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Q�D � <br /> 4 7�,� <br /> � � � �C� L���a � �OC� � [� �' � OG� D � � . <br />-- -_ � ._: -_ - ._ _ _ _ __ _ __ — _._ _- __ -_ --- - <br /> -= - -- _ __ . _ _ _ _. <br /> . _ ,___3��1.�) 6LOPPABARTLETTCO PflINTING�LITHOOHAPHING.STNTIONEflY:OM/1N11� . ---� <br />____.'__ __.�__"�_ '_' "�.'_:- ._..:_:� � .. . - - ..._ � . .. . ..--' ._- '_ ._ .�'�_ '_ "..-.. _ ._' __ .....-_�_� <br /> Records of Hall County, Nebraska, and tha.t the said R. H. �cAllister and Robert H. �bcAllister � <br /> was one and the �ame person. <br /> And further affiant saith not. <br /> R. R. Horth <br /> - - -- - -— ,�:_._...��-_..�,----- ._._._.ti_. <br /> 5ubscribed in my presence and sworn to before me on this 17th day of �ay, 1919. <br />! (SFAI,) Chas. G_._ Rv an _ _ _ <br />� �y commission expires Feb. l, 1925. Notary Publie. �^ <br /> Filed for record this 17 d�.y of �ay 1919, at 3: 25 0� c lock P. �• <br /> . �y��,� �-�-«�, - - - - - <br /> _..� �- �� ._._...._. <br /> Register of Deeds <br /> -a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o�o-Q-e-o-e-o-o-o-o-e-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-�-�-o-o-e-e-e-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-e-o-o-o-o-o- <br /> ER PARTE AFFSDA�TIT <br /> Str�te of Nebraska, } <br /> } ss. <br /> Ha11 Cc�unty. ? Ida �. Benton� being first duly sworn, on her oath says that she ha.s been <br /> ', a resident of Hall County, Nebraska., for more than 35 years� and is the widow of Cha.rles S. <br /> , <br /> ' Bentcn, deceased� late of said county, who died seized of the northeast quarter of the sotatheast <br /> ! quarter of Section 14, in Toc�nship eleven north, Ra.n�;e 12, West, in Ha.11 County, Nebraska; tha,t <br /> i af��iant was well acquainted with one Cyrus �iner, who took title to s�.id premises by patent from <br /> � <br /> ithe United Stat�s� dated August 4, 1880� �.nd recorded in Book 1 of Patents a.t Page 67 of the <br /> j Records of said county� and with the farnily of said Cyrus �iner, patentee; that said Cyrus <br /> � <br /> �(Iiner died testate at his home in said county on or about , July 30, 1888, leaving surviving him <br /> his widow, 5arah S. �iner, and five children� as follows: Paulina ,Harrington, Uri Riiner. �1e�vton <br /> Miner, Milo Miner, and Sarah Adams; thr�t said Sarah S. ]�iner, who was appointed Executrix of the <br /> estate of said Cyrus h�iner, died intestate, in said Hall County, Nebraska, on or about January <br /> 8, 1889. oefore the estate of hez• said deceased husoand had been fully probated, and that C. S. <br /> Benton, whose full name was Charles S. Benton, hus'�and of affiant, was by the County Court of <br /> Hall County, �7ebraska� duly al�pointed Adiriinistrator with the wiil �.nnexed of the estate of said <br /> Cyrus Miner, deceased, and �,drninistrator of the estate of said Sa.rah S. B�tiner, his evidow; <br /> that gaid Sarah S. 1rIine.r never re-m�.rried after the death of ' <br /> her said hus'oand. Affiant further says that �he knaws that Newton �iner, who �ppeaxs as a <br /> grantor in a certain quit claim deed in favor of J. �. Thompson� d�ted February 21, 1889, and re- <br /> ccrded in �3ook I1 of Deeds �.t Pag� 339, w�.s at the time when suid deed was made, a sin�le man� and <br /> �, was one vf the children and devisees of the said CS rus �iner, deceased; tha.t the IIri C. �finer, <br /> i <br /> '� who executed a certain quit claim deed in favor of Ch�.rles S. Benton, dated August 9, 1889, and <br /> ! recorded in Book 11 at Page 513 of the �2ecords of Hall County, Nebraska� for an undivided one- <br /> � <br /> '; fifth interest in the above described premises, was one of the children of said Cyrus 2�iner, <br /> ' dece�.sed, and named in the �roceedin�s to probdte nis estate as Uri Miner, �nd was the sa.m� �per- <br /> son so described in final decree fvr the settlement of saici estate; affiant further says that <br /> the Milo ,T. �diner� grantor in d certain quit claim deed in f�.vor of said Ch�.rles S. Benton, dated <br /> December 17, 18�39, and recorded in Book 11, at p�ge 539. of the Records of Ha.11 County, Nebraska, <br />' f or an undivided one-fifth interest in the above described premisea, was one of th�e children of <br /> said Cyrus �iner, ciece�.sed, and named in said final decree above referred to as �tilo Miner; <br /> affiant further says that the Sarah Adam�s, one of the gr�ntors in a cextain quit claim deed in <br /> favor of C�.rles S. Ber,ton� dated October 21, 1889, anzi recorded in Book 11� at Page 54Q, c�f the <br /> Records of Ha.11 County, Nebraska, conveying a one-fifth inter?et in the a.c�ove described premises, � ; <br /> , ; <br /> was one of t?�e children of said Cyrus Miner, deceased� and that the Frank 2d. Adams, w�io �oined ' <br /> in said deed, was at said tir�e the husband of said Sarah Adams; affiant further states tha.t the <br /> Paulina Harrin�tan, one of the grantors in a cPrtain c�uit claim deed in favor of "C. S. Benton",, <br /> vrhieh deed is d�.ted December 20, 1889, and recorded i�n Book 11, at Page 554, of the Records <br />