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� 54� I <br /> �J � �C� � ��Q� �O � � � �C� OG� D � � <br />_ -=- =� _�_ _ _� <br /> _ _ - --- --. _ <br /> :.37ZIJ-CLOPP69ARTLETTCO..PRINTING,LITHO6HAPiliNG,4TNTIONERY;OMIIHA . . � � <br />_._... . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. -:_ -..- ...:.-_. .._..: .. _��-:. <br /> said premises, �.n.ything t�rhich will incre�.se the r�.t� of insurwnce on �d�oining property, and th�t <br /> the lessor or their �ents m,aS� enter s�.id premises €�t any time to view sume or for �.ny necessury <br /> purpose <br /> The lessee further �ree� ti�.u.t it will in �.11 res�ects camply with the City 0rdinance �nd Ra- <br /> :�uirem.ents of the He�lth Department and particularly as to keepin� said premises �nd tMe str�ets <br /> �.nd alleys thereto frQe �.r_d cle�.n of filth �.nd refuse wnd obstruction, and the aide-walke free <br /> fro� snow and ice. <br />' If, at the expir�tion �f this le�.se, the is not renewed party of th� second purt will <br /> : - <br /> be pern�i.tted to rer�ove ull t�.n.l��, pumps �.nd izn�rovements of any kind which they may pla�ce on sdid <br /> lots during thA tezm of this le�se �.nd will� without fuxther notice �f any kind, quit and surr•ender <br /> the possession �.nd occu�,wncy of suid prerrli�es, restorin� s�me to prnper condition �.nd provided <br /> �n cwse Q�.id property cr any part thereof at wny time be destroyed or d�maged by fire or <br /> other un�.voidable casuulty, so tha.t the same shwll be ur�fit for occupation or use, then the rent <br /> her�by reserved cr fair �nd ,just proporti on thereof, �.ccording to the n�.ture and extent of the <br />" d�ca�e sust�.ined in loss cf occup�.ti.on of the premises shall be suspended until s�id premises <br /> sh�.11 ne re'ouilt �.nd m.ade fit f'or occup�.tion and use by s�id g�,rty of the seccnd part. <br /> The words, p�.rty of the first part, wherever used in the foregoing instrument sha.11 include <br /> i ts executor, adr�ini�tr�.tcr, :°epxesentative �nd dssigns und the words� party of the second party, <br /> wherever used sh�:ll include its successors or �.ssi�;nees. <br /> II�T t��ITI�TESS �"�-�'1�,FOF, the p�,.rties hdve hereto subscribed their n�mes on the date �bove writ'ten.. . <br /> In presence vf Emil F.Riekert <br /> _._..._._..._��._.,.._ <br /> Purty of the First part <br /> J.I,.Cle�.rv <br /> -"�`!"` I�ANHATTAN OII, COMPANY <br /> y . . tee e <br /> Party° of the Sec ond P�rt <br /> St�te of �ie�r�,,ska, ) � <br /> ) ss <br /> County of Hdll ) <br /> On this 13" day of Sep t. . A.D. 1919, be f o re me� the unde rs igned J.I,.Cle�ry� <br /> a luot�,ry Public, duly cnmmissioned �.nd qua.lified for wr.d residin� in s�.id �aunty, person�lly come <br /> Em�il E.Rickert to me kr,ovan to be the identic�.i pex�on .whose na,me is affixed to the foregoing con- <br /> v�yunce �s lessor �.nd dckncwledged the s�sne to 'oe his volunt�.ry act �.nd deed. <br /> �rIT�,�r,�� my hand �.nd se�.l the day wnd ye�r l�.st abave written. . <br /> (SEAL) J.L.C�.edrY __.r.,..�. <br /> NOat�RY PUBI,I C y . <br /> �y Comrr�iasion expires Apr�l ?8" 1923 <br /> St�.te of ;���or�,ska ) <br /> } ss <br /> County of Hall ) <br /> On this 13" day of Se�t. A.D.1919, before �-;e, the undersigned J.Z.Cleary, � <br /> Notary Public, duly� commissioned �nd qualified for and residing ir� s�.id Cour.ty , persan�.l3.y c�.me <br /> II G.A. Steele to me 2cnown to be the identical person whose n�.me i� affixed to the foxegoing convey- <br /> ance �s lessee und acknowledged the s�e to be his vo�urt�.ry act �.nd deed. and the eolunt�.ry �.et <br /> and deed of the �Ji�.nha.ttan Oil Co. <br /> 1A�IT��� my h�.nd �.r.d se�.l the d�y dnd ye�.r l�.st dbove written.. <br /> (SEAI.� J.I�.�1e�.r.y <br /> Notary Public. <br /> My comrnission �xpires kpril 18" �.923 <br /> �iled for record this 26 d�.y of Septembex 1919, at 8: 3G o' clock A.�. <br /> V(.��� ���y <br /> Register of D�eds � <br /> -O-�-G-O-G-�-�-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-C-G-Q-C-C-D-O-�-G-C-�-0-G-0-U-0-0-U-0-4- <br />