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t��BF f <br /> . �7� <br /> � G� D �C� ���a� �0 � � G��� O�D � o <br /> -�. ___ _ : ___ _-: _ __ -- - - - - - -_ —---- -_-------- -- <br /> -= _- _-- - _-_ _ . __ . - - -- <br /> rf�l _- -- : - <br /> �/5,19 CLOPP6BNRTLETTGO PRINTING LITNGORNPHINQ,STATIONEpY OMAH1! � <br />�_...____ . _._ �� .__,__ ...� ' .:�-._' � .".__: -. �.�� _- � :�.:-_� .' ' _ __ __ . --_ <br /> —._�..________' ..._._:_._�_._.. .... _. ... .. .. -:��: ._. . . __. ."."_ __ _ .__:_ _ __ _ . _ _ .. __� <br /> AFFIDAVIT OF IDENTIFICATIO�T <br /> Stat� of Nebr�ska, ) <br />- � ss. <br /> Ha11 County } <br /> James �7ackson bein� first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says that he <br /> is well and personall� acqua.inte3 with Peter Naylen ( and wife Catharine. } to whom Norma.n J. Rease <br />� <br /> conveyed the following described lands in Hall county, Nebraska� to-t�it: �TE� of SW�, and �V�- of <br /> SE� of section 13 in Township 10 Y3orth of Range 11 West of t�e sixth principal meridian, by <br /> warranty deed, dated ,TUne 22, 1875 and with Peter Naylin and wife� Cath who conveyed said pre- <br /> tnises to Jt�,mes Ewin� by rvarranty deed, dated October 20, 1880, and affiant positively knows that <br /> the said Peter Nay len and Cdtharine Naylin and Peter Naylin and Cath Naylin are one and the <br /> same persona notwithstanding the discrepanc;ies in nG.mes. and are husband and wffe <br /> Jaxnes �7ackson <br /> Subscribed and swoxn to before me . thi$ 22nd, day of June, 1910. <br /> (SEAI,� 1�. L. SnraRUe <br /> �dy Commission expires �a.rch 27th, 1912. Notary Public. , <br /> i <br /> Filed for record this 15 day of �da.y 1919, at 2:45 o' clock P. 3�. - /-� I <br /> �<��C�-� �1��{P�=, I <br /> Register of Deeds ' <br /> � <br /> -0-0-Q-0-0-fl-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-fl-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-C-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 I <br /> AFI±IDAVIT OF ITlFNTIFICATION <br /> State of Nebraska, ) <br /> � ss. <br /> Dou�las County. j <br /> �►►. W. �itchell, being first duly sworn� upon oath deposes and says that h� <br />' '` is well and pe.rsonally acquainted wit,h Esther Nichols, the v�ife of Ira Nichols, and knows that <br /> $ster Nichols whose name appears in the body and acknowledgement of a deed signed by Ira Nichols <br /> and E$ther Nichols conveying the NE�- of the SW� and the N1V� of the 3E� of section 13 in Twp. 10 <br /> N'ortn of Range 11 aie3t of the sixth principal meridian, recorded in Book 3 at page 378 of the re- <br /> eords of Hall County, �debraska, and Esther Nichals, one of the grantors above mentioned �,re one <br /> and the s�.me person,notwitl�standing the discrepancy in na.mes. ' <br /> �. �.Yi t�che 11 <br /> Subsc ribe d and sworn to be f ore me t his 23rd day of June, A.D. , 1914. <br /> My c ommi s s i on exp i re s �ga.y 24, 1914. <br /> (SEAI,) I. �d. Ha�mrnond <br /> Filed for record this 15 day of �ay 1919, at 2:45 0' clock P. 3�• Notary Public. <br /> �c��-� �/��c,P�s� � <br /> Register of Deeds <br /> -0-(3-�-0-0-0-�-0-�J-0-fl-0-0-0-�J-0-J-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-fl-0-0-0-4-0-0-fl-0-O-Q-0-0-(3--0-0-fl-fl-0-4-(3-fl-0-0+-0 <br /> A;FFIDAVIT OF ID�NTIFICATIOIQ <br /> State of B�ebr. } � <br /> } ss. <br /> Hall County y <br /> � @Y. L. Sprague bein� first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says th�.t he i$ <br /> well and person�,lly acquainted with Rasmus Christi�znssen to wham Herbert S. Kelsey and wife con- <br /> veyed the following descriaed lands in Ha.11 county, Nebr�.ska, to-wit: The North � quarter of <br /> the South �fest quarter of section thirteen in Town ten �3orth of Ran�e sleven West of the sixth <br /> principal meridian by warranty deed, dated June 9, 1890 and with Rasmus Chri"stiansen who con- <br /> veyed said preraises to Herbext S• Kelsey by mortgage deed, d�,ted �une 9, 1890, and affiant <br />'i <br />� positively knows tha.t the said Rasmus Christianasen and Rasr�us Christiansen� also Rasmus Christ- <br /> ianson are one and the same y�erson, notwithstanding the discrepancy in names. <br />� <br /> �. L. Spra�;ue <br /> �ubscri�ed and sworn to before me this 25th day of June 1910 <br />'� ��Ay� R. R. Root <br /> �y Commiasion. expires June 4 1916 Notary Public. <br /> Filed for record this 15 day of Aday 1919, at 2:45 otclock P. �• <br /> �/ �r N� v��cPi.--r� <br /> ■ <br /> Re�ister of Deeds <br />�- � — <br />