<br /> � �� � �C� C���Q� �O � � G��� O�D � �
<br /> :: 37Z19-CLORP6BAATLETTGO..PRINTING.LITH06RAPH9NG.STRTIONERY:0I�ANA . .. . � . . � � . ... . � . . �. ..... ... . .. , . � -" -r.-._.-� �..:a-.-.� -��-�..�--.___�.
<br />_--, :�....� � . � ,.
<br /> Berth�, Greenwcod,Eu�ene Greenti�cad,Caroline Greere�ood, Jese�h Greentivood,tJlinnie Greer_urcod �nd S"!illie '
<br /> Green�rt�od failin�; tc ansvaer ar �,lea.c� irx the srvid case, und having e�.ch and all been duly and 1@ga�.l.V
<br /> served VYith swr,�nor.s,�.nd all s�ve �,nd except the said �lillie Greenwood, defendant,h�.ving also filed
<br /> their Volur.t�.ry Agpe�.rance and wdiv�=�x of the issuance of summons but each ha.ving failed to answer
<br /> I
<br /> or -��le�.d, tvere thrice soler;:nly called in the said Ccurt �.nd fa.iling to a�}�ear or a.nsr�rer, their de-
<br /> fault ��s entered and tne said petitior. of tne pl��ir�tiff �.nd the Cro�s-Till� of the said defenda.r.t,
<br /> Jeshuu JrEen�ood t�.ker. �,nd c or.sidered u.s confessed.
<br /> The s�.id cause con;ing on further to be he�rd on the petition of the pl�.intiff and the Answer
<br /> and Cz'USS-Bill of the s�,id Joshua Greenwo�d und the evidence,and after hearing the argur.;ent of coun-
<br /> sel ��nd the Ccurt :�e:.n� fu11y advised ir_ the y�ren�ises, it is fourid by the Gourt th�t due �.nd legal
<br /> nct.ce of the filin� and r:�,ndency of this action was had on the Sa1C� defendants �.nd each of the:n
<br /> and tha.t the s�.ici defer_dants Bertha GrPenwood,Fti�;er.e GrePncvood, Caroline Green�ood,�TOSeph Greenwood,
<br /> Taainnie Greenr�vcod and �iillie Cr�."P.F'Yl,�ood fai'�.in.�; to dnswer or further �lead in the said cause, their
<br /> default �*aas entPred as to e�,ch the.reof.
<br /> Tl�:;.t on the issues �ioyned, the Ccurt finds in favor of the pla�r±tiff �,:�:� wgwinst the defendants
<br /> �nd each the.reof,a.r..d in favor of the said defendunt, Joshua Greer�wood on his Answer and Cross-Bil1
<br /> �,nd against each of tne c�;'rler• s�.id_ deferld�,nts, to�it� �erti�: Greer�v�ood�Eugene Greenwood,Caroline
<br /> Greenrvcod,�.TOSeph Green�viced,�ulir.nie Greenwood and Vt�illie Greentvood.
<br /> It ig fUrther fcund by the Co�art th�;.t tY�e said .Toshua Green�vood, defendunt, sor�etirnes referred
<br /> to in the said pleadings und evidence as Joshua Greenwood,Jr. , is one �.nd the sa.me �erson.
<br /> That thexe is due, and �win� the said plaintiff on taxes paid by him on Lot Seven in Block T?7irty-
<br /> fi.ve ir. tre origiral to�vn;r�otiv City, of Gr�.nd Isl�,nd,Hall C�unty,Nebruska,�.s set forth �n his said
<br /> petiticn the sur.: of �20C.81 �.��yth interest thereon at 15;�� �rcn� the d�;.te af the res�ective �ayr�ients,
<br /> ma,king a tctal of �'3�8•F�7 �.nd th�.t tr.e sume dra�NS interest fr�:r, this d�,te ut lU;� per annwr:; that
<br /> there should ,�e an attorney fee t�.xes ir� fuvor cf thz s�.id �xince und Prirce,�.ttorneys for the
<br /> said plaintiff in the s�u�: of ldi� of the �.bove a.rnovnt due and owing the plaintiff to date, towit
<br /> �32•86 ; th�.t ,iudgment should be entered for the sai:i resz.�ectiv�; amounts in. favor of the sai�. re-
<br /> �;�;ect�ve �:;arties ; tnat the �u:id ralair�tiff by xeason �f h�;vin�; ��aid the said t�,xes has a first lieM
<br /> in suit an tne said ;,�rer:�ises f�r the �wid �.���ount of tnv s�.id t�es, toti�it �328. 67 to�ether s,vith th�
<br /> said �32.86 due �.nd otivin� the said Prince and r?rince as attorney fees.
<br /> It is fur.ther found by the Court t�t the sai d de:fen��nt, ,Toshua Grep��tivood, � s the sole ovvner
<br /> i�: fee of the �:�:d Lot �even ir. .�lock T��irty-five in the ori�;inal town, no�� �ity of Grand Island,
<br /> Hall Cvunty,Ne'�r�,�ka, �.in�� is entitled to t��A ,�o3ses�i�n ther4of an� t�;,t the said �3efendants,�ertha
<br /> Grae���vood,�u�ene G��enbvc;oc�, t;�:�roline Green�vood,Jose�;h Green�vood,TQinnie Greentivood ��.nd PJillie Green-
<br /> ��rood h�ve no ri:�;ht, title or intere3t in or to tne �aid L�re�nises or �.ny part tner�of or to the poss-
<br /> es�ion thereof :�nd tha.t t:�e title to the s�.id ,�rer�ises should be f�rever quietad in the said �Toshua
<br /> Greenwood as a�ainst the s�.i�_i defen3�.nts and e�ch t:nereof an� each thereof forever en�ioined from
<br /> in any manner interf�rin�; ���ith the sai�� ;��ro1oerty o.r �.r.�� paxt therr�of or clai�r.ing any right, title
<br /> or intPrest tnerein or to the �ossession ther�of.
<br /> Th�,�,t the said Joshua Greentivood,Sr. , is dead and th�.t the s�.id Anna Green�vood, the wife of tne
<br /> s�,id .TOShua Grenn�vood �r. , is also deac� and died �rior to the ti:r,e of the de�.tn of the said Jo�hua
<br /> Greenwood 5r. ,and tnat their sole and only :�eirs are and svere �ne said defPndants, Joshua G7'��entvood,
<br /> ±,ur;er.e xr�pn:vocd,�'i ?lie G,_reentiv�od.and Josey�h Greenti�vood. An� that tne s�.id Bertha Greenvvood, Caxo-
<br /> line Greentivoo� c4nd ?,:in��ie Gree�7�vood 'na.ve no otnex xight, title cr interest in or te the said ioremises
<br /> otner t�7an such as lhey izave in this state by reason of tneil being the res;,�ective 4�ives of the
<br /> s�,id res�oecti.ve defPnd�,nts.
<br /> That the said <Tcs�.u�. �r°�n•,vood� defen3�.nt, sholzld be ad,iud�ed and decreed to pay the said re-
<br /> spective arr;ounts o��Tir�� the s�.id ��laintiff an.� the said at�:orr_e,rs :�y �. day"to be fixed �py th�s
<br />