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! Qb�F . <br /> 52� � <br /> �l � �C� C� �L�a �I �C� C� � � �C� O� D � o � <br /> �_ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ _-_ _ - — <br /> -- =- .-- ___---s-- <br /> r _ -_-- -- --=- <br /> _.572/J_ ClOWPBBApTLETTCO�PRINTING.LITHOONAPNING.8T11T10NEAY:OMIIHA <br />`r�--,__.:�:�- . _:�:- ._.._-�.._._.._�..: .. .. _ .: ..��__: .. .�..��. . . .--�.. . . . . � .. . . . �� . ... - : . � .._.. <br />� respective �arcels of land. <br /> � �itness the h�in�s of the partie� hereto on the date first above v�ritten.. <br /> Witness: <br /> Richard L.McMullin <br /> C.�d.Reclman Ema l�eMul lin <br /> • Fre d Ha rre 11 <br /> Rose H�rrell <br /> First Parties <br /> Witness: <br /> George H.I�ange <br /> C.�.Rsdman Pear1 I.�.nge <br /> St�.te of Nebr�.skat <br /> )ss. <br /> H�.il County. <br /> On this 7th da.y of A�ust 1919, before the undersigned, a notary public. <br /> duly corrnnissioned and quulified, in and for Hall County, Nebraskw, person�.11y r�ppeared Richard <br /> L.�eMullin dnd Fina �ic�ullin, his wife a.nd Fred Herrell dnd Rose Herrell, his wife, to me per- <br /> sonally known and to me known to be the identical persons vrho executed the foregoing party w�ll <br /> agreement and �hey sever�lly acknowledged the same to be thir.voluntary act �.nd deed. <br /> Witnesa nay l�nd and �eal on the date fir�t above �ritten. <br /> (,�AI�) Chas. �.Redman <br /> �y comrnissian expires December 18th 1923 Notary Public. <br /> Sta,�e of Nebraska, <br /> � s$. <br /> Ha.11 County. <br /> On this 7 d�.y of Augu$t 1919, before the undersigned, a notary public. duly <br /> commissioned and qualified in �.nd for Hall County, Nebraska, personally �ppeared George H.I�nge <br /> a.nd Pe�.rl I,a.nge I,a.n�;e, his wife, to me persoMally known �.nd to me known to be the identical <br />! persons avho executed the above and foreg�ing party w�.11 �reement a.nd they sever�lly acknowledg- <br /> ed the execution of the same �Go b� their volunt�ry �.ct �.nd deed. <br /> Witness my h�nd and s�al on the date first anove written. . <br /> f�Ay} Ch�.s. M.Re dman <br /> �jr commission �xpires December 18th 1923-`_ -- �Sotary Public <br /> Filed for record this 22 day of �iu�ust 1919, at 9:3a o' clock A.M. <br /> ������ � <br /> � <br /> Register of Deeds <br /> -0-fl-0-0-0-t�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-J-J-0-0-0-0-0-0-fl-0-0-0-0-0-0-fl-0-0-0-0-0-fl-0-- <br /> EXPARTE AFFIDAVIT <br /> Sta,te of DTebraska, } <br /> ) ss. <br /> �all County. j <br /> $ar�ih Thompson, �b�ing first duly sworn, on her oath says she i$ a sister <br /> of Sa.muel Mac3�urray, decedsed, ldte of Hall County, Nebr4ska, who owned, at the time of his <br /> death, I.ot Number 12 �.nd the east 38 feet of Lot �Tumber 11� in Block 9, in the Original Town <br /> of �ood River, H�+.21 County� Nebraska, a.nd th�t the 1'dicl�iel �ac�durray n�,.nned as one of the <br /> �rantors in a certain quit claim deed dated J�.nuary 23, 1919, from affiant und other heirs at <br /> l�.w of s�.id Samuel 1�acl�urray, deceased, to Alice J.Dd�.cBdurr�.y, widow of said deceased, con�ey- <br /> ing tneir interest in the above described real e�tate, w�s �. brother of said deceased, and that <br /> she ha.s ex�,mined his sign�.ture attdched to said deed as "M.D.Mc�urr4y" and also the signature <br /> of his wife, Ida �c�durray. attached to sdid ori�inal deed, and knows that the M• D.�rdc�durray : <br /> and Ida I�cAdurray� his wife, who si�ned said above deacribed deed were �he idenLic�l persona <br />� as two of the gr�.ntors in said deed, and that said �ichael �icMurray sometimes epelled his <br />� ndme "�Qc�['urruy", though the correct spelling of said fa,mily name was �,cA�urroy, and tht�t the �.D, <br /> i YcMuxray� who signed said deed, wa.s the brother of said deceased, named as �tich�el Mae3�urray in <br /> eaid deed, and that the Ida Nc�urray was his wife. <br /> And further affiant saith not. <br /> Sa.rah Thompson <br /> 8ubscribed in my presenc� and sworn to before me on this 22 day of kugust;.1919. <br /> (S�AL) Chus. G.Rvan _ <br /> ldy commission expires Febr. 1,1925 l�otary Public. <br />� Filed for record this 22 day of August 1919� at 11:55 0' clock A.?�. <br /> t <br />,� � � � ��`� ���-�--- �� <br /> Register of Deed� <br /> ; <br />''� _ ___ �_____.; <br />