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4�� <br /> � � � �C� �[��Q� �O �J � � �C� O� D � � <br /> _ - -_ -; � _ -- � _ --- ___. _ . <br /> _ i_ <br /> _.S7Z/J-CLOPPA BARTLETTCO.�PAINTING�UTHOOHAPHiNG,STATIONERY�OMAHk - <br /> . .. _ .. ...�_'.-�:3'_._'.'." '.=-c_'_-'-'_.- <br /> A�'�IDAVIT <br /> Str�te of Nebraska) <br /> ) ss <br /> Ha,ll County � C. 1P�. Brininger, being first duly sworn, on oath� depos�s a.nd says that <br /> he was v�ell and personally ac�uainted wit11 one L. W. P.ollins� the grantee to the follovping des- <br /> cribed pxoperty. <br /> "�11 that �art af Lots 1 & 2, Block 21. lying �,nd bein� in �ection 16 in 3'own of Gxand Island" <br /> by Speci�l �Vaxranty DP.P,C� from �idney Di�lon, Trustee, dated�Ha.y 23, 1882 and filed for record <br /> April 2, 1�84 in Book "G" Ha11 County Records �t P��e 267. <br /> "A tri�ngul�.r �iiece or y�arcel of land lyin� in the e:�treme South west corner of the South <br /> �Gest Q�aa.rter of Sec. 10� Tovs�rship 11 North of Ran�e 9 West of the 6th p. k. " by �1ltxxranty Deed dat�d <br /> Jan. 23, 1888 from M�.ry R?. Voitle �.nd husba.nd, �.nd filed for record Ja,n� 26, 1888 in Book 10, Pa�e <br /> 134 �ia1Z Caunty Records. � <br /> "�11 th�,t �art of Lot l, Block 21, lying �,nd bein� in 5ections 9 and 15 in Twp. li, Naxth Ran�e <br /> 9 l�est, in Town of Grand Island, " 'oy t�arrdnty deed from Union Pacific Railway Cor�pany �.nd Fred L. <br /> A.�:es, Trustee, dated �a,y 11, 1883 a.nd filed for record A�ril 2, 1884 in Book "b" page 242� Ha.11 <br /> County records. <br /> Yotxr affi�nt further says thu.t he was well and personally acquainted with one Leavitt �G. <br /> Rollins who by warr�.nty deed dated Jan. 31, 18£38 conveyed to David C. Zink, Geor�� �f. Hunter and <br /> Julius A. 1-Iunter Zot 1 Block 21, Or��jnal Town� now City of Grand Island, �rliich said deed was dul� <br /> filed for record 1�a.rch 5 , 18�38 ir. Book 10, Page 160, Fall Count3r Reccrds. <br /> Th�.t the s�id L. Vu. Rollins and the said Le�vitt W. P.ollins were one and the same identical � <br /> person, notwithstanding the discrep�,ncy in names. <br /> Further de��onent sayeth not. ' <br /> C. V�. Brinin�e,r_.__ <br /> 8ubscribed and sworn to before me this 3Gth day of Ar�ril, 1929 � <br /> (S�r�y) 1�'. B. Hi lbert <br /> w-_.__�.�.�.._.,._..._..._.r.�.�....,. <br /> �y Corimission ex�:ires �.xch 15 , 1921. �3otary Public. <br /> �'iled for record this 30 c�ay of April 1919� a.t 2 o' clock P. M. <br /> � ,.�.�.,�����.��� � _ � <br /> Register of De� <br /> -O-Q-�-C-�-0-�-0-C-0--0-Q--0-C-�-�C-G-O-�-C-O-L-O-Q-C-0-0-0-0-�-0-Q-G-O-C?-0-0-�-C�-�-Q-O-Q-U-0-0-C-0-Q <br />� �'"ARM LFAS� ; <br /> THIS AGRFFMFNT, and entered into this 9th day of December, A. D. 1918 by and between Julia �I. <br /> 31unk �arty of the fi rst �art, �,nd E. Ray Drake party of the sec ond part� t+�ITNF�,��TH, That the said <br /> party of the first part has this day lwased unto the narty of the second part, the following des- <br />� cribed property, situ�ted in the county of Hall and st�,te of Nebrask�.� to-�+it; The 5ou'th I-�alf (S�� <br />� ' of the South East ��arter (Sr.�-} of the �torth East uarter (�TE�) of sec�ion four in Townshi eleve <br /> Q � , P n, <br /> Ran�e nine of the 6th�. togethex with the buildin�s and improvements thereon �,nd thereto appertain- <br /> ing from the lst day of D�c.rch, 1919, to the first d��T of ltdarch, 1920 and t�e said second party, in <br /> consideration of the leasin� of tihe �:�o��� nremises, hereby covenants and a�rees �vith the said party <br /> of the first part to �.ay tne party of the first part as rent for thz same as follows, to-wit : <br /> Two Hundred Fifty Dollars (�250. fl0) ta be paid in cash upon delivery of this lease. Party of the <br /> second part has the right to rernove from said �remises any build3.n�s erected or constructed by him <br /> �nd paid for by him. <br /> It is agreed by the parties nereto tY��.t no horses or cattle ox hog$ axe allowed to be turned on <br /> the alfalfa acreage or pasturec�t �n sa,me. <br /> Party af the second ��.xt is given the rig;ht to move upon the premises as soon as vacated by the <br /> �resent tenant, Sophus Schloerner. <br /> In case �arties of the second part should remuve from the premises herein mention�d before the <br /> expiration of this lease, they agree to �ive up peacal�le yossession and deliver the keys to said <br /> p�.rties of the first �art �q�ithout consideration. <br />�_ <br />