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,�47�' <br /> �'� � �C� C��a� �0 � � ��C� O� D � � <br /> .3�ZIJ-Ci.0YA6B4RTLETTCO..PHINTING.LITH06flAPHINf..5YAT10NERY;OMAHA '... .. . . . . . -.�� . . .� .. .... ... . .. . . . .- . � . . <br /> AFFIDAV IT � j <br /> State of Oregon, } <br /> ) ss. <br /> C ounty of �a.ri on. } <br /> I, qVilliam J. Dermody, being first duly �worn, depose and say: Tha.t L am th� <br /> brother of A�attie Bell Reeman m�ntioned in tha,t certain deed recorded in Hall County, State of <br /> �ebraska, in the office of the Registrar of Deeds in said county� on the lOth day of ��a.reh, 1917, <br /> at 2 o�c lock and thirty minutes. P. I�. . and duly recorded in Book 54 of �eeds on Page 91. <br /> That at the time of making said deed �Battie Be11 Reernan was a single �voma,n, and has been ever <br /> since said date. <br /> That said deed covers the follov�ing described premises, to-�rit; An undi�ided on-t�relvth (1�12} <br /> interest in the South one-half of tbe S�uth-east Quarter (S -� SE �-} of Section Two (2} and the � <br /> North One-half of the North-e�st quarter (bt � ��} of Section Eleven (11) all in Township Ten (10) <br /> North, Range Twelve (12.} �9est of the 6' P. �• <br /> That I am the owner and entitled to the possession in fee simple of said pro�erty. <br /> That I am the �• J. Dermody mentioned in the deed heretofore set out; that my full name is <br /> l�illiam J. Dermody and I generaily sign the ss,me as �illiam J. Dermody. <br /> That I this affidavit to correct the chain of title to the above-�entioned �roperty. <br /> W�lliam J. Dermodv <br /> Subscribed and sworn to befoxe me this ��a.y 2nd, 1919. <br /> �y commis�ion expires June 3rd, 1919 (SEAL� Robin D. Dav <br /> 23otary public fvr Oregon. <br /> Filed for recoxd this 13 day of Ya,y 1919, at 9 o'clock A. �. <br /> �-ilz�r� �u��-�- ,. <br /> Re�ister of Deeds � <br /> -0-0-0-0-fl-0-U-�-0-0-fl-0-0-J-0-t?-0-0-0-0-fl-fl-fl-fl-fl-0-fl-�J-0-fl-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-fl-fl-0-0-0-fl-0-J-fl-fl-fl-� <br /> AFFIDAVIT OF IDFNT IFICAT ION <br /> St�te of �Tebraska, ) <br /> � s�. <br /> Hall �ounty } <br /> Jarnes Jackson being first duly sworn, uz�on oath deposes and says that he �s <br /> well and personally acquainted veith I3orman S. Rease to whom The United 5ta�es conveyed the foll- <br /> o�ing described lands in �.all county, Nebraska., to-v�it: W2 of I��. and 1�1VV4 of SE�, and 14��- of <br /> 54�4 of section 13 in Township 10 Noxth of Range li West of the sixth prineipal raeridian, by <br /> I, Patent deed, dated �arch 8, 1872, _ �.nd v�ith Norma.n J. Rease �rho conveyed said premises to Peter <br />,� Naylen (except �� of R1E�) by warranty deedi �ated .TuMe 22, 1875 � and affiant �o$itively knows <br /> that the said Noxms.n S. T�ease and I�orman J. :�ease are one and the same person, notwithstanding <br /> the discrepancy in na.mes. <br /> .Tames Jackson <br />' Subscribed and sworn to before me thia 22nd day of .Tune, 1910. <br /> (S�AL� �1• L. Spra�ue <br /> B�y Commission ex�ires �,I�irch 27, 1912. ldotary Public. <br /> Filed for record this 15 ciay of B�,.y 1919, at 2:45 o'clock P. M. <br /> ,������� <br /> Re�ister of De s <br /> -fl-J-O-fl-G-0-0-fl-�-0-0-�J-fl-O-�J-O-�J-�J-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-G-G-G-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-(3-0-�-t3-0-0-0-0-0- <br />