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�.��j, � <br /> �� � �C� G� ��C�lC� �O � � [� �C� O� D �J � <br /> _ _ __� _�_ ___ _ � -- �- <br /> _ __ __ _ __ _ <br /> _e;��/9—CLO�PABl1A'TIETTCO.�PiiINTING,L�THO6RAPHlNG,SYATIONEHV;OMAHA. �� � ... . . •�-._. � <br /> GERTI�ICATF_ OF� APPO�TT�NT OF �XECUTOR <br /> THE �'�OPI,E OF T ��, STATE OF NF.,'�t YORK� To all to �vhom. these pr�sents shall com� or may conaern, <br /> send Greetin�: : <br /> BE IT KNOWA7� That on the 20th day of September, thous�.nd ei�ht hundred a.nd ninety-seven <br /> Letters Test�.mentary upon the Zast �ill and Test�.ment of J.Allen Throop, late of the town of <br /> �.nchester in the County of Ontdrio, deee�sed, werc� duly gr�nted �nd issued by the Surrogate's <br /> Court of the County� of Ontdrio, to A. Judson :� Throop and Augu�tua T. Throop Executors in th� <br /> s�id iRill n�znEd, �nd that the ure $till v�.lid and in full force, so far as appears by tha <br /> record thereoF. <br /> IN TFSTIMONY WH�R�OF, �E hdqE c�used the sewl of our s�id Surro�dte�s Court to be hereunto <br /> affixed. , <br /> WITN�Sq, Hon. • D.G.I,�.pham, Surrog�,te vf Ontdrio County, a.t +Can�nd�.igua, iM sdid County, this <br /> 21st day of October, A.D.1897. <br /> , f�F,AZ j D.G.�. l�m <br /> �rroga e <br /> I�'iled for record this 12 dr�y of September 1919� dt 9:15 o'clock A��. <br /> «����� <br /> Register of Deeds <br /> -fl-0-0-0�0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-fl-0-0-4-0-0-0-0-0-0-tJ-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-4-0-0-0-0-0-0-fl-fl-0-0-(3�0-fl-0� <br /> � AFFIDAVIT <br /> State of A�ebraska., ) ; <br /> ) ss. <br /> H�.11 County. ) <br /> Chus. G.:tyan� being first duly sworn on his oath deposes and saya that he <br /> is �c resident of Hall County,Ne�r�sk�� �,nd has been such for more than thirty y�'ears laet pa$t; <br /> a.ffi�.nt further states th�.t he wda well �nd personally �.cquainted witY� �r�.ncis B.Rogers, who� on <br /> Ju2y 25 , 1918, conveyed Lot 2, in Block l, of First Artistic Homes Additian to the City of Gr�r.d= <br /> Island, in Ha.11 �County, Nebraska� , to Joseph Power, by v�arr�.nty deed r�corded in Book 55 of Deeds <br /> at page 298 of the Deed �ecords of Hall County, Nebrask�s, �nd a.ffi�nt knows of his orm personal ` <br /> knowledge that �.t the time of the executi on of -��.id deed, the s�id Fr�.ncis B. Ro�ers was a sin�le <br /> man and had never been married. <br /> . . Ch�cs.G_,R,yan <br /> �ubscribed in my presence dnd s�vorn �a before me this 15th day of September,A.D. 1919. - <br /> (��) R.R.Horth <br /> �dy conunission expires I�.rch 29, 1823• Not�ry P 13c <br /> Filed for record .��if�s 15 day of Sept 1919, �.t 10:45 o'clock A.�d.. <br /> . `�faiL� V�/�f_Q-y . <br /> Register of Dceds <br /> �0-0�-0-0-t�-0-0-fl-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-t7-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-fl-0-4-0-0-0-0-0-4-0-0-fl-0-0-0-0-0-fl-0-0�0-�-0-0-0 <br /> r - <br />�._ . <br />