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�.�.., . �__ <br /> Q��� y <br /> � 5 4�5 � <br /> �10 �C� � ��a � �0 � � � �� O� D � o � <br /> _ _- _— ._ _ , :-.: <br /> _ _�. _- , _ _ -- -- -- -- <br /> __ _-- - <br /> _ -=_- -- -- -- -- <br /> ,. ��/� CLOPP6BNRTLETTGO.PHINTING LITHOORAPHING.BTATIONEflY�OM1IHA _! <br /> AGREET�R�Ei3T FO.R �'�ARI�A2�TY DEED <br /> l�RTICIaEB OF AGRF��AENT, �de tnis 14th day of Apri1, 1919, between Fr�.nk S�vift, ( a wido�er. ) party <br /> of the first part, �.nd �Villiam Townsend. ,party of the secor�d part. . <br />' WITNES�ETH, Thdt the sa,id party of the firs� part hereby covenants a.nd agrees that if the party <br /> of the second part shall first the pdyment and perform the covenants hereinafter mentfoned <br /> I� on hia p�rt to b� and perforr�ed, the suid party of th� firat p�.rt dgraes to furnish tn aec- <br /> ond party d good �nd sufficient a.bstract of title showing �. good title of record to the premises � <br /> hereinaft�r described in the p�.rty of the fir�t p4rt, wnd will corrvey �nd wssure to the p�rty of <br /> the second pa.rt, in fee simple, clear of ull encumbrwnce - whatsoever, by �ood and suffioient <br /> Warr�.nty Deed, the followi�g lot, pieca and parcel �f ground� wiz. I,ot One (1) in Block Sixty- <br /> t�ro (62) , �heeler & Bennett's Second Addition to Gr�nd Isl�.nd, ,�ebr�ska, as surveyed, platted , <br /> wnd recorded. . <br /> '� <br /> A note for �1550.00 v��.s given with �his contract Dill 8c Hu�ton <br /> And tne s�id party of the second pwrt hereby co�en�.:�ts �na :�re�s to �ay tc sa3d pdrty of the '� <br /> first pa.rt the sum of Seventeen Hundred �.n3 Fifty wnd no/100 Dollars in tne znanner following: <br /> �wo Hundred wnd no/100 Doll�rs, cash in hand paid. the receipt �rhereof is hereby �.cknowledged, � <br /> and the b�lunce of �1550. 00 paydblc ws follo�vs to-wit: - ;25• 00 on the 15 th day of �ay� 1919 <br /> �nd �25. 00 on the 15tn of euch subsequent month until said bulance is fully, except pro- I <br /> vided �.s follows; (`rhut the s�id second pa,rty agrees that as soon as the b�.l�nc� is down <br /> to dn ��.mount where he can get a lo�zn on s�.id property, he will procure said loan and pay the sald I <br /> bal�.nce in full with all accrued interest at that tirue, ds �er the term$ of his note of �1550 ' <br />' of eyen d�te herewith. � with interest at the r�.te of � per annuui, payable monthly, �.nd each <br /> interest to be deducted from the w25 pa.yment each month �,nd the bala.nce credited on the principal• <br /> ; <br /> Swid �econd party �rees to keep a.l], the buildings insured for the benefit of �aid fir�t p�.rty <br /> and �ay �11 ta.xes, �.lso on this contract and note here�ith,� and on fa.ilure �so to do, said first i <br /> I <br /> party cwn procure the insurwnce a.nd pdy the ts�xes and same to be secured ''oy this contr�.ct, �nd to <br /> dr�.w 1�� until paid. �.s above st�.ted �Yitn. interest �t the r�te of seven per cent �er �nnwn, payable <br /> M�"""on" the whole sum remaining from time to time unpaid, �.nd to p�y all taxes, assessments or impos- ' <br /> itions th�.t may be leg�.11y l�vied or imposed upon adid land, subsequent to the yewr. It ig mut- <br /> u�lly wgreed th�t time is an essentidl �lement in �his contr�.ct� �.nd in case of failure of said . <br /> party of the second p�rt to m�.ke either of the pay:nents or to perform any of the coven�ints on <br /> his pdrt hereby made and entered into, this contruct sh�.11, �.t t�ie option of the pa.rty of the <br /> first part� be forfeited �.nd determinad and the party of the second part shU.11 forieit �.11 <br /> p�.yments by him on this contract �.nd sucli payments shdll be retained by the said party of the <br /> fir�t pa.rt in full satisfaction of all th� d�m�ges by him sust�.in�d, �.nd he sh�.11 ha�ae the right <br /> to re-ent�r �.nd t�.ke possession of s�id prernises afoxesaid. . <br /> It is rnutually! �greed that 411 the covena.nts and �.greements herein cont�.ined shall extend <br /> to and pC abligatory upon the heirs, executors, �dministrutors �.nd assi�ns of the respective <br /> � parties.. <br /> IN ��'ITNErS i�'UHF+:REOF• • The parties to these presents have her�unto set th�ir hands �.nd seals the <br /> day �.nci year first �bove written. . <br /> Signed, sewled �nd delivered in presence of � <br /> �T.O.Ev�.ns Fr�nk S�rif't (L•S. ) � <br /> ..._,,.....� <br /> J.E.Dill VVilliam A. Townsand (_L.S. ) <br /> State of Nebr�ska. ); ss. <br /> Jefferson County ) On this ---day of April,A.D. 1919, before me the undersigned a ��otary �'ublic, <br /> duly camr�issianed �nd quali�'ied for �nd resi�ing in s�.id County, person�.11y cr�.me Frdnk Swift� (a <br /> widower. ) to me known to be the identic�l �erson whose n�ne is dffixed to the foregoing instrument <br /> as �xwntor 4nd �.ckno�rledged �he to be his voluntury �.ct and deed. . <br /> 11�itness rqy hand wnd �toturiul: Sewl tne d�.y 4nd year l�st �bove wri t n <br /> ,�T.r,,,:�valls, NotaTy Pub1iC <br /> Iu�y commission ex�ires April 30, 1919 �S��y� __ _ <br /> ,v��� �f���yj <br /> �31ed for record tnis 1 d�.�a of Uctober 1919, �.t 3 o'clock P•:�• Re�i er! of Deed��~� ' <br /> ; <br />