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� 52::� <br /> � � �C� ���a� �0 � � � �C� O�D � o <br /> . _ _ ._-_ -_,. <br /> . __ A_ _ :_._�_ � - -__- ______�_ __�- <br /> �7219-ClOPP6BARTLETYGO..PiiINTING,61TH06HAPHING.9TATIONEHY;OM4Hl1 � <br /> W.H.�un�er as to Ivy Tllen Kierig Ivy �llen Kieri� <br /> A.C.Kramph He rman Edward Ki e rig He xma.n Ed�r�crd Ki e rig <br /> Aimee Ruth Thompson �.s to John N. Jo�inson John N.Johnson <br /> dnd ��.rtha. E..Tohnsan <br /> I�a.rh� E.Johr�s on <br /> Sta.te of Nebr�.ska ) <br /> �$$• _ <br /> oln C ounty j <br /> On this� 14 da.y of August,A.D.�919, before me, the undersigned A.C.Krdmph <br /> a Idotury Public, duly commis�icned �.nd qualified for �.nd residing in s�id county, person�,lly cz�,me <br /> Ivy Tllen Kierig �nd Herman Edward Kierig, to me known to be the identicr�l person whose nam�s �.re <br /> affixed to the fore�oin� instreament and acknovrledged the same to be the�r volunt�.xy �,ct dnd d�ed. <br /> Witness my ha.nd and Nota.rial Seal the day a.nd year i�.st �bove written. - <br /> (g��y} A.C.Kra.rnph �__�___,_� <br /> My co�unission ex�ires Feb'y 10, 1923 �otary Publie. <br /> St�.te of Nebrask€c } <br /> } sa. <br /> Ha].1 County � <br /> pn this 16th d�.y of August� A.D.1819, before m�, the undersi�ned Arthur L. <br /> Joseph d Notr�zy Public, duly commissioned �.nd qualified for and residing in said cour�ty, persana- <br /> lly c�me John A1. .?chnson �.nd �arth� E.Joh�nson, to me known to be the identical persons whose names <br /> are affixed to the foregoing instrun�ent dnd acknowled�ed the to be their volunt�ry act and <br /> de e d. <br /> li�itness my h�nd and �Tot�.ri�.l Seal the day a.nd ye�r Iast above written. <br /> (��y A�rth�,u, r L.Jo seTph <br /> �y coxnmission expires Sept 17,1921 Notary Publie. <br /> Filed for record this 19 day of August 1919, at 1:3G otclq¢k P.}d. <br /> ��:���� ��-��� _ <br /> Re�ister of De�ds �� <br /> -o-o-a-e-�-e-Q-o-e-o-o-o-o-�-e-o-e-o-o--e-o-o-e-e-�-o-e-e-�-�-e-�-o-e-o-e-Q-o-o-a-a-e-Q-a-o-a-o-o- <br /> CO�v'TRACT FOR RI!�AZ ESTATL <br /> ��.�,�__�_.�. <br /> ARTICLES OF AG�F�Is��TT. �de this 23" day of April 1919, between Wdlter Boyle of the first part,_ �nd <br /> B�rt James of the second pa.rt. <br /> 9�ITNESSETH, Th�t the said party vf the first par� hr� this day bargained �nd sold to the edid <br /> party of the second part, the following described real estr�te situat�d in the County of Hall and <br /> r <br /> St�,t� of Nebraska to-wiit: L� Seven and Eight (7 dnd 8� Block Five f5 ) Ple�san� Hill addit3on to <br /> the City of Grand Isl�.nd^s platted and recorded, for the sum of Twenty Six hundred and no/100 Dollars <br /> Three hundred �nd no/100 Dollars of �hich ha.s been paid in ha.nd, the receipt whereof is hereby <br /> a.cknowledged. The rerr�a.ining pri:ncipal with �.ccrued interest �.t the rate of Seven per c�nt per <br /> annum, shall be paid to the party of the first part, to C.�.A�.rsh �t Doniphan Nebrask$ th� times <br /> u.nd in the m�.nner follov�ing, tYiat is to sdy: : �20. on �y lst 2919 and �2p. . on the first of each <br /> dnd every month there�.fter nntil the full a.mount of �170(3 is interest to be pa3d on �aid <br /> deferred p�yments dt the r�.te of 7 per cent per �.nnum every six months from �d�.te of this contr�,ct <br /> u.nd frc�m April 2" 1919. Aiso pay to party of the first part six hundred dnd no/100 doll�,rs t�o ' <br /> ye�rs from this d�cte with interest �.t seven per cent per annum payr�ble annually _ <br />� DTow� if the s�id p�.rty of the second part ahdll pay the sums �a �bove set forth, time bein� <br /> th� essence of this contract� and sha.11 pay �.11 taxes and �.ssessments, whether ='mor'�ga,ge note, <br /> speci�.l or general, which may beco�e due on said real e$tdte for the ye�.r 1919, �znd thereafter <br /> until the above pdyments z�re �11 ma,de, then said party of the first p�.rt shall at hi� own cost� <br /> execute s.nd deli��er to the sdid part of the second part, or his assigns� upon surrender of this <br /> contr�et a warr�.nty deed to the above described �remises. And deliver to him �.nd s�bstr�.ct of <br /> title sho�ring a good �.nd merch�.nt�bl� title to said premise� <br /> A�TA IT IS �'UT�THER AGREED that in any payment, either of principal or in�erest, r�maining <br /> un�did for a s�ace of thixty d�.ys after the sarne sha.11 become due, or a failure to pay any t�es <br /> or ��sessrrients at the tirne the s�me become due, then in that c�se the whole amount unpaid on this <br />