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���� 5 l <br /> [� � �C� C�[�[�Q �I �OC� � � �� O� D G� � . <br /> 4 � <br /> -:-_ __ �_-:_ . _ - __ :__ _ --- ___ --- - -- - <br /> __ _ _ . - � _ --- --- - - <br /> _ <br /> _ _ : - <br /> .�721J�.CLOF'PiBARTLETTCO..PflINTING.UTHOORl1PHING.6TNTIONERY OM11MF <br /> �� <br /> Thi� �ree:nEnt m.ade a�nd e�terPd into thi8 14th day of October 1918, by and between, Herman ' <br /> Stratmwnn Ch�rlott� Stratm�nn �nd T+Cu,1V].ria Str�.tm�.nn partiea of the first part and ths Ml,T7HATTAN <br /> OIL C0�4PfiNY � corpoxation of �BRASKA� h�.ving its prir�ci��.l �l�.ce of business dt O�AHA�N�BRA�KA� <br /> party of the second p�rt, �ITNFS�TH: <br />'' That the parties cf the first part, h�,ve this day leased unto the part�r of the Recond p�.rt� <br /> I <br /> the followin� described �areir.ises, to-wit: The South Forty four (44) feet of Lot Fight {g ) Bloek <br /> . . � . . �"' <br /> Si:�ty� four (64 ) of tne Ori��nal Plat of Gr�r_d Isldnd Nebruska. I,ocated at Second and �!Vheeler Avenue <br /> for �. term of �ive (5 ) years, from the First d�.y of Jur.u�ry 1919 :until the First day of �anuary <br /> 1924, for �. rentdl consider�tion of Sixty-two Doll�rs and Fifty Cents (�62.50) per month, p�.y- <br /> able rr.onthly in �dvwnce, during the life of this l�ase. The fi rst paym�nt ta be made Sanuary <br /> lst, 1919 �nd in c�.se the purty of the second part sh�uld est�.blish business on the de3cribed <br /> premises befor� Janu�.ry lst, 1919, the le�.se rentdl is to sta.rt �.t the time said business is open <br />� <br /> to the public. <br /> It is further �reed that if any rent�.l sh�.11 be due and unp�.id or if default be mad� in any <br /> of the covenants herein cont�.ined� it sh�ll �hen be lawful for the parties of the first part to <br /> re-enter s�.id �re�nises wnd the party of the second p�rt �.�rees to vacr�te suid premises without <br /> notice and if it 'oecomes tlecessdry to bring action �.t l�.w to recover posse$sion, to �ay re�.san- <br /> able �.ttorney's fees therPfore, �.nd the pdrty of the second part �.grees to pay to the pa.rties <br /> of the first part the rent us above specified. <br /> a of th second �.rt ovenanta tha.t it will not sell assi�n or sub-let or relin- <br /> The rt e c , . <br /> I� Y P <br /> quish sr�id �remises �^rithout �ne written consent of the lessor under pendlty of forfeiture of <br /> all i ts rights under this le�,se at the e lec ti on of the p4rties of the fi rs t part� or do or <br /> permit on 'any pwrt of said �.rernises, anything which will increase the rt�te of :insurance on <br /> ad�ioinin� property, wnd thdt the lessor or their �ents may enter said premises at any time <br /> to view s�.me or for any necessary �ur�,ose <br /> The lessee further u�rees that it �vill in �11 respects comply �vith the City Ordinance �.nd � <br /> Requixe�nents of the He�.lth Dep�rtmant wnd p�.rticularly �s to keeping �,remises and the <br /> streets and �.11eys the.reto free �nd clean of filtn �.nd refuse dnd r�bstruction� and the side- � <br /> �alks free from snow �.nd ice� <br /> If, �.� th� expirdtion of this lease, the s�:me is not renewed, party of the second part will <br /> be permitted to remove �11 .�anks� purcps �.nd improv�mente of any kind whieh they may place on <br /> said lots during the term of this le�se and will, witnout further notice of uny kind, �uit �.nd <br /> surrender the possession �.nd occup�.ncy of swid �,r�mises, restoring sume to the �ondition �vhich <br /> I <br /> they noar �.re, with xe��,ect to curbing, sidewalk wnd �round level.- <br /> It is further �greed th�t the party of the second p�.rt is to i�,ve tY�' option of purch�sing <br /> this arcrperty herein descri'a�d �.t any time up to J�.nu�.ry lst, 1919, free of �,11 lie�ns �.nd in- <br /> eumbrknces of any nature for Fifteen Thousand (�15 ,000.00) Dollars; or between that date and <br /> Janu�.ry lst, 1920 for Fifteen Thous4nd Two:_Hur�dred Fifty (h15 ,�50.00) Dol.lars; or between th�t <br /> date �.nd Janu�+.ry l�t, i5�1 for Fifteen Thousa.nd Five Hundred (�15 �500.00) Dollars; or between <br /> that date and Junuary 1$t,1922 for Fifteen Thausand Seven Aundred Fifty (�Z5 , ,750. CG� Doll�.rs; <br /> or between th�t date �.nd J�nu�ry lat, 1923 fnr Sixteen Thousand (�1:6,�00.00) Doll�.rs: or be- <br /> tween ths�t dwte �nd Janua.ry lst,1924, the ddte of expir�.tion of saic� lease� for Sixteen Thou�and <br /> Two Hundred Fifty (w16, 250. 00) Dolldrs. . <br /> It is further �.greed thu.t the ob�ect of the lessee is to build �.nd install, �n these premise�i� <br /> a Gasoline and Oil Auto Filling St�tion, and that s�.me is to ne strictiy up-to-date �.nd th�t <br /> sarne sh�ll be put up so �s to gener�.11y incre�.se the �.ttr�ction of this property. <br /> �'he sdid second p�.rty 41so w�rees to �,ay any and uli t�.es ti�.t may be as9essed on their <br />