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��� �� 4�3 <br /> � <br /> � � �C� L�[��Q� �O � � ��C� O� D � � � <br /> --= ___ ==__ -__- .--_ -- - - - - - <br /> __ _ _ - - - - <br /> ,_. SYIJJ-CLOPF66q,RTLETTCO.PHINTING.LiTH04RAPHING.BTATIONERY:OMAHA ..� ..._ . �.-:.- .�.. .. . . ._:�.. � ___ _'_ _' . .^ ..___ __ __ <br /> ' "__. _ :......_._.__ �.�.::. . ...:. ..�. _ . _ -..��._ . . . . . . . . . <br /> ..� ."' ' ..--._ �_-..___ "_ �_...._' .�__� .�--" _.....___._'__`_.""-'�_ <br /> CT�RT IFI,C�TE <br /> IN THE C@t�ITY COURT OF HALL COUIv'TY, A1.FBRASKA. <br /> ; STATF 0� N�B�ASKA, ) <br /> j SS. <br /> HAI,L C OU1�TY. � <br /> I, �7. H. Mullin, Ccunty ,Tudge in and for Hall County, State of Nebraska, <br /> c�o hereby certify tha.t I by law the possession of the files and records of the County �ourt <br /> of Hall County, Nebraska, dnd tha.t said court has exclusive original �iurisdic�ion in the settle- <br /> ment of estates of deceased �exsons. <br /> I further cer'�ify that Tosephine Buttschau �ras the executrix of the last will and testament <br /> -�, <br /> of Joac�im Buttschau, deceased, duly appointed and qualified on the 9th day of Yarch, 1917, and <br /> � was such executrix on the 29th day of August, 1917� duly empowered and authorized in the premises. <br /> �itneas my hand and the se�,l of the County Court, �,t Grand Island, thi s 21st day of Ma.rch, <br /> 191°. <br /> (�AL) J. H. Mul lin <br /> �'iled for re�ord this 25 a�.3� of April Z919, �,t 9 o'clock A. M. County Judge. <br /> ��� �� <br /> Regi$ter of �esd <br /> -0-0-0-0-fl-0-�J-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-�J-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-{�-Q-O-C?-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-D- <br /> AFFIDAVIT; �tate of Nabraska, ) <br /> Fiall County. )�s. <br /> Ralph R,Horth, being first duly sworn on his oath deposea and says that he i� a <br /> xesident of �ran� Island, Nebraska, and has been a resident of Hall Caunty, Nebraska, for forty- <br /> seven years last past; Lhat he wa� well and personallq acquainted with F.F.Fedder, who rece3ved <br /> the tit�e tv Lot 5, in Block 9, in �allichs' Addition ta the City of 4rand Island, in Hall County, <br /> Nebraska, by warranty deea from 4�illiam H.H.Pillsbury and wife, re�orc�ed in Book 15 of Deeds at <br /> Page 89 of the Deed Records of Hall Caunty, Nebraska, and with Friedrich F.Fedder, whose estate <br /> was adrnini st�red in the County Court of Hall �ounty, Nebraska, and a copy of the final decree � . <br /> therein baing recorded in Book L at page 486, of the Records in the office of the Register of <br /> ' Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, and that he knows of his ov�n personal knowledge th�t said F.F. <br /> i <br /> � Fedder, and said Friedrich F.Feddar was one and the same person. <br />� <br /> ; <br /> And further affiant saith not. <br /> I, Ralph R.Rorth <br /> Subscribed in my presence and sworn tc� before me this 25th day of April, A.D.1919. <br /> � My cammission ex�►ires February l, 1925 . (SEAL) Chag.�.Ryan <br /> � � � � Notary Publia <br /> � � <br /> iFiled for re�ord on the 26 day of April 1919 at 3 o 'clock P.M. <br /> , �-�� , <br /> , Register of D�s <br /> , {��A�F�D��IgT�-`�-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o <br /> I <br /> i <br /> State of Nebraska <br /> ! s� . Gscar Roeser, being first duly sworn on his o3th deposes and says <br /> Fiall County. <br /> that he is a resident of �rand Island, Nebraska� and has bean a resi- <br /> ! dent of Hall County, Nebraska� for 42 years last past; that he was well �nd personally acquainte d <br /> Iwith F.F.Fedder, �hc re�eived the title to Lot 2 in Block 9, in Walli�hs Addition to the City of <br /> 4rand Isl:�ndy in Hall County, Nebraska, by Warranty Deed �rom �Pilliam H.H.Pillsbury and wife Eliza <br /> � . xe�orded in Boak 15 of D�ed� page 89 of the Deed Record� of Hall County, Nebraska, and with <br /> Frisdr�ch F.�'�edder, whose estate was administered in the County Court of Hall Countp, Nebraska, and <br /> a copy of the fin�l decree therein being recarded in Boo k L at page 486 of Lhe Records in the <br /> office af tha Re�istar of Deeds af HaZl Caunty, Nebraska, and that he knows of his ovvn personal <br /> knowle�ge that the said F.F.Fedder and said Fr3edrich �'.Fedder was one and the same person. <br /> And furth�r affiant saith no� . Csear Roe$er <br /> Subscr:tb�d in my presence and sworn to before me this 28th d�y of April, 19I9 . <br /> � (SEAL� W311iam Suhr <br /> Commission expires Gct .29, 1920. Notarp Public <br /> Fi1�1 for r�cord nn the 28- d�� of April 1919 at 4:30 o 'clock P.M. �����,� �R��,�,��,�.� <br /> f <br />