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QbD� <br /> 46� � <br /> G� D �� � ��Q � �OC� � � �C� O� D � � <br />=---___-_= __- _ __ _ _ : : _:-- -__- _- =---_=_-_-- --- __---- _---- <br /> _- -_--= - -_ ___ __-_ <br />. 37219��«OPPt�BARTLETY CO..PRIfVY1NG�LITH06RAPNINT.�STATIONERY�OMRXA . <br /> LAND CO23TRACT <br /> .__.,.,._....__.�.._ <br /> THIS AGRE'FA�I�T, �da �nd entered into this ninth day of �ay 1919, by and between J. R. <br /> Wilkinson and �ry E. Groes truatees. party of the first part, and John �dcLellan <br /> and Walter �if. Gallup, party of the secand part, � <br /> � VPITZI�SSETH� That if the party of the eecond part sh�.11 first ms,ke the payments and perform <br /> the covenants hereinafter mentioned an their paxt to be made and performed, the s�,id party of <br /> the first part hereby covenants �nd agrees to convey or cause to be convey�d to the said party <br /> � of the second part, in fee simple, clear of all incumbrances wha.tsoever, by a good and sufficient <br /> Warranty Deed� the lot, piece or parcel of ground, situate in the County of Hall and State of <br /> I�ebraska kno�n and described �s fallows� � to-�vit: - The west half of ,se�tion nine (9)� T oarnship � <br /> ten (10) , north Range ten (10), v►est of the 6th P. �d. <br /> (It is understood tha.t the Union Pacific Railz�oad Company has heretofore excepted and reserved <br /> all oil, coal and other minerr�ls within or under.,�ying said land, with ri�hts of ingrees, and eg�ess <br /> and regre�s for such purposes, which reservation shall run with the la.nd and that there is also <br /> reserved a right-of-way of lawful width for any and all country roada on section lines.� <br /> And the said party of the second part hereby covenants and a�rees to �ay the said party of the <br /> first part the sum of Twenty-five thousand (�25 ,OOO.UO) Dollars payable at Grand Island, Nebraaka; <br /> in the manner following: <br /> The su�l' of �1,000•00 on or before the execution of this contract; �24�0OO.OQ on �arch �irat, <br /> � 1920 �vith interest at the rate of 8 per cent per �nnum, from �arch 1� 1920� payable annu►a.liy on the <br /> whole sum reYnaining from time to time unpaid, and to pay all taxes, assessments or impositions up- <br /> on s$id land which may become due and payable subsequent� to this date• And in case of failure of <br /> said party of the second part to make either the payments when due -or interest thereon� or any <br /> part thereof, or to perform any of the eovenants on their par� hereby made and entered into, thek� <br />' the whole of said payments and interest shall at the election of said first party, become in�ed- ' <br /> iately due and payable, and this contract shall at the option of the party of the first part be <br /> �ancelled and determined, and all right, title and interest acquired thereunder by said second <br /> party forfeited, by giving to said second pa.rty thirty day�' notice in writing of the intention 1 <br /> ; <br /> of said fir�t party to cancel and determine this contract and to annul all right, title and in- � <br /> terest acquired thereunder by said second party; said notice to be in accordance with the statq#e <br /> in such case made and provided. <br /> It is mutually understood and a,greed by and between the garties to this contr�et that thirty <br /> days is a reasanable and suffici�nt notice to be so given to said second party, in case of ! <br /> f�ilur� to perform any of the cavenants on their part hereby made and entered into, and sha.11 , <br /> be �aufficient to cancel all abligations hereunto on the �art of the said 1�`party, and fully reinves� <br /> ; <br /> it with all right. title �nd interest hereby a�reed to be conveyed, and the party of the second <br /> part shall forfeit all payments m,a,de by them on this contract� and their right, title �znd interest <br /> in all buildin�s, fenc�s and other improvemlents whatsoever, and such payments and improvements sh�ll <br /> be retained by the said party of the firat part in full satisfaction and in liquida.tion of all <br /> dama,ges by it suatained� and it shall have the right ta re-enter and take possession of the pre- <br /> mises aforesaid. <br /> T he purcha�e� hereby agxees and binds himself+ his heirs and assigns, and this contract` is� <br /> made on the express atipulation and condition, that a11 improvements placed npon said land shall� <br /> rer�ain thereon andsha,ll not be removed or destroyed until final payment has been � for said <br /> � <br /> land. I <br /> � <br /> No assi�nment of this contract sha.11 be va:iid unless the same ie for the entire interest of j <br /> the purcha.ser -�herein, and such aasignment is approved by the first party and .endorsed here on. i <br /> � <br /> f <br /> � i_ _� <br />