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���� <br /> 489� <br /> � �l � �C� C� ��Q � �O � � � �C� O � D � o <br /> , - . _ _ - --_—==--- -- <br /> i__ _ -_ __ _ _ _ _ --- ---------- <br /> -.- - - __ - _ _ _ _ _ _ <br /> H�7ZIS�CLOPPA BARTLETYCO•�PRINTING�UTH06RAPHING�8TATIONEqY:OMAHA <br /> by the party of tY�e first part; �140.00 cn or before July 7, 1919� when the possession of �aic� <br /> premises is given to the party of the second part� and �25. 00 per month thereafter on the 7th <br /> day of each and everST month until said grincipa.l sum has been fully paid� with interest on the <br /> deferred payments after Ju2y 7, 1919� at the rate of seven per c�nt. per annu�r payabl� semi- <br /> annually. � <br /> It is further understood �,nd agreed thz�t as soon as the sAme can be procured from John Al1an <br /> & Son, a'�stracters, the varty of the fixst part shall furn��h to the party of the second part an <br /> abstract of title to said prenlises, showing rt�arketable title therPto in the party of the first <br /> part, and that the said �remises is free from t�es, lisns� and incumbrances. and when the party <br /> o�' the second part has examined said abs�ract� she sha.11 return the to the party of the first <br /> p�rt to be held by him until payment ha�a been fully made, �.t which tiine the party of the first <br /> part is to convey �re�tiises to the party of the second part by good and sufficient warr�,nty <br /> deed�and del�ver to the party of the second part said abstract of title. <br /> It is further expressly agreed and understood that the party of the second part has the privi- <br /> lege and right to pay any greater sum tha,n �?5. GU monthly on the prineipal of said purchase price� <br /> and the interest shall cease on all amounts paid at the date of payment. <br /> Said party of the �econd pa�rt covenants and agrees to keep the buildings on said premises in <br /> a good state of repaid; to not assi�n this contract evithout the written consent of the party <br /> of the first �art endorsed hereon; to pay all taxes levied and a,ssessed against saici for <br /> the year 1919, and there�.fter, before the same become delinquent; and upon the expiration of the <br /> present insur�.nce on the buildings on said pre�ises, to keep the same insured for the benefit of <br /> the party of the fir�t part in at least the sum of �1000. 00. <br /> It is further understood and agreed tha.t in the eeent the party of the second part should <br /> fail, ne�lect � or refuse to m�.ke the monthly payments of �25. �0 each, as herein provided, when <br /> the s�.me become due and payable, or should f�.il to keep said prerr�ises in a good state of repair, ; <br />' or s�iovld fail to keep said premises insured as herein provided, after the expiration of the <br /> present insurance on buildings„ or should fal" to pay the taxes on said grerr�ises before ths <br /> same beco�,e delinc�uent� then and in either of such events, the party of the first part shall <br /> the ri�ht� at his option, to declare this contract at an end, and retain any payments made <br /> by the party of the seccnd part as his liquida_ted darr�a.ges by reason of the failure of the party <br /> of the second part to perforrn the terms of this agreem.ent on her ��art to be performed, -�rovided, <br /> h�wever, that no such forfeiture could be claimed by the paF�ty of the first part until after the <br /> � party of the seccnd part was sixtyT days in default. <br /> It is further understood and a�reed that the covenants and agree�ents herein cor.tained shall <br /> extend to and be bindin�; upon the respective Yieirs, executors, administrators, and assigns of the <br /> parties hereto. <br /> IN TE�TIb+tOx•iY t�rHF''�F, we have hereurato set our ha.n�s in du�licate the day �.nd year first <br /> above written. Willis F� Rownd <br /> Witness; Mabel B� KraAV _��_ <br /> R. R. ��orth <br /> Fil�d for record this 7 day of �'une 1919, at 3: 15 0' clock P.22Jt. <br /> � VGGu�,-�� <br /> Register of Deeds �R,�� <br /> -0-Q-0-�-0-Q-0-0-L'-�-C-C-C�-�-C-0-0-Q-Q-O-C-Q-Q-Q-Q-O-�-G-Q-�-G-�-�-Q-Q-O-G-G-0-Q-0-G-C-C�-C�-C�-C-9� <br /> j <br />� <br /> ; <br /> � <br />
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