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��� _ _ _ <br /> 531 � . <br /> � � NJ� � � L�L;1 � �l�JU � � �� O� D L1Un � <br /> -- - --- - - _ _ __ _. _.— _ — - - -- - - — - - <br /> �_ _- --- -- - __ _ ,: . --- <br /> _ - - _ ..... _ -- — -- - --- <br /> „�r , . - <br />- _=--, -=-- --8?LS�9--y,nPre too.�ra,nr�r��.uTxn_nneeMid�.siwr�,cax:odneru_ � _ <br /> CO]�TRACT FOR TI�E SAI�R �N'D PURCHASE OF REAL _TSTATE. <br /> THI� CONTRACT AND AG�NT m�.de and entered, into°�this 30th day of August,1919� by and be- <br /> tween Z.�.Gruver and Eva M.Gruver, his �ife, parties of the first p�rt, and �artin Sehimmer� <br /> party of th� second part, �.11 of Hall County. Nebr�.ska. �►ITNESSFTH� <br /> lst. . That for and in consideration of the payments made �.nd to be made by second party to first <br /> arties �,s hereinafter stated said fir�st parties hereby agree to sell and convey by good and <br />�'i. <br /> P . . <br /> �ufficient warranty deed, to second part�� who on his part �sgrees to purch�se from first parties� <br />, ' <br />� the foliowing deacribed real est�.te sitwate in Ha.11 County, �Iebraska, to-wit: The northeast <br /> quart�r and the e�.st half of the north�e!,st quarter of Section Zb�enty-two (22}. in Township Twelve <br /> - (12�, Diorth, R�ing� Ten (lOj . west, consiating of 240 acre�, a little more or less, as shown by <br /> the Go4ernment Survey thereof. ' <br /> 2nd. . The purchr�se price of said premiees is �I�TY-OI�E THOUSAND SIX AU1tiTDR�D ��21,6001 Dol].ars, <br /> payable �s follows: �2000• cash paid on !thi,a date, the receipt of which is hereby z�ekno�ledged. , <br /> said sale being�`sub�ect ta s� first mOxt��e on said prer�ises of �8000. bearfng interest r�t 5� <br /> per annum �,nd a second mortg�ge on sr�xn.e for �6000� bearing interest at 6� per annum, �he sum of <br /> �2000• having been heretofore paid upon � said last mentioned mortgr�ge� leaving the swn of $12,000. <br /> martgage� ag�.inst sr�id premises. The baYr�nce of said purehase price, t�o�v►it� the sum ot $7600. <br /> to be paid by s�.id secand party to said firBt p�.rties �.� the Grand Island Nation�,l B�nk �t Grand <br /> Isl�nd, Nebrwska, on March 1�1920. Upon payment of s�id balance, the first p�.rties to convey said I <br /> premises to $aid sec��nd party� or his d�signs, , by �ood and sufficient warranty deed, as abcve ' <br />. �tr�ted, and to furnis�i to said second p�.rty a.n abstr�et of title showin� �ood, m�rketable title <br /> in said premises� free and clear of dll ! liens and incumbr�.nces exc�pt said mortgage ot �8000, <br /> � <br /> r�nd said mortgrage of $4000, bal�nce as �.bove at�ted, v��,th �.11 interest paid on sr�id mortgagee► by i <br /> I <br /> first parties. to �'ebru�ry 15 , I920, and', sub�ect to d �,eaee on said pramises in favor of John <br /> Kruse, for one year from }dF�reh 1,1920. �11 rent�ls under said le�.se and all interest of said <br /> ; <br /> first parties therein to be assigned tol said sec�dparty and delivered with s�id deed. 8aid ab- ' ', <br /> str�.ct to be prep�.red dnd presented to ;said second party �t the oS�ice oP C.G.Ryan, at les�st ; � <br /> � . , � <br /> ten days prior to �arch 1,1920, for exa�nindtion. and satisfactory evidence to be fuxr�ished by � <br /> firBt pdrties to second party that all a.nter�st ha.s bean paid on a�id mortgr3ges to February 15, ; ' <br /> 1920, �nd that �2000. has been paid �nd', endoreed on $�id mortgage of �6000. . a� abo�e set f�rth. <br /> T2�t said first pa�ties �cre to be �fven!� s� re�sonable time in case an� corrections to said abstract <br /> �` ase necess�.ry to m�ike such corrections �'�for the purpose of furnishing said abstract with marketalble <br /> t3tle, a�s sbove set forth. !, <br /> � <br /> Signed in duplicate on the d�te firsjt herein written. eaeh p�rty ret�.ining a copy. . <br />' �3tness: I • • ruver _ _ <br /> _,�„�G .�. <br /> Cha�G.F�v a�,�_ I�v a ld.G ruv e r _, <br /> __ F'IRST. PARTI�S. <br /> _Idartin,_ 8chimmer <br /> St�te of l�ebr�.ska, �? • 3econd Party. <br /> }ss. . <br /> Hall G.ounty. ) On this 30th day', of Av�ust,1919� before mea the undersigned, a �otary <br /> Pub13c in and for said county, , duly co�missioned �nd qu�.lified� per�onally appeared the above <br /> n�med I,.�.Gruver and �r�,M.Gruver, his wife. and �artin Schimmer. to me personally knoxn to be <br /> the identical persons whose n�ames are $ffixed to tMe fore$oing contract as the m�a.kers thereof <br /> �nd th�y seve rally acknowledged the exqcuti on af sr�nae t o be thei r v olunt�,ry �.c t and deed f or <br /> the purposea therein stated. . ', <br /> �ftITNESS mY ��d and �ot�rial Ser�l i� said county on the date l�.st above �rritten. . <br /> (S�AL� Ch�s. G.Rv$rt <br /> .. ..,._.....,,..._.._.,._....,.�.�....... : <br /> �y cor�ission expires Febr. 1.1925 : _ 14otaxy Pub�.ic. <br /> Filad for record this 5 day of September 1919, �.t 4 o�clock <br /> ' ������ ��c��/ <br /> � <br /> ', Regi�ter cf Deed� , <br /> �� __ i <br />