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<br /> ��� O �C� C�L��Q�] �0 � � � �� O � D � �
<br /> n _ _ _--=. __--= --=- -___ _ �� �=�__ -�-_
<br /> :.. .�.... .. . . . . .. . - --.:-:_ _ �. _-..--_ .�.... _..— �-.,_: - :�xY. ___."' .�_'_ " _
<br /> underlet or r�l�_,:.�u:; sh s�,id _;:rerrises �vitnout t11e tivritten consent of the lessor, ur�der pena-lt� of
<br /> forfeiture of �.1� his rignts under tnis leU.se, ut the el.ection of tre l�arty of the first ,�art and
<br /> tn�.t he '�:�ill use �.11. du� care and dili�ence in �uarding said ;�roperty,tvith buildi.n�s, gates,fences,
<br /> �ines, shrub'�er-y, et.c. , f'TOr1 dama�.p b�� fire,un� the dey,redu.tions of �,nimals; tivill y,aST �11. ��:�,ter rPr.t
<br /> �n� char�es for ��ws or P1PCtric l�ght tnat s'�a,ll become dve thPreon \durin� this le�.se ; t,hat ne ���ill.
<br /> not y��r:r.it �.ny noise or nuis�.nce �R;=�;.te�Ter on sai d _ re:,:ises to the distur'��,nce of ctnex ter�.r.ts, ox
<br /> d.o o.r ;.errr�i,t �.nytnin� on or �bout said ?re.��ises �b�hich will increa.se the rate of insurance; that the -
<br /> les�or �:nd its w�snts 7n�.yT ent.er at ar�- +ime tc vieva s�:r�e or f�r any necessar�,° c�urf�ase. The lessee
<br /> furtner agree� tYiu.t n.e will in ��11 xespecta com�ly ���ritn the city ordinances �.nd requirer�ents of the
<br /> he�lth a,uth�rities �;n.d _,a.rticul�rly �,s to kee�,;in�, sa; d �.;xer;ises �,nd the streets and alleys ad;i�,c?�.t
<br /> thereto, free and cle�,r fr�rn ail filth,refuse �,nd obst;ruction and the steps �nd sic�e�r«lks free �r�m
<br /> snow and ice; that he �vili kee�� tr.e buildings�glass, �ates, fences,etc. , i.n good repair as the sd.me
<br /> nor� �,re or :na;r be �laced �:t �,ny time by the le�sor, cr us often ��.s the sa.me sha11 require it, d�:�m�.ge
<br /> btir su��erior force , inevit�.�le necessity , or fire fr��n any other cause than careles�ness of the le�see,
<br /> or l�ersons of nis fwmily, or in his err�ploy excepted+ and at the expiration of this lease, or u�on
<br /> � brewch by said lessee of ariy of the covenants herein contai.ned, will without further notice of
<br /> any kind, quit and surrnnder t'r_e ��ossession and ooecupancy of s�,id prernises in as �ood condition
<br /> ws reusonable use �.n� natuxw3 ��ear and dec�,y ther.eof wi11 �oermit, damage by fire as aforesaid, su��erior
<br /> force or inevitable necessity excepted.
<br /> �nd th? said y�arty of the second �aart hereby �;ives the said ��;art of the first nart a lien upon
<br /> any �nd dll pro�erty of the Scild second part ?�e��t in use upon s�.id prer�i�es, to be enforeed in like
<br /> maraner a� a cha.ttel mort��.�e, ��hether exempt from execution or not, far all rent due or to become `
<br /> due by virtue of this lease.
<br /> First ,�art,�� a�rees to ne�_t said L�rer,�ises during th� continuance of t'riis lease.
<br /> IN ti"ITI�7F�� E"rHFRrpF, tr.e s�.id ;��.rties h�,ve hereunto s�a�scrieed their n�mes on the date abone
<br /> written.
<br /> In Presence of Louise �Tietfeld �eal
<br /> Chas Rose George T.Baurr�x��. Seal ,
<br /> Filed for record this 1 day of Jul;r 1919, dt 9 otclock A.?��[.
<br /> �J�����-�-��-�
<br /> Re�ister of De
<br />,
<br /> -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-C!-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-r-0-0-(3-t�-0-�-0-U-U-U-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-4-0-0
<br />�
<br />� Ar,ES"`�:.�'T r�.I,F v c �FrxL F�'T ATF
<br />�, �,.�__� .� ___. _-..�._,._._.____._._.__._._ .
<br />'� TiiIC I��l�.i+'2iTL'FE. �"�de t'r�is l�t day cf �TUly„A.D. , 1919,betv�een Amelia L.Vqranch,a sin�le wom�n, �party '
<br /> of the fir^t �,art, und i�enr3r �. Fsoyder, rarty of the seccr.d part, - -
<br /> t�'ITi�;;��'ETI�,���w� �rie i�rty of the fix3t k�art ha.s this day so�d�. to trie ��arty cf the seccnd part,
<br /> tn� fe�lctv�ng described property, to vrit: The Southwest quarter {S1Y4) ar.d the South�vest c�uarter of
<br />, the Southeast c�u.arter (St�ir�::�.t) , of �ecticr� 13,�'QJ��. 11,Range ll, in N.a.11 Ccunty,Nebr�,ska to�ether
<br /> vri.th �11 a�p�arter�ances ther�:to belor��i.ng �nd now thereon, for ti•rYlic'r� the �art3r of the seccnd �art
<br /> agrees to i-�.y the �uxr: c;f T�+rer�t;;-five T���cus4.nd �!ol�ars,��2500G. 00 �ayable as follows: Cas'r. in hand
<br /> TvJO Th��usand �ollar.s, xeceirt �rhereof is her.eb;� ackno�vledged. �a'ar.ce of Twenty-three Thous�.nd �
<br /> (�.23, G44. UC) pa�Table =�.�.rch �, 192,Q.
<br />'� P�,rtSr of t�ie second i;ur� is �r�.r.ted ;t:,er.,�issi on to �;low and seed for fall cro�s.
<br />� The rwrty of the fir�t p�.rt is to furnish to the �arty of the secor�d ,,art, or c�ssi�ns,a �vurr�nty
<br /> ueed �nd w �ood una suf�'iceir.t �,���stract af title, cn ox before ?a`arch 1, 1920, assign all insurance
<br /> or, s�,id buildir�.�s i:wy all t���ces �.stiesued a��.inst sai;i iar,d, a.nd if tnere is a mortgage cr said
<br /> property,��u.y interest ;;l�zere�n up to, -�-�.nd �ive possessior by T.�,rch 1,1�20 i� is 7i.utu�.11y �greed
<br /> triat tiine i� ar. essenti�,l eler�ient in tnis cortract �,nd it i s further �,�rPe:� tr.at ir,. case either
<br /> of the �arties hereto°��i� to peri'orrri the stipul�.tions cf tr.is contract, or any part af the sa.m.e, 1
<br /> �
<br />