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,' �:, <br /> �a <br />�� 4t�(� � <br /> i � � � D �� C��Q� �O � � � �� O� D � � �:�:� <br /> :_. _ __ �- - <br /> _ _ -- - - -= = _. -- � ;_ - <br /> 3�Z I J'—CLOPP A BARiLETT GO..Pfl I NTI NG�Lt7H 06 flA?H!NG.STATIONEHY�OMA}Ib <br />�.. . -:�- . � . .. . . �� . _. � . . <br /> _ _ ' _ _"__._ -._ _._�-jr- _ �`.__ <br /> AFFIDAVIT OF TDE�STIFICATION <br /> State of Nebraska) � � <br /> 1 ss. <br />' Hall County ) Ch�rles E. Bre�er being first duly s�vo�na upon oath deposes and ��ys tha.t <br /> he i.s v�ell �.nd p�rsonally acquainted w3th W. E. Blair who is mentioned in the �robate pxoceeding� <br /> of the estate of Alice J. P.undlett� deceased in the following described lands in Hall County, a <br /> 2�ebraska, to-wit: The West Half of the Fouth-east quarter of Section nur.iber Twenty Four in <br /> To�rnship Twelve, Ran�e Twelve. �nd recorded in book 1 of County Court Reeords on p�age 129 in � <br /> �� <br /> Hall County and �ith �illiam S. Blair who cor�veyed said premises to Gevrge F`leb�be by warranty � <br /> � <br /> deed� d�ted Sep 25. . 1911 and affir�nt �ositively knows that the eaid �. S. L1sir and Wiiliam S. � <br /> � <br /> Blair are one �.rid the s�me �erson, notwithst�nding the discrepancy in nr�e s. <br /> Charles �. Brewer <br /> Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27" day of Dec 1912 <br /> I�y commission expires July 27, 1916 ($�,t4�) �*• C• �aven, <br /> Notary Pub3ic. <br /> Filed for recoxd this 18 day of April 1919, ut 9 0'clock A. �f. <br /> � � <br /> _ Register of Dee�i ' <br /> -0-0-0-�-fl-0-fl-0-0-C-0-C-C-G-O-G-C-0-0-0-�0-�-0-0-0�(��G-0-0-0-G-G-0-u-0-0-4-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-J-J-O <br /> AFFSDl�.STIT 0� IDENT'IFICAT IOAt <br /> State of Atebraska } <br /> � ss. _ <br /> Hall County j G. C. i�aven being first duly sworn, upon or�th deposes and say�� that <br /> he is v�ell and per9onally �.cquainted witY� �nerett Rundlett who is mentioned in the probate pro- <br /> ceedings of the eatate of Alice J. �undlett, deceased in the following ,described lande �:n H�11 <br /> county, Nebraska, to-�rit: The l�est Ha1P of the uouth-ea�t qua.rter of Sect,f on number T�renty Four - <br /> in Township Twelve, I�unge `lwelve. and recorded in book 1 of County Court Records on pa�e 129 in <br /> Hall county and with l�verett R. Rundlett who conveyed sa,id premises to Gearge Fl�bbe by Warranty <br /> deed, dat�d Sep' t 25-1�11 and �.ffiant �ositively knows thr�.t the said averett Rund�.ett and Lverett ��' <br /> '� <br /> R. �ur�dlett axe one �.nd tne same oerson, notwithstariding the discr�pancy in names. � <br /> G. C. �aven <br /> Subscribed an3 sworn to �ePore me this 26th day of Fsb. 1'�19. • <br /> I�y Commission expires Uct. 28. 1919. (SEAI,) Geo. �. �ingert <br /> Kotary �ublic. <br />! Filed f�r record this 18 day of A�ri1 1919, at 9 o+ciock A.]�. <br /> . <br /> ������ � <br /> R�gis_ter of Dead� <br />; , <br /> i -0-0-0-�-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-4-0-�J-0-0-fl-fl-O-J-G-�-0-0-0-a-0-0-Q-0-fl-0-0-0-Q-0 <br /> AFFIDAVIT OF IDENTIFICATI0�1' <br /> State of Illinois� ) <br /> j ss. <br /> �enard County ) An�on Thompson being first duly sworn. uvon oatM deposes and says that <br /> ihe was �vell and person�.11y ac�uainted �rith Warren P. Cox to whom S. D. Rannels & wife and �alter ' <br /> C. i{ing and �ife conveS7ed �Ghe following described lands in Ha.11 county, Nebra.ska. to-vrit: �1'est <br /> half of Sauth-east Quarter of Sectian 24, in Townshi� i2, North. of Range 12. �est of 6th P. M. � <br /> � <br /> by �arrdnty deed� dated July 11, 1876 and recorded in book G of Deeds on page 172 in the Re�ister <br /> of Deeds� office of s�,id Hall county and with W. P. Cox. wl�o, with his wife,e Qnv�y�d said premia�s <br /> to John �'. Powers by warr�,nty deed, dated April �3, 1877 xecorded an �ook G, r�a,�e 505 and �' <br /> a.ffiant �ositivaly knorvs that the sdid Warxen P. Cox and W. P. Cox are one and the same �erson, <br /> . � <br /> notwithstandin� the discrepancy in name$. <br /> Anson T hompson <br /> Subscribed and sworn to before �e this lOth day of April 1919 - <br /> I.�star B. �tt <br /> �y Commission expires Au�ust spth. . 1921 ����'� �3otary Public. <br /> Filed for record tnis 18 d�.y of April 1919, at 9 o'clack A• �• <br />�, � � � . .. �iG�9� � . <br />; Register of Deeds � <br /> -0-0-0-0.-0-�J-0-0-0-0-�J-fl-J-0-0-0-0-4-0-a-0-0-0-0-0-t�-0'0-fl-0-Q-U-O-n-Q-4-0-0-0-q-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0� � <br /> :�:�°. <br />, <br />� <br />