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���� <br /> �71 �. <br /> �J � �C� C� � �a � �0 � � � �C� OG� D � � <br /> _=----�= _-_ --_ -_-. -._ _ _ :___ - - __ - -- --____-- ___-- - <br /> _- _-- -__ - ._- <br /> � `TIZJ..q'�CLO'PP66ARTLE7TCO.�PWINTING�LITHO6RAPHiNG�8T11TIONENY.OMl1HA � �� <br /> __'.�_.-.......'.''___ _' .__' �::.-�_:_ _.._"_ ... � _... .. _ . . ... "_.. ; _ ._.. -�_�__._ ___- _--- "'___ ___ '__- <br /> .:z:.�= .. '-' . < .--_ . _��..�� . . ..._ ' __.__ _- .... .._ . .�:"_ _..___." -_'-._-...""-'_._.__�_:'___ '__"-" '__� <br /> � <br /> AFFIDAVIT OF IDEISTIFICATION <br /> State of DTebraska� <br /> } ss. <br /> Hall County } <br /> P• �• A�cGuir� being first duly sworn, u�on oath deposes and says that he <br /> is w�ll an� �ersonally acquainted with 1�. J. Dermody to whom �a,ttieBell Reeman conveyed the <br /> following de�cribed laa�ds in Hall c�unty, Nebraska, to-�it: an �ndivided one-twelfth (1/12� inter� <br /> est in the 3outh half of the �outh Last quarter �f section two and the IJorth half of the �orth- <br /> �ast quarter in section eleven all in township ten North of I�an�e twelve �est of the sixth prin- <br /> cipal meridian. by Xarranty deed, dated Aia.�. 9, 1916 and with William J. Dermody who conveyed said <br /> premises to Carl P. �i11er by w�rranty deed. ci�ted Jan. 6, 1919, and affi�.nt positively knows , <br /> that the said �Il. J. Dermody a.nd William J. Dermody are one a.nd the same person, notwithstanding <br /> , <br /> the discre�ancy in names. <br /> ' P. W. McGuire <br /> � Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25th day of April, 1919 <br /> 3dy Commissian expires �a.rch 2'7, 1924 W. L. S,pra�,,ue <br /> (SEAL) 1Qotary Public. i <br /> Filed for record this 13 day of �da.y 1919, at 9 0' clock A. �. ' <br /> �J�-�� ����_ <br /> Register of Deeds <br /> -0-0-�-fl-0-0-0-0-fl-�J-0-0-fl-0-0-0-J-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-fl-0-(3-fl-0-0-fl-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0- <br /> AFFIDAVIT OF I:DEN3'IFTCATIOI� <br /> State of Nebraska) <br />� � ss. � <br /> H�,11 County j ', <br /> P. �. �cGuire bein� first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says that he is <br /> , <br /> ,e�ell and personally aequa�inted with Ja.mes Darmody to vrhom '�h� United States conveyed the follovr- , <br /> ing de�cri�ed lands in Hall county, Nebr�ska, to-wit: South ha.lf of the South East quarter fS� of <br /> SE�} in section two (21 in township ten (10) Nor�� of Range twelve {12} �►est of the $ixth prin- '. <br /> ci�a.l meridian by �atent,dated.Aug. 30� 1880 and with James Dermody who conveyed said pre�ises ' <br /> I <br /> to Ya.ry Dermody by �arranty deed, dated May 11, 1896, anct affiant positively knowa that the said ' <br /> James D�.rmody and Ja,m�es Derr�ody are one and the person, notwithsta.nding the discrepaney in ; I <br /> nr�me s. I <br /> P. Y�. McGuire ; <br /> Subscribed and sv►orn to before me this 25th day of April 1919 <br /> �dy Commission e�cpires �a.rch 27, 1924 �S�'�'� �, L. S�ra�ue <br /> Filed for record t�iis 13 day of �a.y 1919, at 9 0' clock A. I�[. Notary Public. <br /> , �-ll�.r-�z./ V���_y=-�/ <br /> ' Register of Deeds <br /> -0-0-0-0-0-fl-fl-fl-fl-0-0-0-0-4-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-fl-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-fl-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-fl-fl-0-0-fl-0-fl;0� <br /> AFFIAAVIT - <br /> State of Oregon. ) <br /> j ss. _ <br /> County of ]�sarion. � I, Anna A. Dermody, being first duly swo�rn, depose and say: That I:,am the ; <br /> wife of �I►illiaxn J. Dermody; That to my personal knowledge �attie Bell Reeman was r� single woman ! <br /> at the time of makin� that eertain deed recorded in Ha.11 County, State of �Tebr�.ska� in the offide <br /> of the Regi$trar of Deeds in said county. on the lOth day of �6arch, 1917, at 2 o'clock and thir.- <br /> ty minutes. P. �d. , and du2y r�corded in Book g4 of �eeds on Page 91. ' <br /> Tha,t said deed covers the following described premises, to-wit: An undivided one-twelath (1/la) <br /> interest in the South one-half of the �South-east Quarter (81/2 SE�-} of Section Two (2) and the <br /> ,; North One-half of the North-e�,st quarter (N� NE�� of Section Eleven (11) all in Township Ten (10) <br /> ' �Tox�h, R�,nge T�elve (12} �est of the 6' P. &t. <br /> � 2hat to m�r parsonal knowle�3ge the deed heretofore mentioned �vas given to my husband, �i/illiam <br />' J. Dermody, who is now the o�►ner and entitled to the possession in fee simple of said property. <br /> � Tha.t I make this affidavit to correet the of title to the above mentioned property. <br /> Anna A. Dermod.y <br /> Subscribed and sworn to before me this �a.y 2nd, 1919. , ', <br /> My commission expires .7une 3rd. 1919 �SEAL) Robin D. Dav � <br /> riled for record this 13 day of �a.y 1919, at 9 0' clock A. M. Idotary public f'or Oregon. <br /> �J!*.>��� ����, i <br /> �� <br /> Re�ister of Deeds <br /> i � <br />