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QbDF 4�'� � <br /> � D �C� ���a�J �OC� � G� �� O � D �lo <br />___=- '___ --- _-- -__ - __ .--_- _ __ __ __-- -_ --: _- - _ __- --- _ <br /> ___ __ _ <br /> -= -- - <br /> __ _ _ . <br /> 3�Z49-CLOPP6BAflTLETTCO PRINTING6ITHOGRRPHINf.,BTATiONEflY:OMAHA - <br /> �rrF-rnm�z� �c�r��rr <br /> Know a17. men by these presents �hat �6ary L. Rentfrow, a �ingle or unmarried person� party <br /> of the first part in and for the consideration hereinafter expressed in her favor by James T. <br /> �rown� Jr. , of Grand Island, N�braska� party of the �econd p�.rt, do�s hereby state and agree <br /> ths.t whereas the said James T. Brown, Jr. , hr�.s proposed marxir�e to her, for the consider�tion <br /> herein�.fter set forth in her favor on the part of the second party, does agree to and will marry <br /> him �.nd bec ome hi.s wife This 19th day of Au�ust� �.D. , 1918. The said party of the sec ond part <br /> hereto, in �nd for the consideration of the party of the first part as a�ove expressed, to wit: <br /> The m�►.rria�e ta him, does on his part hereby relinquish, tr�.nsfer and convey and forever disclaim <br /> any right or ri�hts, interest or interests� claim or claims� demand or demands in and to any and <br /> all re�,l�estate or personal property leg�lly or equitably now owned, hexeafter acquired or <br /> / <br /> held in any manner or by any title, �cquixed bST �urch�.se cr devise or heirship or any manner <br /> and wheresoeqer situ�,ted�. by the party of the first part, the said 1�.ry I.. Rentfrow, and further <br /> agrees tY�a.t he will not in any manner interfere in the ms.nagement, disposal, accumul�.tion or any <br /> other details of the ownerehip or en,ioyment of the said property aforesaid and it sha.11 be unto <br /> the said DG'a.ry I.. Rentfrow as if she wa� a feme-sole or sir�gl� and unmarried in all respects and <br /> particulars. That she may deed, convey transfer and sell and dispose of in any ma.nner she wishe�� <br /> �r all of said property and herhereby $tates that if $he dies before he does or if a.t any time , <br /> during her life tirne he or his heirs or representatives make any attempt to obtain any of said � <br /> property or co�r,irience u.ny law suit to assert any claim or ownership thexeto any couxt to �vhich ; <br /> I <br />�� suc�i �.pplication is made or in �vhich suit is comrr�enced sha.11 dismiss the srame and he or any of <br /> his representatives shall De forever eetopped from makin� �.ny claim or demand of any kind or <br /> . t <br /> nature whatsoever in the e�id ro ert or exercise t3.n control thereof An of said xo ex if <br /> P P Y • Y Y P F Y <br /> ever to be received or controlled in any manner hy him or his re�resentatives sha.11 be by her <br /> - �ift �.s expressed or made in a regul�.r and legal ma,nner and her further stat�a tha,t if at any <br /> time she desire� to conve to �n erson an cf said ro ert and the ��art to receive the con- <br /> Y Y P P <br /> Y r y <br /> Y P <br /> veyance dem.ands tha,t he �oin in such conveyance h� will without ob�ection or demurer thereto- sign <br /> any necessary pap�rs to such tr�.nsaction of sa2e or convey�.nce �.nd acknowledge the same if nec- :_ ��� <br /> es�ary or wished r�nd this agreement on nis part is to be binding u�;on him, his heir�, executors,; <br /> administrator� and assigns. <br /> IN WITi�TFS� VCHEREOF the �carties' hereto ha,ve set their ha.nds this 19th d�y of August, A.D. , <br /> i918. :Jlar� L. Rentfrow <br /> Er�.sures �nd interline�tions made before signing James T. Br.own Jr. <br /> �ditness �e�.rl "�hipp A. M. Sch�rt�er � � <br /> District of Colum�bis,: ) <br /> ) �s <br /> City of Wdshington. ) On tY�is 19th Day of Au�ust, A.D. . 1918, before me a notary public Evithin <br /> and for the afores�.id �istrict and City person�.11y �.�,pe�.red Rdary I.. P.entfrow and James .T. �3rown,Jr. � <br /> to me known to be the identic�l pexsons whos� n�,mes are subscribed to the fore�oing i�struments and <br /> sever�.11y �cknowledged the execution of the same to be their voluntary act and deed for the pur� <br /> � <br /> poses and intenti�ns therein set forth. <br /> Wiznes� my hand dnd not�;ri�,l se�.l tn�s 19th d�y of August, 1918, in the said District and City� <br /> the d�,y �.nd ye�.r last above rvritten. <br /> My commission expires April 4, 1919. <br /> (SEAT.1 Ameli�a. fichertzer <br /> Filed for record this 5 day of �day 1919, at 2 o' clock P.�. Notary Public� D. C. <br /> F� . <br /> , <br />� .� ����� �-�'�-u-�-r� �� <br /> _.��._.____......�_,_-.-.._..»_- <br /> Re�ister of Deeds <br />; ' <br />