /> ment cf Aa.ron �i.&irshinger deceased, on Uctober 14th g.D. . Z890;. tha.t they were �,cting as such <br /> executor� on F�bruary 6th �.D. , 1893 and thG.t s�.id Fxecutors were dis�haT�;ed 'as such and the Es- <br /> tate cf said Aa.ron t:.�s�.rshir�er decl�red settl�;d cn Febru�.ry 7th A.D. ,1893 <br /> In �vitness v�hereaf, I, the said �i13 L.Boeke, County Cl�rk �.s afore��.id, have hereunto set my <br /> h�,nd �.nd affixed th� 5e�.1 of sdid Court this 6th da.y of Februa.ry A.D. �1914 <br /> (��) �i�Boeke �,Clerk. <br /> Filed for recard this 2 d�.y of October 15319, at 2:40 o�clack P.�. <br /> G����� <br /> -o-o-o-o-a-c-e�c-c-o-c-c�--e-c-c-o-o-�a-a-o-o-o-o-o-c-o-c-c-o-�-o-o-c-o-o-�`e-a�o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-e-e-c <br /> �rFIDAVIT , <br /> State of Nebr�ska, ) <br /> � ss. , <br /> Hall County � ; <br /> n�.vid �ckerm�.n peing first duly s�vorn on his o�.th d�poses and says that <br /> he �v�s person�.11y well �.cquainted ��ith �T.1�7esley Cochran to whom U. S. conveyed 'oy Patent, ddted <br /> the 1G d�y �f Jdn 18'76 the 5.1�.g of Section Na 20, in `rov�rr�ahip 1VTo 12, Ncrth of Range 2So S VC, of the <br /> 6 P.�I. , H�.11 County Nebxask�, dnd th�,t �e knov�s tne s�.id J.SF�'esley Cochr�n to be the idenfi�ical <br /> gerson who as J.�'+t.Cochrun, eonveyed th� 4bo�ve described l�.nd to Henxy Ahlers by deed dated the <br /> 2 d�y of �Tune 1876 �.nd further �ffiant saith not. � . <br /> Du.v id Acke rm4n <br /> Subscribed in my ;�resence and sworn to before uie �his TY�ird d�.y of February 1914.. <br /> ��,�;g�,) TYieo. . P.BoeY�m <br /> Dlot�.ry Yublic.. <br /> �Iy co��iission e�c�ires �I�;.rch 26,1919. . <br /> Filed for record this 2 day of October 1919, at 2:40 ofcloek P.�. <br /> �ti�z� � <br /> �.._.�...._......�.........».. <br /> Register of Deeds�� <br /> -G-0-0-Q-C-C-0-0-G-G�(1-0-G-0-0-G-0-�`-0-0-0-G-0-C�-(?-Q-4-G-G-G-Q-0-0-0�0-0-U-U-C-Q-G-0-Q-0-0-0-0-C <br /> ' '' .��__ <br /> The state of Nebr�.ska, <br /> Hull Ccu.nty. ss. � <br /> i I ��xns�t .I,�.rr,�n� being first duly sworn upon m� oath depose and say <br /> that I a,m �.nd have been for rr�oxe than 17 ye�.rs � resident of i�all County 'PTebrask�,.. Tha,t on the <br /> 26th dat� cf Ata�; ' 1885 ' I purchased of one Henry Ahlers� trie foilo�rin� described re�.l est�te sit- <br /> uat�d in the county of Hall �.nd st�.te of Iv'ebr�.sk� tto-wit� the south weat qua,rt�r of section 20 <br /> r �.nd �.11 of fr�ction�.l section 19 all in to���nship 1.2 rwnge 9t That on or a'pout the lst da,y of Sep- <br /> tember 18�'�6 � I v�=ent upon ��xid described premises an�. �� all times there�.fter and until or� or �bout ` <br /> the lst dwy of �.rcn 1�s99 myself �.nd family occu�ied suid l�nd �.s a homeste�d �nd at the l�.st n�.m.ed , <br /> d�te or therebouts I moved in to the Gity of Grdnd Isi�,nd� �.nd rented s�.id �remises tha.t dux°ing • <br /> wll the times frora Aug 26th iF��S ' I h�.ve be�n in the open �nd notoxious possession c� a21, of <br /> the �.bove described �rem.ises �.nd have cultivdted the suroe� and �aid dll tc�xes thereon' u.nd th�.t <br /> no one at any ti.rcze ever questioned or disput�d rrly title or possession to said described premises <br /> or �zny �art thereof �.nd thU.t the l�nd above described is suppo$ed to cont�.in 184 a,czes rn,ore or _ <br /> � less' �,nd that I knos,v . of my own personal knowledge my �r�.n�or of the a.bove prernises occupied the <br /> same for a number of �rears prior ta ss�.lin�; the s�e to rr,e and �aid the taxes there�o�i. . That the <br /> fr�.ction mentioned in my deed to Au�;ust �i�,�;.nn' txirider date of Au� l�' 1902t as being in section 1'9 <br /> is a fraetion of l�.nd co��encing ut tne south ��est coxner �f the sauth west �uarter of section 2�� <br /> .�.n town 12! r�.rge 9' �.nci :runs due ncrth for one miie and embr�.ces wll the l�,nd west� of s�ction 2� <br /> cut to the public road dll �f v�hich I � the owner �nd conveyed the same to the said Au�ust <br /> Han:n�,an' by warr�ntee deed. � <br /> Witness to sign�.ture. dated this 19th d�.�:. of Aug 1902' <br /> Erns t Larnm - <br /> �.��.._._._.._�____..._.......�..__ <br /> Subscri.bed in my presence dnd sworn �o before me tr�is 20th ddy of Au�' 1902. . �litness my h�.nd <br /> nd offici�.l se�2 the D�.te I.�.st aboqe written. � <br /> �.� com. ex�ires Nov 16-1�03 O.A. Abbott Notdry Pub�ic. <br /> Filed for record Uctober 2,1919 �t 2:40 o'clock P.3;�. ��;���� � � � �_G�� <br />, -°���-' � � <br />