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�,�� <br /> ,� r.a�, e O D O p D <br /> � � �C� ���a� �0 � � � �� O � D � � <br />` .3�ZIS—SLOPP6BNRTLETTCO..PHINTING.LITH06RPpHINSa.STATfONERY;OMNHN . . ... . .. ....�. . . . . .. .. .. ... . .. .. . . . � <br /> ��,ri1 8. 19 ' <br /> Received of Grand Isi�.nd Fishing Club One Hundred �,n� Fift�en and �0/100 Dollars ($115.80) for <br /> rent of fi9hin� privileges �.s per Case on La.keview Park for years 1919 4nd 1920. <br /> G. H. �orearty. <br /> �iled for record this 21 d�.y of April 1919� at 3: 3� o' clock P. �. <br /> O�� � � <br /> Register of Dee <br /> -0-0-0-0-�J-�J-fl-(?-0-0-�J-�-�J-0-fl-0-3-0-0-0-0-0-�-U-�-0-0-0-0-t�-0-fl-0-0-0-0-0-�J�-0-0-0-0-J-0-J-J-0-0- <br /> A�'FI DA�V IT. <br /> . <br /> State of Nebraska, <br /> Hall County. j �S. <br /> �. T. Cleary, bein�; first duly sworn on his oath says that he is a resid- <br /> ent of Grand Island, Nebraska, ha,s been for more than thirty years last past a.nd tha.t he is ac- <br /> qu�,inted with "Marquis D. �Dallar" who, on the 14" day of April, 1919, with his wife, J�a$ie Wall�r, <br /> executed a warranty deed to William .Tess on the following described rea.l estate situated in Grarid <br /> Island, Hall County, Nebr�ska, to-�vit: <br /> Zot 8 in �lock 14 of Gilbert' s Addition to the Ci.ty of Grand Island, Nebraska. <br /> Affiant say� that he knows of his own personal knowled�e tha.t the �aid pMa,rquis D. pDallar" <br /> aQOVe mentioned and the "]ta.rquis A. �aller" who took title to said r�bove described lot in a <br /> �arranty deed of date Au�ust 13" 1915 , recarded in Book 49 of Deeds �.t Page 379 of the records of <br /> Ha,ll County, Nebraska, from the Realty Inve$�ment Company, are one �nd tne sume per�on. <br /> _F. J. Cleary,� � <br /> Subscribed and s�vorn to before me this 23" ddy of April, 1919. <br /> (SFAL� ,T• I.. C learv <br /> �y commiasion exnires April; 18" 1923. Not�,ry Public. � <br /> Filed for recoxd t�is 24 day of April 1919, at 4 o'�lock P.�d. <br /> �T��� �-��. ;' <br /> Register of D�e <br /> 0-�-0-0-0-fl-0-0-4-0--0-0-0-fl-�J-O-0-0-J-fl-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-fl-J-0-J-0-Q-t}-0-�-0-�-fl-J-fl-fl- <br /> AFFIDA�TIT. <br /> State of RTebraska, � <br /> } ss. <br /> Hall County � <br /> Geo. W. 91►ingert being first duly sv�orn, upon oath depose$ and says tha,t he � <br /> is well and personally acquainte� with J. F. Cox to whom I,incoln T,�nd Comp�.ny conveyed the foll- <br /> owing deseribed lands in Hall county, Nebraska, to-wit: Lot numbered fifteen (15 ? in block number- <br /> ed two (2j, in the fifth �.ddition to the town of Cairo, according to the record�d pla.t thereof. <br /> by warranty desd, dated I�ov. 26-1915 and recorded in book 49 of Real estate on p��e �91 in th� <br /> Register of Deeds office of Hall county �.nd with John E. Cox who conveyed said premises to ,Tohn <br /> T. Koch by Warranty dee�, dated Apr. 24th-39�9,and affiant positf�ely knorvs that the �aid �T. E. <br /> Cox and John E. Cox are one and the same person, notwithstanding the d3screpancy in names. <br /> Ge o. 4�. Win�e rt <br /> Subscri�ed r�nd s�rorn to before me this 24th d�.y of April 1919. <br /> (SFAL) G. �i. Vant <br /> �Iy commission$ 8ept. S, 1924 �dotary Publie. <br /> Filed for record this 25 day of April 1919, at 9 o'clock A. �. <br /> � �,�� <br /> Re�i�t�r of Dee s <br /> -0-4-t�-4-0-0-�J-fl-J-(3-0-Q-0-�-0-0-�-0-Q-�-fl-0-0-G-0-�-0-�J-0-0-a-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- <br /> / <br />