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<br /> � C� O� D G� � r
<br /> _=� - -- -_ =--_ _-- __-. _ _ _ ___-_----_
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<br /> . ..__._ —.__ �.-..__——_ _—__ _..'___-__—i—
<br /> - AFk7DAV IT
<br /> _.___.___.__
<br /> State of Ne oraska, )
<br /> � ( ss.
<br /> County of AdGsns. )
<br /> �lilliam I��.Loti�vman, b?in�; first duly s�rorn�u��on oath denose� <<nd ss.ys that he
<br /> is ��vell and l,ersonwlly ac�uainted ,vith F.ese E. �'is;�er, one of the �r�:_ntees, te «vhom the Union Pacifi�
<br /> Railway Comy�any conveyed the follov�in� described lands in �iall County ,Nebraska, to-wit: The North
<br /> East Quarter (NE¢} of Section T.vPnty�-nine (29) ��ewnship i�Tine (9� North,Range Nine (9) ,�fPest of the
<br /> 6tn P.�d. ,by war.r.anty deed, d�.te3 ,7une 30, 1888.an� recorded in l�ook 9 of De?ds, on pa�e 184 in the
<br /> recorder' s office of Hall County,lVebraska,and with Rose F. Shedd, �rho conveyed the g�ici r�remises
<br /> and also the East Half (E2} of the South East Qlzarter (SE�) of Section Twenty (20) ,Townshi� I�ine
<br /> ;, (9) North,Ran�e Nine (9) ,�9est of the Gth P.�. ,�iu.11 County�Nebraska, as one of the grantors, to
<br /> Cecile T:yrtle Fisher by �uit-claim deed, dated ,rune 22., 1°05 ,and affiant �ositively knows that the
<br /> said RosP �.Fisher �.nd Rose F.. Shedd are one and the same r;erson, notwi thstanding the di�crepancy
<br /> in nar_mes. �
<br /> Affidnt furthsr ��eposes �.nd says tha.t he is well and pe.rs�nally acquair.ted .��it� Ja.mes F. Fisher,
<br /> one of the �rantees in the deed first above menti�ned (which is recorded in Book 9 cf Deeds on r,a�e
<br /> 184 �f the records of �Ia.11 CountiT,2lebraska) and tivith ,Tarres T. Fisher. one of the grantors in the
<br /> • �ui t-claim deed to Cpcile N;yrtle Fisher, da.ted ,Tune 22, 1905 �.nd conveying �,11 of the above described
<br /> lands,and which deed is recorded in Book 37, on page 2£i5 of Deeds in the recorder' s office of Hall �
<br /> i
<br /> County,Nebraska,and affia.nt �ositively knows that the s�.id James F.Fisher and Jt�mes T.. Fisher are �
<br /> one wnd the sar�rie person,notwithst�.nding the discrspancy in n�,mes. '
<br /> Affiant further de�oses �.nd says that he knows the above facts to which he hereby testifies by
<br /> reason cf :laving been pereonally �,nd intimately acquwinted ��itn the above n�tmed parties for thirty-
<br /> � five (35 j �ears last past. i
<br /> FURT��FR affiant s�.yeth n�t. �,
<br /> �illiam M.Lowman _ I
<br /> ,
<br /> �'ITB�CT�I�.F,I? �:n:� s��TCrn Lo before me this thir� day of July, 1919. '
<br /> ' (,:� .AI,) J.O.Rohrer
<br /> 1Uiy Commission �xpires April 9�1925. Notary Public.
<br /> �
<br /> Fil�d fox record this 3 day cf Ju�.y 1919��t � : l� e' clock P.�• ; '
<br /> � � ���� ���.��m- ,
<br /> i
<br /> Register of Dee�s�
<br /> i
<br /> -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-G-C-0-G-0-G-0-0-0-0-u-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-fl-0-v-0-0-0-0-0- '
<br /> nF.�... � '
<br /> BE IT .�;EP;�N�3FRF� that on tne 23rd day of June,A.D. 191y+ that peing one of the days of the June, ,
<br /> - A. D. 1919 term of the District Court of the Eleventh Judicial �iz�trict of the State of rTebr�.ska,
<br /> tivithin a.nd for the County of :�all,held in the Court House in th.e city of Grand Island,Honorar�le ',
<br /> JdT;'i2$ i� ��r.na cne cf the Judges of the said Court eresi�i.r.g, the following a,r��ong other proceedings
<br /> were had, in wor.ds and figures following, towit;
<br /> II�T TfiE DI�TRIC'I' CUtTR1 GF H�►.LL CULii 1Y,T+EbR�:rKA. '
<br /> ____.,____..�--------------r____________,--_--X
<br /> 2�.Drury, "
<br /> Plaintiff, " �
<br /> vs.
<br /> u
<br /> Joshua Greer_u*ood,�3ertha, G.Greenwoad�his '� T!ECRI{'F �
<br /> wife; Eugene Greerwood,Caroline Greenwood, " C���� N0.4477��
<br /> his wife; Joseph Greer�wocd,PJlinnie Green«*oo��
<br /> Yiis �rrife ; �.nd V'Jillie Greenwood,
<br /> ?aefendants. '�
<br /> �
<br /> ___..�.�___e________..�_ar_______.�___________y,
<br /> Now on tnis �3rd ddy of June,A.�. 1�19, one of the days of the June tera�, 1919, of this Court,this
<br /> cas� c2�.me on for hedring ��nd tri�.l to �he Court without �, �jury, the Honorable Jarres R. Hanna, one
<br /> of the ,Jud�es of this Court presiding; the plaintiff appe�zrin�; by his attorneys,Prince �.nd Princef,
<br /> and the deferld�.r.t Jcshu�, Greenwood ap�earing in person �:nd by his attorney,W.�i.Thompson� and
<br />