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<br /> and delivered when seccnd �;arty ha.s paid said Eighty Five hundred dollars �nd tendered said pur-
<br /> ch�.se price �ortg�.ge for ten thousand dollars.
<br /> Complete �bstract of title to said premises showing good �.rket$ble title in said first party
<br /> to be furnished second party within 12� days from. this date.
<br /> pp�rg��Ip�� to be given �arch 1" 1920. First parties agree to pay ta�ces on safd premises for 1919. �
<br /> Now if the said party of the second part shall pay the sum as above �set forth, tim.e being the
<br /> esser�ce of this contract and sha.11 pay ali taxes �,nd assessz�ents, whether s�eci�,l or �eneral, which
<br /> may beccme due on said real estate, for the yeur 19-- and thereafter until the rxbove payments
<br /> �re all made� then s�.id part� of the first part sha.11, at his own eost� execute and deliver
<br /> to said party of the second part ox his assigns, upon surrencier of this contract� �. �varran�y dePd
<br /> �v
<br /> to the s.bove described premises.
<br /> �:nd it is further agre�d that in case any pa.yment, either princi�al or in�erest. remaining
<br /> unpaid for �. space of thirty days r�fter the same sht�ll b�ecome due, or a failure to pay any taxe�
<br /> or assessm�ents at the time same becomes due then in that ease the whole �.mount un aid on this
<br /> , . P
<br /> contr�et shall becom.e due and payable without further notice, and such delinc�uency in payment,
<br />� or fai2ure in ather respeets by party of �he second part to perforr� the �tipulations of this
<br />�
<br /> contract or any va�rt of them, sha.11 entit2e party of th� #'irst part to immediate possession of the
<br /> premises described �erein� an� the party of the secand part sha.11 forfeit all payments made
<br /> under this contr�,ct. '
<br /> In witness whereof the parties ha.ve hereunto set their r�.nds the day and year first above written.
<br /> In presence of: Gearge N. Re.utin�
<br /> Axthur G. �a.yer ��ie Reuting
<br /> St�,te of Nebra.ska, � C. B. Free��an
<br /> �) ss
<br /> �ounty of Ha11 �
<br /> On this 17" day of �day A.D. 1919 before me� �. 3�otary� Public in and far said
<br />� county, persor.ally came George N. Reuting and Mag�ie Reutin� his wife and Chd,rles B. Freemrzn to
<br /> �e �exsonally knowr� to be the identical �erson whose names are affixed to the above instrurrent
<br /> �s �rantcrs, and sever�,lly ackno�vledged the execution. of the same to be their volunts,ry act and
<br /> deed for the puxposes thexein expressed.
<br /> IN �A.ITI�SS �HERFOF, I h�ve hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my offici�l seal at Grand
<br />� Island on tne day last �,bove written.
<br />; (�F AL) Ar t hur C. ��a.�e r.,.,.,�...�..�_�.�����
<br /> �y commission exrires ��ay 1'�, 1923 Notary Publie.
<br /> Filed for record this 7 day of �Tune 1919, at 2: �,p o'clock P.�.
<br /> � -��y���� ��-«.�
<br /> I�e�;i�ter �of Deeds�a���
<br /> -o-o�e-a-a-o-Q-Q-o-o-�-e-o-o-Q-e-�-a-e-e-Q-a-o-�-�-c�-o-o-o-e-e�e-o-Q-a-�-o-o-�-e-o-c-e-�-e-e�-o-o-
<br /> AGRFE��NT
<br /> ...�.��,_...y�,�.
<br /> THIS AGRF',FrJ�23T, rriade �.n.d entered into this 7th day of June, 1919� by and bet�een �l►illis E.
<br /> Rownds� of Grand Island. Nebraska, hereinafter party of the fir�t part, and IN'abel B. Erapp, of .
<br /> Grr�.nd Island, Idebr�.sks,, herein�.fter party of the second part,
<br />:
<br /> �?IT�7ESSFTH: Tha,'t ir. consider�.tion of the sum of T�venty-six xundrsd ��2600.00) Doilars to him.
<br /> to be �aid by the garty of the second p�.rt� as herein�,fter provided, the party of the first part
<br /> agrees to sell to the party of the second part the following described re�.l estate situated in
<br />� the covntyT of Hal�. �.nd state of l�ebraska.� to-wit: Lot One (11 in Block Twro (2}, in Arnold & Abb-
<br /> ott's Addition to the City of Grand Ssland, as surveyed, pl�.tted, and recorded.
<br /> Said party of the second part agrees to purchase said �rer�i.ses from the party of the first part.
<br /> �.nd to pay to the party of the first part therefor the said sum of �2604. 00+ payable as follo�vs�
<br /> to-v�it: �50. 00 in cash on the signin�; of these presents, the receipt wher. eof is hereby r�cknowledged
<br />