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r <br /> N c�`)� ; <br /> , <br /> �1 � �C� � ��a� �0 � � � �� O � D � � � ' <br /> -- .. - - <br /> �_�—,�_��—�._--___�^- �_v_�__---_�_-- <br /> _ , <br /> ,3�Z19-CLO?P2.6AitTLETTCO.�PRINTING.UTH06RAPHING.SYATIONEHY;OMAHA . ... . ... . . . - -' � <br /> AFFIDAVIT - <br /> In the ma�.tter of the title to Zot 8 in Block 132 of Koenig and Wieba's Addition to Gr�nd Isla�di <br /> Hall County, Nebr��ka. <br /> St�te of Nebraska, ) � . <br /> } ss <br /> Hr�ll County. �` <br /> Ja.mes E.Buck, being firs� duly sworn, d�poses �nd s�ys, that he is we�1 an�l <br /> persan�lly �cquainted �vith J.i�. Duggs�n who acquired title to above deacribed lot by warrunt�; deed � <br /> recorded in Book 46 page 4 of the deed records of ax�id Hall County; a�18o with J.P.Ihigan who appears <br /> �.s one of the �r�ntors in � certain �rarr�.nty deed conveying said lot to H. T.Brown, and whieh is <br /> recorded in Book 52, pra�ge 358 of said records. �.nd he kno�r5 th�t aaid J.p.Duggan �nd J.�.Dug�.n <br /> are one and tha same person,not�rithstandin� the discrepancy in the spelling of the �z�rn�.me. <br /> �'ames E.Buck <br /> � <br /> Subscrib�d in my presence and sworn to before me this 5th da�y of Sept. 1919. <br /> {,rAy� P.R.Bi rk , <br /> Bdy commission expires Aug 6�1924 _,Not�.ry Prablic. <br /> File� for record this 6 da.y of September 1919! a.t 9:3a otclock A.M. <br /> . ����� � <br /> Regi$ter of De�de <br /> -0-0-0-fl-0-0-4-0-0-0-0-0-4-0-Q-0-4-E?-4-{}--0-0-0-0-�-0-0-4-0-�J-0-U-0-fl-0-fl-0-a-0-0-0-0-�-fl-0�0-�0*rQ- <br /> BZI,L OF SAI� <br /> KNOW AI,L �T+T BY THESE PRF�I4TS: <br /> That wea , �illdrd Fil],more Boquette �nd Sophia Boquette, his �iPe, of the first part in con- <br /> sideration of the sum of �leven hundred five dollars and twenty-five cent� (,�1105.25 } paid us by <br /> �.O.Ritchey �.nd Ch�.rles B.Freema.n of ��e second part, for �hich this is a reaefpt, ha�e bargair�ed <br /> �.nd sold �.nd do hereby grant and convey unto the eecond p�.rtie� their hEirs, adrninistrators, and <br /> assigns ao much of the party wr�ll now standin$ upon the accepted lot line or� the 1Pesterly side <br /> of lot one (1} and the Easterly side of lot tvro {2} in nlock sixty-eight (68 ) oP the original <br /> tis <br /> town now city of Gr�.nd Island ds is de�zribed as foilo�s: , <br /> , An undivided one-half interest in s�id wa11 upwards from a line, up�n which t1z� �ct�of to tl� <br /> building no�r located on lot one (1� is �tt�.ched, �.t �. point t.Yiirty-seven (37} feet sia (6� inche$ <br />� f�om the presen� floor line at the Northerly end of sai.d buildin� �.nd extending Southerly to the � <br />� re�.r end of said building to a point tt��nty-five (25 } fe�:t six (6 } inches above said floor line <br /> upwards seven (7� feet to a line forty-two (42) feet from the sdid floor line �t the ]�ortherly <br /> end thereof to a point thirLy-five (35 j feet from s�id floor �.-t the Southerly end ther�o�' as <br /> shown by the shaded portion of the diagram her�to attached and made a part of this bi11 of sale; <br /> also an undivided one-half interest in the four (4} inch re-inforcement af all of sr�id wall be- <br />� �inni at the ng upw�:rds at �.n average hei�ht of thirty <br /> n� ground floor line thereof and extendi .. <br /> s�ven (37� f�et; also an undivided on�-hr�lf interest in the re-inforceme�t footing �,nd extens3cn <br /> baaement wa,ll which extension footing and betterments h�ve been made by �ai�l. f3rst pr�rty at hi� , <br /> own expense r�nd for �rnich second party has paid him and is entitled to � conveyance ;?Af an undivid�d <br /> one-ha.lf interest in bdsement wa,ll fo�ting and re,--enforcement fo�the wh�le length thereof, <br /> to-ait: : one hundred thirty-two (132} feet. <br /> This bill of s�,le and conveydnce is made for the purpose of evidencing the p�yment op the pa�rt <br /> of s�id 11�.O.�i.tehey �.nd Charles B.Free�nan who �re now the owners of sr�id lot one (1) in accardanc� <br /> v�ith the party wall lease mr�de by �ltillis Rownd �nd wife and James �.Dill �nd S�muel C.Xuston whicl� <br /> bi11 of sale is recc�rded in book �I,� of mi�cellaneou�a records at page 338 �3:n the office of the Re- <br /> corder of Deeds, the payment of r�ll claims v�hich the said first party may have for conatruction, <br /> betterment, improvement or re-inforcement of said wall, foundation �ind basement x�ll fax it� <br /> f�ll length �nd its full height to a point forty-two {42} feet from the lower line of said '�r'all <br /> a� the Northerly end thereof and running dia.�onally to a point th�rty-fi�e (35j feet �t the <br />