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� 4.�� <br /> �JD �� � ��Q � �O � � � �� O� D G� �, <br />_ _ _ . -_ <br /> __ _- y:�____i- -- -_------ <br /> e37219—SLOPP 6 BNRTLETT CO..PRINTtNG,1.ITHOORppHING,3TFTIONERY;pMpHR <br /> aG�r����:z ,,c�; ��,r��;�r�1m� ��;r� <br /> ARTZCI�;S OF �GR�'FT�"�'t?T, Tr;u.�e this 25th d�.y of A�ril, 1919, betwePn Hannah Decoto ( formerly Hanns,h <br /> Voss ) Ec John �. Decoto, wife & husnr�nd. , party of the first part, and S. C. Huston. , �arty of the <br /> second pdrt. <br /> �"ITI�T,;�'S�ET�i, Th�.t the �aid party of the fixst �art h�reby covenants and agrees th�.t if the �aarty <br /> of the second z�art shG.11 first rr,ake tne payment and �erform the covenant� hereinafter mentioned <br /> on their part to be made and performed, the saia party of the first pa,rt agrees to furnish to second <br /> pa.rty a �ood and sufficient abstr�.ct of title showing a good title of record to the premises her�e- <br /> inafter descriped in tne �arty of the first �art, and will convey and assure to the �aarty of the <br /> seccnd part, in fee simple� clear of all encumbrance whatsoever, by good and sufficient Warranty <br /> Deed, the followin� lot� �.;iece an� �arcel of ground, viz. Lot rive (5 ) , Elock `.l'wenty (2p) , <br /> Charles Wasmer' � A�dition to Grand Island, Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and recorded. The <br /> varty of the first wgr�es to leave the insurance now on the x�roperty until the present insurdnce <br /> expixes, dnd then s�.id second party a�rees to take �ut new insurance in f'a.vor of said first paxty <br /> first, �,nd second �arty second, wn� �ay the premium on same. Also said second �axty agrees to �ay <br /> the tdxes on this note and contr�.ct secured thereby, if any. Any improvern�nts put on the Fropert�y <br /> to be covered by this contr�.ct und not to be removed until this contract is fully complied with. <br /> The paving now goin� in, is to be assumed by the said second �arty, with no expense to said first <br /> party. Also said second party agrees to r�ay for the connectin� up of the gas �.nd water with no <br /> exiuense to first party. � . <br /> And the said party of the second purt hexeby covenants und a�rees to �s�y to said party of the first ,�. •" <br /> p�.rt �he sum af Fifteen iiundred and n�/100 Dollars in the manner following: Five riundred and no/'100 <br /> Dollars, cash in hand paid, the xeceipt whexeof is hereby �ckno�led�;ed, and the balance �1000 pay- <br /> aole �s follows: �250 on or '�efor� April 25, 1920; �25U on or before A�ril 25 , 1921; �250 on or <br /> before April 25 , 1922; �250 on ox befare A�ril 25 , 1923, with interest at the ra.te of 6 o per annum, <br /> �ayable serni-annually from �pril 25 , 191q. �vith interest at the rate of six per cent �er annum, pay- <br /> �,ble semi annually on the ��hole sum remaining from time t� time un�;�.id, and to pay �11 taxes, assess- <br />� ments or imrositions tha.t :n�,y be legally levie3 or imposed u�on s�,id land, suosequent to the year <br /> 1919. It is mutually agreed th�:t time is an essenti�l element in tnis contract� and in c�.se of <br /> failure of s�.id party of tne secon� part to make either of the payments or to perforrn �,ny of the . <br /> covenants on his p�,rt hereby made and entered into, t�is contract sht�.11, at the option of the �arty <br /> of the fixst �art , oe forfeited an�. deter;�;ined and the �arty of the secand part shall forfeit all <br /> �a�*::ents �y him on thi.s contr�ct an� such payments sha,ll be retained by the said party of the first <br /> �axt in full satisfa.ction of all the dama,gea by him sustained, and they shall have th� rig ht to <br /> rE-enter �.nd take }�os�ession of said premises afoxesaid. <br /> It is n�utually agreed th�t alI the eoven�.nts and a�reerr,ents �erein contained shall extend to <br /> and �be obli�atory u��on .the heixs, executors, admini.strator� �.nd assi�ns of the resp�ctive �arties. <br /> IN �`�ITN�;S`� ?�?iF�FOF, xhe p�.rties to tnese pxesents have hereunto set their hands and seals the <br /> day and year first aoove vrrit ten. . <br /> Si.�ned, sealed and delivered in ��re�ence of i�anna�i Decoto (L. S. ) <br /> �Tohn R. Decoto (I,�.`' S. ) <br /> State of Califoxn�a ) ss. S. C. ;.uston (�,. S. ) : <br /> Sant�, Barbrxra County) On this 2nd day of �ay, A.JJ. 1919, before me the undexsigned a Notary Fublic, <br /> duly com:�issioned an� qualified for a,nd r�sidin� in said County , per.sont�lly came Hann�.h DecotQ (for- <br /> merly Ha�nr�a,h Voss ) �.nd John �. Decoto, wife and husband. to me known to be the identical �ersons whose <br /> names are a.ffixed tc tne for��;oing instrur�lent as �;rantors r�nd acknowledged the same to be the�r vol- <br /> untdry act and deed. <br /> ; Witnes� rr,y hand and Natarial �e�.l the d�,y a.nd ye�.r last above written. <br /> ' (e�±�Z� Gea�e f�. �ierceV, Notars Public <br /> �Iy comrni.ssion ex�,ire� A��ril 29� 1.922 <br /> rile� for record the 9 d�.y of �ay 1919 at lo o'clock A. �. <br /> ��-f��u.� ��d-`�,e�-�-�/ <br /> Re�ister of Deed� <br />