<br /> 48;� ,�
<br /> � � � �C� � I� �Q �0 � � � �C� O� D � � -
<br /> __� _ . _ - _ _ - _ - _ --_ --- -
<br /> �_ __ _ _ _____ _ _ _
<br />�:.�_.'=._�_ _ -.::..::. ..........� � .__-:�-�_ .. . . . . .. . -- . . . . . ... . � ._ . ..-:. . . - � . _... _ . - ..�_- ::__:- _ -_-..- .- �.-_ .�.-"'__ ' " '_.. . __
<br /> �zpove described property t;o the affiant herein, l��ic't�el �xen���.n.
<br /> Affiant further states that the s�id Kate Brennan and Catharine Eren�:an, designated as afore-
<br /> i said in the a�ove descri�ed instr��!ents, wre one and t.ie susrie j�e�sor, not�r�ithstandin� the dis-
<br /> crel�ancy in the spelling of said narnes.
<br /> i
<br /> Affi�rt iurtner st�.tes �e i:� a brotner o Vu'iliiam Brennan, decea.sed; and is the same �erson
<br /> r
<br /> .>
<br /> dvho xs nG.rrr�ed as �,rantee in a ce�. tain deed cor,ve,, in� the ZT�rth Half of the Southwest Quarter
<br /> (N. � of S. W. �} of Section T��irty-five (35 ) , Tcwrship Eleven (11) . �torth, Ran�e Eleven (11) ,
<br /> West of the Sixth I�. 5�. , in Hal1 Ccunty , .;e��.r�.sk�, ;�:'riich deea is recorded iii �sook 22, at Pa�;e
<br /> r�27, �f the Deed Recurds of �iall Cour:ty, T1e' r�,ska, in cvhi�n affidnt is designated as T�Gichael
<br /> Brennen, Jr.
<br /> F�rther affi�nt s�.itn not.
<br /> .
<br /> ��i c r:4e i Bre nnan
<br /> Subscriaed in my -,resence G:n� stivorn to a fo-re .:�e t�-��r �nd d�.y of �Tune � A.D. , 1919. ,
<br /> (.SFAL) Ben.i. �7. Cunnin�ham
<br /> �y co�r:iz�ission e��ires A�ag 5- 1923 P�otary Public.
<br /> Filed for recoxd tnis � day of June 1919, �, 4:50 o'clock P. �. ����L�, ����
<br /> �-e y-����.�.��
<br /> _ y
<br /> -c-a-o-o-a-o-u-o-o-o-u-o-c-c-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- -o-o-o-o-e-o-��-c�-o-o-u-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-0-o-4�-c-o-o-c-o-
<br /> AITa`l� �ai•,'.J'���`�l
<br /> Ti:I� AG?�FI�"r.,D?T , m�de �.nd �ntered i nto t �� s � t'r. day cf �Tune , l�l�, by and betavepn I. R. �lter,
<br /> herein�,fter rarty of tne first ��.rt, �,nd G s Liesche, hereinafter partST of the second �art,
<br /> '"IT:�'FSr�'TIi:�'hat �n consider�.tion �f the ��m o.f T��vent�� Thous�.nd (�20� 40G. 00) ??ollars ta him
<br /> to bA :��.id by t'_ne part�;T cf the gec:-nd �,art as her?inafter �rovide�, the p�,rty of the first
<br /> part se11s tanto th� party of the secor,d -.,�, t, the follo�vin�; described real estate situated in.
<br /> the county of ?��,11 a.nd s�ate of Nebraska. o-:x�it: The north h�.lf of the northeast quarter,
<br /> the sourthwest �uarter of the northeast �u rter, and the northeast �uarter of the northweet
<br /> , quarter, of Section T�rrenty-five (25 ) , in T wnshi� Fleven (11), North� Range Ten (10� t"�est, con-
<br /> tainin� 160 acres� a little rnor.e or less.
<br /> Said �;a.rty of the secon� pdrt her.�by pu chases t,he above described Y�remises, from the p�.rty
<br /> j of the first �art, �.nd agr�es to ��,5� to th r,arty* of the first �art t,her�for tne sum of k?0, (`00.
<br /> 00� ?�aya��le �;s follov�s, to-�vit: �40G0. 00 o the signin�; of these presents � evidenced '�y the
<br /> c�eck �f �he uarty cf thP sec�nd �:�rt r;ive to the:�.�ar�;- of the first n�.rt; �4Ci00. 00 on the
<br /> first day of �Purch, 1920; und. �12,, 000• 00 o tlZe fi.rst das� of ?�darch, 1925 , s�.i d �12, 000. 00 to
<br /> be evidenced '�y the ,rromissory note c�f the party of the se ;,ond part, bearing date �E�.rch 1, 1920,
<br /> due five ;Tears aftar date, �.nd bearin�; in erest G.t the rate of six per cent. �er annurTi, paya�le '
<br /> semi-annua.11y , dnd to be secuxed by a mort -a�e, tux-free in form, �wnd a first lien on the ��re-
<br /> mises above described, sai� note �,nd mor.t� oe to cont�,in an option giving the rart� of the
<br /> second -y�art the ri�;ht to �,ay �500• 00� or a y m.ultil�le thereof� cf tli= �rinci_:�al of s�.id note,
<br /> on an3� �nter�st �ay day.
<br /> Upon the y�a;�ment of s�.i d �L;r; of W'�4000. G :�ue �JCarc3� l, 1920, �.nd the due executi on and de-
<br /> livery t o the r�arty of the fir�t �art of s id :�12, GOO. OG note ��.nd, mort��,�e, said �.,ar. ty of the
<br /> fir�t �,,;..rt is to cof�vey said �ren:ises tc t e �;arty of the second j��,rt by warrwnty deed, and
<br /> �'urnis'rl tc ±he p4rt�r af the seccnd r�,rt an �,bstract of �itle to said i_�rerr,� ses showing marketable
<br />; title tnereto ira the �;�.rty of the first r.0 t, and surx�r.�er �:ossessi.or. of said �rernises to tne
<br /> �,art5r cf the secend ���.rt, ur,c� a:ssi��n to 'r:i 1, vTi��out exy:er.se, uli insu.r�nce ther. or the build-
<br /> in�s on :��.icz grerri3es. ,
<br /> It is furthex� urderstood u,n� u€reed th;a, in the everat the party of th� second y,art shculd
<br /> f�,il to iuy said �4GGG• OU ��.rch 1! 1920. �. hereinbefore provided, ther. and in th�.t event this
<br /> c ontruc t shG.11 �ec crr�e rul7, ar.d voi d and th par�S� of the first part shall reta.in sG.id �4000. 00
<br /> ±ni � d�;� �;ai�, �s his li�uid�.ted darr�ages, cr tne fai luxe uf the party of t'r�e second �axt to
<br />