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�,c��j _ _ <br /> 53';� <br /> �l � �� C� � �Q � �O � � � �� O� D � o <br /> :_ -= _ __ _ - -- -- - - - - -- ---- — <br /> _ _ -- �— _— _- --_ __- _ _ _ <br /> . :�_.___' .._ ...�5--CLqRP6HA[iiLETiCD..PA1N7iNG.LLTH09�F1AP.tllNG.t7ATiONGRY:OMAHA. . . . _._ . ._..... ____. .._.. _.. ._____ .. _'"_'.. _.._"_.'__'_'- �..- <br /> C�3�TRACT FOR �tE1�,L FSTAT.L <br /> ARTICI�B OF AGREEIVi�NT, �ds ,this ----day of------1.9--, ---between ldartha A.Funk� of the first part, <br /> and Elmer D.Fuicher and Elsie T.Fulcher, Husband �nd wife, of the second part. <br /> WITNESSETH, T�t the said party of the first p�.rt, has this day bargained and sold to the <br /> said parties of the second pa.rt, the following described re�sl estate, situat�d in the county of <br /> H�11� and state of Nebr�.ska, to-wi t: I,ots Twelve, (12) Thirteen (13) Fourte�n (��4) Fifteen (15 } <br /> Sixteen C16 ) in B2ock Ten (10}, I,ots Fourteen (14� a�d Sixteen (26 } in block Seventeen (17�. <br /> I,ots One (1) TvPO (2) Three (3) Four (4) Five (5 ) Six t6) Se�en (7� Eight (8} Tan (10} fiwelve <br /> (12� Fourt�en (14j Fifteen (15 ) Sixteen (16) in Block Twenty Four (24} Al1 in University Place, <br /> Grand Isls�nd. , I�'ebr�.ska. �iccordin� to the recorded plat thereof� for the sum of Twenty Eight <br /> � Hundred Dollars (�2800.00� Five Hundred Dollars (�500. 00) Doll�rs of which hr�s been p�.id in hdnd, <br /> the rec�ipt whereof is hereby acknowl�dged. . Second Parties �sssume and rxgree to pay a mort��e <br /> for sixteen Hundred (�1600. 00} in favor of Frank Strasser, �.t 8 jo interest per annum. The re- <br /> ma.ining principal with accrued interest ut the rate �of 6� per 4nnum sYu�ll be paid to the party <br /> of the first part �.t the office of Joseph T.Steward. In the times r�nd in the ma,nner followin�, <br /> th�,t is to say: Seven Hundred Dollars to run one year �t six per cent interest from d$te. . �he <br /> first party to furniah a wr�rrwnty I3eed and abstrr�ct title sub�ject to the above mentioned mort- <br /> gage. It is further agreed tha.t second parties keep the �,bove premises insured in a sufficient � <br /> ��ount to cov�r the debt �.n.d intexest. contract is not to be transferred unless the written <br /> consent of first pa,rty be obt�ined. I <br />! Now, of the said party of the second part, shall p�,y the sum as abave aet fd�th, time being <br /> the essence of this contr�.ct �nd sh�ll pay all taxes and assessments, whether speci�l or gen- <br /> eral. wY�i�h m�y becom� du� on s�id re�l est�.te for the year 1919, �,nd thereafter until the above <br />, paym�nts ar� all m�de, then s�.id party of the first part sh�.11, at his own cost, execute and <br /> deliver to the s�.id pr�rties of the second part, or their �.ssigns, upon aurrender of this contr�.c� <br /> - i <br /> a �arr.�.nty deed to the �.bove described premises. , <br /> AND IT IS FURTHER AGREED tYiat in cdse Qny p�.yment, either of �rincipal or intereat, remairi+* <br /> ing unpaid for � sg�ce of thirty d�.ys after the sG,rne shd.11 become due, or a failure to pt�,y at�y� <br /> t�ixes or assessments. at the time the same becomes due, then �n thzr.t case, the whole �maunt un- <br /> pa3d on this contraet shdll become due r�nd pay�.ble without further notice; �:nd such delinquency <br /> in payauent, or the failure in oth�r re�pects by 'the p�.rties of the �econci part to perform the <br /> stipulations of this contract, or any part of the�r., shu.11 entitle the party of the f�.�st part <br /> to i�diwte possession of the premises described herein, �nd the p�.rty of the �econd part shall <br /> forfeit all payments made under this contrac�. <br /> This contractt sh�ll b� in duplic�te. one copy of v�hich shall remain with each p�rty to this <br /> _ contract. .l�hen any payment is mz�de on this contr�.et, the pers�n paying the sa,me shr�ll tFike s dup- <br /> licate receipt th�refor from the pa.rties hereto or their assigna. <br /> IN WIT1dESS �fF3FRFOF the p�rties have hereunto set their hands the day dnd year fir�t above <br /> �. �---- <br /> �rrit ten. ' <br /> In presence of �8artha A.Funk <br /> Bessia L•l�.cdon�.ld �f.S.Funk <br /> R�.ry E. Te�.hoa Plmer D.Fulcher <br /> Elsie T.Fulche r <br /> �nreYtasers when malcing this p�,yment will forw�.rd this contract to the office of = - -' -. • . _ - . <br /> :. � - - contract will b� returned properly endorsed. <br /> 8tt�te of Ariz on�c � <br /> } s s. <br /> �ar�:copa Cuunty j <br /> Before me B.W. Getsin�er a DTot�s.ry Public. in �.nd for said County, this d�.y <br /> " persondlly came I�artha A.Funk who is known to me to be the id�ntic�.l person num6d in the abcyve <br />, <br /> � <br />