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<br /> corny�ly �.�ith tne terr.�_s of ttiiis �.green:ent.
<br /> I�� T,rSiI;;jJR7�! ?�;��;-7��u:.� , v�e ha.ve n.ereunto set our llands in du�licate the day and ye�.r first
<br /> �.bcve writt,en. .
<br /> Witness: I. R. Altex__�._._<.;-�..___�..t . . _�,
<br /> R. R. ?�icrth Gus Liesche
<br /> Fiied for record this 5 d�,y of June 19I9, at 1: 4�0 o' cicck P. �.
<br /> V(� V�ti.�
<br /> _._,__,_...... .. .::�_____._,�._..._;-_._
<br /> Register of Peeds
<br /> -G--C-0-0-��-C��-�0-4-0-•C�-O-Q-Q-O40-G-Q-G-O-C--O--Q-0-0--0-0-0-�-0-C�-�-0-0-�-0-�-0-C-0-Q-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-
<br /> I�L CRFE
<br /> �
<br /> In the matter of the Application of The )
<br /> Ge.rman Evdngelical Zutheran St. Paul's } QRTJ�;R OF THF COURT.
<br /> Cnuch af Gxand Tsland, fox �,n order author- �
<br /> izing its Trustees to cc�nvey Real Estate �
<br /> hnnnHe�thannnnaenr��►n»��unn�+unn��nn���+orrnnn��nn����r�
<br /> Now on this 29th day of 2�a.y. 1919, being one vf the days of the regular February, 1919 term
<br /> of said Court, came the above named Petitioner, by its attorney, James H. �aolley, and by its
<br /> Pastor� Gustav H. 1�dichelmann, a member of the Council of� said chureh, and one of its Trustees;
<br /> and this c�.use came on'. to be heard before the Court, upon the petition and the evidencea and the
<br /> Court being fully advised i.n the premises. finds that due, �ufficient �,nd legal notice has been
<br /> given by �ublicdtion to all pexsons concerned� as �rovid�d by law; that said notice v�as duly
<br /> published for four consecutive weeks, comrn.encing on the llth of Ap�il, 1919� requirill� a.11 per_sons
<br /> to �hov� cause, if any they had, why the order �rayed fox by the Petitioner, shoizld not be granted, �
<br /> on or befor� the 26th of �da.y, 1919; and the court finds that no ans�rex, ob��eetion ox other�ise,
<br /> ha.s been filed; and that all �ersons, if any, interested are in default for. A�leading, and the
<br /> default of all such persons is taken a.nd duly entered.
<br /> The court further finds that the contents of the petitioner' s ,�etition are true; and that
<br /> the �etitioner is entitled to a. deeree a.nd order as prayed.
<br /> T he court further finds that ever since the 5th day of August, 1883, the said, The German
<br /> �vangelical. Lutheran St. Paul' s Church af Grand Tsl�nd, of the Caunty of Hall and state of Neb-
<br /> raska� has been, �.nd still is, a duly organized church cor�o_ration under the la�s of this State;
<br /> that Gustav H. �ichelmann, is Pastor of said Church; �.nd that he and 1'�illiam Loescher, Richard
<br /> Nuer.nber�er, Al'aert Nieinoth, ��,sper HongSermeier �.nd Henry FiMke, are the duly elected, qualified ._ -
<br /> �.nd �ctin� rnembers of the Co��ncil of said Church or Congreg�.tion, and tha.t as members of said
<br /> Couneil, they �,re the Trustees of said CY�urcM.
<br /> The court further finds that on or about the lOth day of Ucto-ber, 1912� the meznbers of said
<br /> Church� duly held a meeting in their �hurch building, after due, regul�.r and sufficient notice
<br /> for the purpose had been given; and tha.t, at said meeting they duly, and unanimously adopted
<br /> the following resolutions;
<br /> "Be It Resolved, that The Gertnan Evan�elical Lut:�er�.n St Paul' s ChurcYz of Gr�.nd Island, do
<br />,
<br /> fox the consideration of the sum of' One Thousand �,nd Tnventy T�ive Dall�.rs (�1025.00} to be paid
<br /> i
<br /> by Geer-Harri�on Co. sell and convey to the said Geer-Ha.rrison Co. the following describ�d real
<br /> estate, Situated in the County of Hall and Stdte of Nebraska+ to-wit: -
<br /> The I�usterly Thirty Five (35ft� feet of Fractional I,ot �uznber Six (6j .in Fractional Block
<br /> Number One Hundred Twenty Six E126 } of the Union Pacific Railway Com�any's Second �ddition to _
<br /> Gran� Island, Nebraska and its Complement the Tdsterly 3;5 ft. of �r�ctional Lot Number Six (6�
<br /> in Fractional Block Number One (1) in Russel Y�heelexa Addition to Gr�nd Island, Nebraska, both
<br /> as sur4ey�ed, platted �.nd recorded• � �
<br />