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1 <br /> I <br /> 47� <br /> � �1Q �C� C� ��a � �C� C� � � �C� O� D �J � <br /> . _ _ _ _ _ -_- - <br /> : - � - - - -- <br /> ,a�7Z19—CLOPP6BARTLETTCO.�PRINTING.6ITMOGHAPHiNG,3TAT10NERV;OMAHA . . . , .. . . . . ..}r—___, <br /> AFFII�AtiTIT �F I?�EN`r IFICAT I0N <br /> � <br /> State of Nebraska.. } <br /> } ss. y <br /> Hall County. � �2. �. Hortn. bein� first duly sworn on his oath deposes and says that he i�s . <br /> a r.esident of Ha.11 County, Nebr�.ska, and has been such for forty-seven ye�rs last �ast. <br /> Affiant further states that he is weil a.nd personally acquainted with Foster & Gray, of Dou�la.s <br /> County, Nebraska, to whom Ja.mes Ewing conveyed the northeast quarter of the southwest c�ua.rter, <br /> an3 the northwest c�uarter of the quarter of Section 13, in Township 10, ATorth, Ra.nge <br /> il �'est, in I-iz�ll Count3*, Nebr�.ska, by warranty deed reeorded in Book F, of Deeds, �.t Page 499� of . <br /> the Deed Records of Hall County, Nebrask�; that affiant knows of his own personal knowledge that <br /> said Foster & Gray wa.s a co-partnership composed of William �. Foster and Pred W. Gray. the <br /> said Willi�.m M. Foster ap�nearing as grantor, and tY� said Fred 1�. Gray appearing as gxantee in a <br /> q <br /> uit claim deed recoxded in Book 2 of Deeds, at Page 234 of the Deed Records of Hall Co�nty, Neb- <br /> raska, wherein the said �illia,m M. Foster and wife quit claimed the �remises above described to the <br /> said Fred �. Gray. <br /> And further affiant saith nt�t. <br /> R. R. Horth <br /> Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this 15th day of �a.y� 1919. <br /> (�Ay} Chas. G. Rvan <br /> N[y c�mmissior� expires reb. 1, 1925� 23ot�.ry Public. <br /> Filed for record this 15 da�T of May 1919, at 2:45 0' clock P. �. <br /> ���� � � <br /> Register of Deed <br /> -�-0-0-0-0-0-0-J-0-0-fl-0-0-0-0-0-�-fl-0-0-0-0-(7-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-fl-0-0-0-4-a-43-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- <br /> CERTIFICATE �_, . <br /> To whom it may c oncern: <br /> Tr,is is to certify tha.t I attended I�trs �lmira I. Leonard� widow of John H. I,eonard, during her <br /> l�.st illness & up to the time of her death- V4'hich occuxred Apr. 30-1919. <br /> A. T. Hubbell <br /> - Attending Physician' <br /> Subscribed �ind sworn to before rrje this 5th day of 2u�ay 1919 <br /> (��,) D. I). 0�Ka,ne , <br /> �iy commission expires Jan 19, 1924 Notary Public. <br />' Filed for record this 16 day of May 1919, at 4 o' eleck P. AJI. <br /> ���� ��� <br /> Register of De , s +�� <br /> -o-a-o--�-�-e-�-�-c-�-�-�-o-e-e-e-c-o-�-Q-�-e-e-Q-�-a-Q-��-o-c,-o-o-�-o-c-e-�-o-o-e-a-o-e-o-o-o-c�-e-� � <br /> AFFII�A�TIT <br /> �tate of Nebraska, � <br /> ) ss. <br /> Hall County�. } R. F.. Horth, being first duly s�rorn on his cath deposes and says tha.t he is <br /> a re.sident of Hall County, Plebraska, and h�.s been such for more tha.n forty-seven years l�.st past. <br /> Affi.�.nt further stat�s that he was well and personally a.cquainted with Robert Tracy, formerly <br /> in the employ of the Union Pa.cific Railroad Company, and to whom Geor�e E. How�.rd conveyed I,ot 7, <br /> i.n Block 75 , of the Origi.nal Town, now City, of Gr�,nd Island, Nebraska, by warranty deed recorded <br /> in Book K, of Deeds, �,t 344 of the Deed Records of Hall County, Nebraska, and with Robert <br /> Treacy� who� with his wife �ioinin� conveyed said prem.ises to R. H.McAllister, by warranty deed <br /> re�orded in Book M at pa,ge 511, of the Deed Records of Ha.11 County, Nebraska, and that he knows <br /> of his owM personal knov�led�e that the said Robert T racy and Rober'� Treacy was one and the same <br /> person� notwithstanding the discrepancy in the spelling of said names and that the correct name <br /> was Robert TrUcy. <br /> Affiant further states tha.t he was well and pers�n�,lly acquainted with R. Fi. I!1lcAllister, <br /> the �.rantee in s�,i� deed recorded in Book �C:, at 511 of the Deed Records of Ha,ll County, - <br /> Nebraska+ �.nd with Robext H. �cAllister� who, with his wife ,ioinin�, conveyed said premises <br /> to Mrs. Sarah A. Powers, by warr.�.nty deed recorded in Book � of Aeeds, at page 258 of the Deed <br />