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�4��� . <br /> [� 0 �� ���a � �0 � � � �� O� D � � <br /> . . __ --- _---- -- __ _—__�� <br />__..37'L(.4-C6CFPiB�1NT�ETTCQ�.PkINTiNG�4lTHOORAPNING�8TPTICNHRY:OMAH/1 . . .. .... .. . ,. , � - � � � � <br /> �e paid to tne second �arty for services in plantin� a.nd tendin� said erops, and seed furnished by--- <br /> ,� .�� <br /> It is further agreed that the covenants�on �reverse side of this instrument are he.reby incor- <br /> porated into a.n� m.a�.e a part of thi� lease. <br /> Signed this 9th d�.y of Decem'Qex A.P. 1�18. <br /> 3i�ned and deliv�red in ��esence of <br /> E. Ray Drak8 (SEALy <br /> Theo. P. Boehm Julia �d. Blunk (SEAL� <br /> Filed for record at 11:50 of c�ock A• �. �i[ay 1 1919,• � v��` <br /> ��Jister of Dee s <br /> -0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-G-0-0-0-0-fl-0-0-0-0-fl-J-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-fl-0-�-0-4-0-0-0-fl-0-0-0-fl-0-0-� <br /> R.E S OLUT I ON <br /> State of �'ebraska, ) <br /> Hail County. ) We�, Ed Orndaff, IToble Gr�.nd (�residin� Officer), and F. �t. Alderma,n, Secra- <br /> tary�19I. 0. 0. F. Lodge Number 191, of Cairo, ATebrasl�a, and commonly known as �airo Lodge 2�`0. 191 <br /> I. 0. 0. F. , do hereby certify that at a re�ular meeting of s�.id Lodge, he3d at its lodg� roora in <br /> Oairo� Nebraskr�., on the 17th d�y of A�ril, 1919, and at which uieetin� seventeen members s�ere present, . <br /> �.nd vote�i thereon, t�.e followin� re�olution was dul.y passeci and adopted by ss,id Lod�e, by a un- <br /> animous vote: <br /> ����t�Fp�, Ay warranty deed �be�ring date Au�ust 31, 19t�6, �.nd recorded in Book 39, of Deeds, <br /> at Page 402, of the Deed Recoxds of Hall County� Idebraska. Ja.mes H. Hulett and wife conveyed <br /> to the Trustees of I. 0. 0. F. . Lodge Number 191, which is the sa,me �.nd identical or�anization <br /> �s Caixo Lodge No. 191 I. 0. �., F. , I,ots 1 and 2, in Block 15 , of the ari�inal Town of Cairo� <br /> in Hall County, Tdebraska, and, <br /> V�JHFRFA�, John A. . Ruff has offered to r�urchr�se said premises, together witYi the building <br /> si'tur�ted thereon� for tne sum of �2800, <br /> ?�OV;' Ti�FR�rORE, i�] I'�' �?F..SOI.VFD BY CAIRO LODGF 210. 191 I . �. �. F. . in reguLar meetin� <br /> assembled, thr�t it sells said I,ots One (�1) and Two (2), in �31ock Fifteen (15 } of the Ori�inal <br /> Town of Cairo, Ne�braska, together with thE building situated thereon, to said John A. Ruff, for <br />; said sum of �28U0, and th�.t upon the r�ceipt of the purchase price theref�r� H. S. Balcom, Willia,m <br />�I . <br /> 5toe�er, and I,a.fe '��.tkins, the present Trustees of sdid I,odge, be and they hereby �.re instructed <br /> to execute and deliver to the said John A. Ruff, a warxanty �eed conveyin�; to him sa�i� Zots 1 and <br /> 1 Town of C�iro Ne-�r�.sk€� these resents , cEin their full authori,ty <br /> 2 in Black 15 of the Origina . . P � <br /> , • <br /> so to do. " <br /> We further certify tha.t on tne 7th �ay of April, 1919, notice in �riting was given to each <br /> member of �r�id Lo�ge of the time and place the fore�oin� resolution would be presented �,nd voted <br /> upon. � <br /> We further eertify �hat under the laws �overning s�.id Lodge, seven members constitute a <br /> quorum fox tr�,ns�,ction of business. . <br /> We �urther certify that .i. 8. �3�.1com, �illia.m �toeger� and I,�.fe T�7atkins thE present <br /> duly -elected, qu�.lified, dnd acting Trustees of said Lodge. <br /> IN TF�TS1�0�1Y �4�HFRFOF� �� �$Ye hereunto set our h�.nds and affixed the seal of �aid I,odge, this <br /> 25 t h day o f Ap r i l, A.D. 1919. <br /> Ed Orndoff ,. <br /> �CAIRO Z�1�GF ) Noble Grand (Presiding Uffice�r) <br /> ( I. 0. 0. F. ) � <br /> ( ,,�� ) F. �.. Alderman . <br /> Secret�r�r. <br /> Filed for xecoxd thi�a 3 day of l�ay 19�9, at 2: 30 o'clock �. �. . �j� <br /> Ll,/ <br />� Register of Deeds � <br /> i'--_ , , y <br />